Renegade bug fix's/enhancements: 1. Due to space limitations, the file listing display will utilize bytes or kbytes depending on the file point settings in the system configuration. To be consistant, this process is now also being utilized for the file size displayed when a file is selected for download. 2. When a file is selected for viewing, the user will be cautioned that the file is not checked to ensure it is an ascii text file and then asked if they would like to continue. 3. The file listing download and add batch prompt has been cleaned up. It would formally allow input of '-' by itself or the '-' proceeding or following a file number and alpha characters. The input of an invalid file number will now display a message to the user. 4. Adding a file to the batch queue from the file listing display will now display all the file information related to that file. It will also now properly check the file to ensure it is ok to download and send it thru the proper ratio checks. I have to admit that this was an oversite on my part when I added the ability to select a file by number. Basically it now goes directly thru the DLX procedure vice being added directly to the batch download queue. Enjoy!!!