{$IFDEF WIN32} {$I DEFINES.INC} {$ENDIF} PROGRAM RGQUOTE; USES Crt, Dos; TYPE StrPointerRec = RECORD Pointer, TextSize: LongInt; END; VAR RGStrFile: FILE; StrPointerFile: FILE OF StrPointerRec; StrPointer: StrPointerRec; F: Text; S: STRING; RGStrNum: LongInt; Done,Found: Boolean; FUNCTION AllCaps(S: STRING): STRING; VAR I: Integer; BEGIN FOR I := 1 TO Length(S) DO IF (S[I] IN ['a'..'z']) THEN S[I] := Chr(Ord(S[I]) - Ord('a')+Ord('A')); AllCaps := S; END; FUNCTION Exist(FN: STRING): Boolean; VAR DirInfo: SearchRec; BEGIN FindFirst(FN,AnyFile,DirInfo); Exist := (DosError = 0); end; BEGIN CLrScr; WriteLn('Renegade Quote String Compiler Version 1.0'); Writeln('Copyright 2006 - The Renegade Developement Team'); WriteLn; IF (ParamCount < 1) THEN Writeln(^G^G^G'Please specify a file name!') ELSE IF (Pos('.',ParamStr(1)) = 0) THEN WriteLn(^G^G^G'Please Specify a valid file name (Example: "Name.Ext")') ELSE IF (Length(ParamStr(1)) > 12) THEN Writeln(^G^G^G'The file name must not be longer then twelve characters!') ELSE IF (NOT Exist(ParamStr(1))) THEN WriteLn(^G^G^G'That file name was not found!') ELSE BEGIN S := ParamStr(1); Write('Compiling strings ... '); Found := TRUE; Assign(StrPointerFile,Copy(S,1,(Pos('.',S) - 1))+'.PTR'); ReWrite(StrPointerFile); Assign(RGStrFile,Copy(S,1,(Pos('.',S) - 1))+'.DAT'); ReWrite(RGStrFile,1); Assign(F,ParamStr(1)); Reset(F); WHILE NOT EOF(F) DO BEGIN ReadLn(F,S); IF (S <> '') AND (S[1] = '$') THEN BEGIN Delete(S,1,1); S := AllCaps(S); Done := FALSE; WITH StrPointer DO BEGIN Pointer := (FileSize(RGStrFile) + 1); TextSize := 0; END; Seek(RGStrFile,FileSize(RGStrFile)); WHILE NOT EOF(F) AND (NOT Done) DO BEGIN ReadLn(F,S); IF (S[1] = '$') THEN Done := TRUE ELSE BEGIN Inc(StrPointer.TextSize,(Length(S) + 1)); BlockWrite(RGStrFile,S,(Length(S) + 1)); END; END; Seek(StrPointerFile,FileSize(StrPointerFile)); Write(StrPointerFile,StrPointer); END; END; Close(F); Close(RGStrFile); Close(StrPointerFile); WriteLn('Done!') END; END.