response->setBody( \Hathor\Format::tojson($ret) ); } function hathor_get_error($type = HATHOR_NO_RESULTS) { // print_r(json_decode('{"errors":[{"code":215,"message":"Bad Authentication data."}]}')); $error['errors'][] = [ 'code' => 404, 'message' => 'No results found.' ]; return \Hathor\Format::tojson($error); } function hathor_years_get_options() { $return['GET'][] = [ 'int' => 'year', 'description' => 'The year of the album' ]; return \Hathor\Format::tojson($return, true); } $app->get('/track/play/:tid', function($tid) use ($app) { $track = get_track($tid); $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'audio/mpeg'); $app->response->setBody( file_get_contents( $track['uri'] ) ); /*$content = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $track['uri'] ) ); if( file_exists( dirname($track['uri']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'album.jpg' ) ): $albumart = base64_encode( file_get_contents( dirname($track['uri']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'album.jpg' ) ); else: $albumart = base64_encode( file_get_contents( '' ) ); endif; print sprintf('', $albumart); print sprintf('', $content); */ } ); function get_track($tid) { global $config; $pdo = new Hathor\Connection(); //get_connection($config['db']); $selectStatement = $pdo->select() ->from('tracks') ->where('tid','=', $tid); $stmt = $selectStatement->execute(); $ret = $stmt->fetch(); close_connection($pdo); return $ret; } function hathor_get_album($aid) { $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance(); global $config; $album = get_album($aid); $request = $app->request; $res = $app->response; $res->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $res->setStatus(200); if($request->isOptions()): $res->headers->set('Allow', 'GET, OPTIONS'); $res->setBody("200 OK\nAllow: GET,OPTIONS\n"); else: $json['status'] = 200; foreach($config->defaults['cover_files'] as $cover): if( file_exists( dirname($album[0]['uri']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cover ) ): $albumcover = dirname($album[0]['uri']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cover; break; else: continue; endif; endforeach; if(isset($albumcover)): $meta = getimagesize($albumcover, $info); $meta = array( 'width' => $meta[0], 'height'=> $meta[1], 'bits' => isset($meta['bits']) ? $meta['bits'] : null, 'mime' => isset($meta['mime']) ? $meta['mime'] : null, 'extra' => empty($info) ? null : $info ); $cover = array( 'base64' => base64_encode( file_get_contents( $albumcover ) ), 'uri' => $albumcover, 'size' => \Hathor\Format::tokb( filesize($albumcover) ), 'meta' => $meta ); else: $meta = getimagesize(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '../images/album.jpg', $info); $meta = array( 'width' => $meta[0], 'height'=> $meta[1], 'bits' => isset($meta['bits']) ? $meta['bits'] : null, 'mime' => isset($meta['mime']) ? $meta['mime'] : null, 'extra' => empty($info) ? null : $info ); $cover = array( 'base64' => base64_encode( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '../images/album.jpg' ) ), 'uri' => $request->getResourceUri(), 'size' => filesize(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '../images/album.jpg'), 'meta' => $meta ); endif; foreach($album as $track): $tr[ $track['track'] ] = array( 'tid' => $track['tid'], 'title' => $track['title'], 'genre' => $track['genre'], 'track' => $track['track'], 'length' => $track['length'], 'playtime' => sprintf('%d:%02d',$track['minutes'], $track['seconds']), 'size' => sprintf('%.02f MB', ( filesize($track['uri']) / 1024 ) / 1024 ) ); endforeach; $json['response'] = array( 'artist' => $album[0]['artist'], 'arid' => $album[0]['arid'], 'album' => $album[0]['album'], 'aid' => $album[0]['aid'], 'cover' => $cover, 'total' => count($tr), 'tracks' => $tr ); $res->setBody( json_encode($json) ); endif; } function get_album($aid) { global $config; $pdo = new Hathor\Connection();//get_connection($config['db']); $selectStatement = $pdo->select( array('tid','title','track','arid','artist','aid','album','year','genre','label','minutes','seconds','length','uri') ) ->distinct() ->groupBy('tid') ->orderBy('track', 'ASC') ->from('tracks') ->where('aid','=',$aid); $stmt = $selectStatement->execute(); $ret = $stmt->fetchAll(); close_connection($pdo); return $ret; } $app->get('/artist/:arid', function ($arid) use($app) { $app->response->headers()->set('Content-Type','application/json'); $app->response->setBody(json_encode(get_artist($arid))); })->conditions( array('id' => '[\w\d]+') ); function get_artist($arid) { global $config; $pdo = new Hathor\Connection(); $selectStatement = $pdo->select( array('arid','artist') ) //->distinct() ->groupby('arid') ->from('artists') ->where('arid','=',$arid); $stmt = $selectStatement->execute(); $ret = $stmt->fetchAll(); close_connection($pdo); return $ret; } function get_artists() { global $config; $test = new \Hathor\Connection(); $pdo = new Hathor\Connection(); $selectStatement = $pdo->select(array('name','arid')) ->orderBy('name') ->from('artists'); $stmt = $selectStatement->execute(); $ret = $stmt->fetchAll(); close_connection($pdo); return $ret; } function get_years() { } function close_connection(\Slim\PDO\Database $db) { $db = null; return true; } $app->run();