# https://www.lightsaml.com/SP-Bundle/Getting-started/ # https://github.com/hslavich/OneloginSamlBundle imports: - { resource: parameters.yml } - { resource: security.yml } - { resource: services.yml } - { resource: snc_redis.yml } # Put parameters here that don't need to change on each machine where the app is deployed # http://symfony.com/doc/current/best_practices/configuration.html#application-related-configuration parameters: locale: en framework: cache: app: cache.adapter.redis system: cache.adapter.redis default_redis_provider: "redis://redis" #esi: ~ translator: { fallbacks: ['%locale%'] } secret: '%secret%' router: resource: '%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml' strict_requirements: ~ form: ~ csrf_protection: ~ validation: { enable_annotations: true } #serializer: { enable_annotations: true } templating: engines: ['twig'] default_locale: '%locale%' trusted_hosts: ~ trusted_proxies: ~ session: # http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/configuration/framework.html#handler-id handler_id: snc_redis.session.handler #handler_id: session.handler.native_file #save_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../var/sessions/%kernel.environment%" fragments: ~ http_method_override: true assets: ~ php_errors: log: true # Twig Configuration twig: debug: '%kernel.debug%' strict_variables: '%kernel.debug%' # Doctrine Configuration doctrine: dbal: driver: pdo_mysql host: '%database_host%' port: '%database_port%' dbname: '%database_name%' user: '%database_user%' password: '%database_password%' charset: UTF8 # if using pdo_sqlite as your database driver: # 1. add the path in parameters.yml # e.g. database_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../var/data/data.sqlite" # 2. Uncomment database_path in parameters.yml.dist # 3. Uncomment next line: #path: '%database_path%' orm: query_cache_driver: type: predis host: ~ port: ~ instance_class: ~ class: ~ id: ~ namespace: doughnut_query_cache cache_provider: 'predis' metadata_cache_driver: type: predis host: ~ port: ~ instance_class: ~ class: ~ id: ~ namespace: doughnut_metadata_cache cache_provider: 'predis' result_cache_driver: type: predis host: ~ port: ~ instance_class: ~ class: ~ id: ~ namespace: doughnut_result_cache cache_provider: 'predis' second_level_cache: region_cache_driver: type: predis host: ~ port: ~ instance_class: ~ class: ~ id: ~ namespace: doughnut_region_cache cache_provider: 'predis' auto_generate_proxy_classes: '%kernel.debug%' naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore auto_mapping: true doctrine_cache: providers: predis: type: predis namespace: doughnut_doctrine # Swiftmailer Configuration swiftmailer: transport: '%mailer_transport%' host: '%mailer_host%' username: '%mailer_user%' password: '%mailer_password%' spool: { type: memory } hwi_oauth: firewall_names: [secured_area] resource_owners: facebook: type: facebook client_id: '1821112348143190' client_secret: '155bc602a7e30e4227625c29c8b124c6' scope: 'email,public_profile' google: type: google client_id: '1076229066413-3rf8q0qjurn4h190dagi98tp0a10obe6.apps.googleusercontent.com' client_secret: 'zQN32g_7lUz4dZ7E9kgY6nHe' scope: "email profile" options: access_type: offline amazon: type: amazon client_id: 'amzn1.application-oa2-client.15f87b8a4f23465b9022ba0a3f55610d' client_secret: '84d6f402c53386ae0f196062945f217dcc56e7b7122cffb76c95b6a5775d22e0' instagram: type: instagram client_id: ' 70e7edd280834c429d49f985ff308230' client_secret: '9c405020a3ef412086032a4514909705' twitter: type: twitter client_id: 'YmXGQN2Az0eTlkwJrnaO2wR9r' client_secret: 'c73cBI7uj562BU4bBSHfNDcKHgM5aVo8sousjgUdDNBZFXxFHI' windows: type: windows_live client_id: 'f9dc3dd7-1b1c-4b8c-acdf-f40611ab550d' client_secret: 'fy5prOcKeLKNTB616WinrPt' scope: wl.signin yahoo: type: yahoo client_id: 'dj0yJmk9SndXWm05Tk5yME9MJmQ9WVdrOVRYTkVUVWRHTjJjbWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1lMw--' client_secret: '4f837f738d6c4df38eaedc7babe4d8f405f8cc0f' fosub: # try 30 times to check if a username is available (foo, foo1, foo2 etc) username_iterations: 30 # mapping between resource owners (see below) and properties properties: google: googleId facebook: facebookId amazon: amazonId instagram: instagramId twitter: twitterId windows_live: windowsId yahoo: yahooId # if you want to use 'connect' and do not use the FOSUB integration, configure these separately connect: ~ fos_user: db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb' and 'couchdb' firewall_name: secured_area user_class: Sikofitt\DoughnutWeddingBundle\Entity\User from_email: address: noreply@doughnutwedding.com sender_name: "No Reply" registration: form: type: Sikofitt\DoughnutWeddingBundle\Form\RegistrationType sikofitt_doughnut_wedding: max_rsvps: ~