Unit NodeSpy_Term; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure Terminal; Implementation Uses DOS, m_Types, m_DateTime, m_Strings, m_FileIO, m_IniReader, m_QuickSort, m_io_Base, m_io_Sockets, m_Protocol_Base, m_Protocol_Queue, m_Protocol_Zmodem, m_Input, m_Output, m_Term_Ansi, m_MenuBox, m_MenuForm, m_MenuInput, NodeSpy_Common; {$I NODESPY_ANSITERM.PAS} Type PhoneRec = Record Position : LongInt; Name : String[26]; Address : String[60]; User : String[30]; Password : String[20]; StatusBar : Boolean; LastCall : String[8]; Calls : String[5]; End; PhoneBookRec = Array[1..100] of PhoneRec; Var IsBookLoaded : Boolean; Function StripAddressPort (Str : String) : String; Var A : Byte; Begin A := Pos(':', Str); If A > 0 Then StripAddressPort := Copy(Str, 1, A - 1) Else StripAddressPort := Str; End; Function GetAddressPort (Addr : String) : Word; Var A : Byte; Begin A := Pos(':', Addr); If A > 0 Then GetAddressPort := strS2I(Copy(Addr, A+1, Length(Addr))) Else GetAddressPort := 23; End; Function GetTransferType : Byte; Var List : TMenuList; Begin List := TMenuList.Create(TOutput(Screen)); List.Box.Header := ' Transfer Type '; List.Box.HeadAttr := 1 + 7 * 16; List.Box.FrameType := 6; List.Box.Box3D := True; List.PosBar := False; List.Add('Zmodem: Download', 0); List.Add('Zmodem: Upload', 0); List.Open (30, 11, 49, 14); List.Box.Close; Case List.ExitCode of #27 : GetTransferType := 0; Else GetTransferType := List.Picked; End; List.Free; End; Function GetNewRecord : PhoneRec; Begin FillChar (Result, SizeOf(PhoneRec), 0); Result.StatusBar := True; Result.LastCall := '00/00/00'; Result.Calls := '0'; End; Procedure InitializeBook (Var Book: PhoneBookRec); Var Count : SmallInt; Begin For Count := 1 to 100 Do Book[Count] := GetNewRecord; Book[1].Name := 'Local Login'; Book[1].Address := 'localhost:' + strI2S(Config.INetTNPort); End; Procedure WriteBook (Var Book: PhoneBookRec); Var OutFile : Text; Buffer : Array[1..4096] of Char; Count : SmallInt; Begin //ShowMsgBox (2, 'Saving phonebook'); Assign (OutFile, 'nodespy.phn'); SetTextBuf (OutFile, Buffer); ReWrite (OutFile); For Count := 1 to 100 Do Begin WriteLn (OutFile, '[' + strI2S(Count) + ']'); WriteLn (OutFile, #9 + 'name=' + Book[Count].Name); WriteLn (OutFile, #9 + 'address=' + Book[Count].Address); WriteLn (OutFile, #9 + 'user=' + Book[Count].User); WriteLn (OutFile, #9 + 'pass=' + Book[Count].Password); WriteLn (OutFile, #9 + 'statusbar=', Ord(Book[Count].StatusBar)); WriteLn (OutFile, #9 + 'last=' + Book[Count].LastCall); WriteLn (OutFile, #9 + 'calls=' + Book[Count].Calls); WriteLn (OutFile, ''); End; Close (OutFile); End; Procedure LoadBook (Var Book: PhoneBookRec); Var INI : TIniReader; Count : SmallInt; Begin ShowMsgBox (2, 'Loading phonebook'); INI := TIniReader.Create('nodespy.phn'); INI.Sequential := True; For Count := 1 to 100 Do Begin Book[Count].Name := INI.ReadString(strI2S(Count), 'name', ''); Book[Count].Address := INI.ReadString(strI2S(Count), 'address', ''); Book[Count].User := INI.ReadString(strI2S(Count), 'user', ''); Book[Count].Password := INI.ReadString(strI2S(Count), 'pass', ''); Book[Count].StatusBar := INI.ReadString(strI2S(Count), 'statusbar', '1') = '1'; Book[Count].LastCall := INI.ReadString(strI2S(Count), 'last', ''); Book[Count].Calls := INI.ReadString(strI2S(Count), 'calls', ''); Book[Count].Position := Count; End; INI.Free; End; Procedure ActivateScrollback; Var TopPage : Integer; BotPage : Integer; WinSize : Byte; Image : TConsoleImageRec; Procedure DrawPage; Var Count : Integer; YPos : Integer; Begin YPos := 1; For Count := TopPage to BotPage Do Begin Screen.WriteLineRec (YPos, Screen.ScrollBuf[Count + 1]); Inc (YPos); End; End; Var Per : Byte; LastPer : Byte; BarPos : Byte; Offset : Byte; StatusOn : Boolean; Procedure DrawStatus; Begin LastPer := 0; StatusOn := True; Screen.WriteXY (1, 23 + Offset, 15, strRep('Ü', 80)); Screen.WriteXY (1, 25 + Offset, 8, strRep('ß', 80)); Screen.WriteXYPipe (1, 24 + Offset, 112, 80, ' Scrollback |01ESC|00/|01Quit |01Space|00/|01Status |00( /|01' + strPadR(strI2S(Screen.ScrollPos-1), 4, ' ') + '|00) '); End; Begin If Screen.ScrollPos <= 0 Then Begin ShowMsgBox(0, 'No scrollback data'); Exit; End; Case Screen.ScreenSize of 25 : Begin Offset := 0; WinSize := 21; End; 50 : Begin Offset := 25; WinSize := 46; End; End; Screen.GetScreenImage(1, 1, 80, Screen.ScreenSize, Image); Screen.ClearScreen; TopPage := Screen.ScrollPos - WinSize - 1; BotPage := Screen.ScrollPos - 1; If TopPage < 0 Then TopPage := 0; DrawStatus; DrawPage; Repeat If StatusOn Then Begin Screen.WriteXY (70, 24 + Offset, 113, strPadL(strI2S(BotPage), 4, ' ')); Per := Round(BotPage / Screen.ScrollPos * 100 / 10); If Per = 0 Then Per := 1; If LastPer <> Per Then Begin BarPos := 0; Screen.WriteXY (58, 24 + Offset, 8, '°°°°°°°°°°'); Repeat Inc (BarPos); Case BarPos of 1 : Screen.WriteXY (58, 24 + Offset, 1, '°'); 2 : Screen.WriteXY (59, 24 + Offset, 1, '±'); 3 : Screen.WriteXY (60, 24 + Offset, 1, '²'); 4 : Screen.WriteXY (61, 24 + Offset, 1, 'Û'); 5 : Screen.WriteXY (62, 24 + Offset, 25, '°'); 6 : Screen.WriteXY (63, 24 + Offset, 25, '±'); 7 : Screen.WriteXY (64, 24 + Offset, 25, '²'); 8 : Screen.WriteXY (65, 24 + Offset, 9, 'Û'); 9 : Screen.WriteXY (66, 24 + Offset, 27, '±'); 10: Screen.WriteXY (67, 24 + Offset, 27, '²'); End; Until BarPos = Per; LastPer := Per; End; End; Case Keyboard.ReadKey of #00 : Case Keyboard.ReadKey of keyHOME : If TopPage > 0 Then Begin TopPage := 0; BotPage := WinSize; DrawPage; End; keyEND : If BotPage <> Screen.ScrollPos - 1 Then Begin TopPage := Screen.ScrollPos - 1 - WinSize; BotPage := Screen.ScrollPos - 1; DrawPage; End; keyUP : If TopPage > 0 Then Begin Dec (TopPage); Dec (BotPage); DrawPage; End; keyDOWN : If BotPage < Screen.ScrollPos - 1 Then Begin Inc (TopPage); Inc (BotPage); DrawPage; End; keyPGUP : If TopPage - WinSize > 0 Then Begin Dec (TopPage, WinSize); Dec (BotPage, WinSize); DrawPage; End Else Begin TopPage := 0; BotPage := WinSize; DrawPage; End; keyPGDN : If BotPage + WinSize < Screen.ScrollPos - 1 Then Begin Inc (TopPage, WinSize + 1); Inc (BotPage, WinSize + 1); DrawPage; End Else Begin TopPage := Screen.ScrollPos - WinSize - 1; BotPage := Screen.ScrollPos - 1; DrawPage; End; End; #27 : Break; #32 : Begin If StatusOn Then Begin Case Screen.ScreenSize of 25 : WinSize := 24; 50 : WinSize := 49; End; StatusOn := False; Inc (BotPage, 3); If BotPage > Screen.ScrollPos - 1 Then Begin TopPage := Screen.ScrollPos - WinSize - 1; BotPage := Screen.ScrollPos - 1; If TopPage < 0 Then TopPage := 0; End; DrawPage; End Else Begin StatusOn := True; Case Screen.ScreenSize of 25 : WinSize := 21; 50 : WinSize := 46; End; Dec (BotPage, 3); DrawStatus; DrawPage; End; End; End; Until False; Screen.PutScreenImage(Image); End; Function ProtocolAbort : Boolean; Begin Result := Keyboard.KeyPressed and (KeyBoard.ReadKey = #27); End; Procedure ProtocolStatusUpdate (Starting, Ending, Status: RecProtocolStatus); Var KBRate : LongInt; Begin Screen.WriteXY (19, 10, 113, strPadR(Status.FileName, 56, ' ')); Screen.WriteXY (19, 11, 113, strPadR(strComma(Status.FileSize), 15, ' ')); Screen.WriteXY (19, 12, 113, strPadR(strComma(Status.Position), 15, ' ')); Screen.WriteXY (64, 11, 113, strPadR(strI2S(Status.Errors), 3, ' ')); KBRate := 0; If (TimerSeconds - Status.StartTime > 0) and (Status.Position > 0) Then KBRate := Round((Status.Position / (TimerSeconds - Status.StartTime)) / 1024); Screen.WriteXY (64, 12, 113, strPadR(strI2S(KBRate) + ' k/sec', 12, ' ')); End; Procedure ProtocolStatusDraw; Var Box : TMenuBox; Begin Box := TMenuBox.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Box.Open (6, 8, 76, 14); Box.Header := ' Zmodem File Transfer '; (* Screen.WriteXY (6, 8, 120, '+' + strRep('-', 69) + '+'); Screen.WriteXY (6, 9, 120, '+' + strRep(' ', 69) + '+'); Screen.WriteXY (6, 10, 120, '+' + strRep(' ', 69) + '+'); Screen.WriteXY (6, 11, 120, '+' + strRep(' ', 69) + '+'); Screen.WriteXY (6, 12, 120, '+' + strRep(' ', 69) + '+'); Screen.WriteXY (6, 13, 120, '+' + strRep(' ', 69) + '+'); Screen.WriteXY (6, 14, 120, '+' + strRep('-', 69) + '+'); *) Screen.WriteXY ( 8, 10, 112, 'File Name:'); Screen.WriteXY (13, 11, 112, 'Size:'); Screen.WriteXY ( 9, 12, 112, 'Position:'); Screen.WriteXY (56, 11, 112, 'Errors:'); Screen.WriteXY (58, 12, 112, 'Rate:'); Box.Free; End; Function GetUploadFileName : String; Const ColorBox = 31; ColorBar = 7 + 0 * 16; Var DirList : TMenuList; FileList : TMenuList; InStr : TMenuInput; Str : String; Path : String; Mask : String; OrigDIR : String; Procedure UpdateInfo; Begin Screen.WriteXY (8, 7, 31, strPadR(Path, 40, ' ')); Screen.WriteXY (8, 21, 31, strPadR(Mask, 40, ' ')); End; Procedure CreateLists; Var Dir : SearchRec; DirSort : TQuickSort; FileSort : TQuickSort; Count : LongInt; Begin DirList.Clear; FileList.Clear; While Path[Length(Path)] = PathSep Do Dec(Path[0]); ChDir(Path); Path := Path + PathSep; If IoResult <> 0 Then Exit; DirList.Picked := 1; FileList.Picked := 1; UpdateInfo; DirSort := TQuickSort.Create; FileSort := TQuickSort.Create; FindFirst (Path + '*', AnyFile - VolumeID, Dir); While DosError = 0 Do Begin If (Dir.Attr And Directory = 0) or ((Dir.Attr And Directory <> 0) And (Dir.Name = '.')) Then Begin FindNext(Dir); Continue; End; DirSort.Add (Dir.Name, 0); FindNext (Dir); End; FindClose(Dir); FindFirst (Path + Mask, AnyFile - VolumeID, Dir); While DosError = 0 Do Begin If Dir.Attr And Directory <> 0 Then Begin FindNext(Dir); Continue; End; FileSort.Add(Dir.Name, 0); FindNext(Dir); End; FindClose(Dir); DirSort.Sort (1, DirSort.Total, qAscending); FileSort.Sort (1, FileSort.Total, qAscending); For Count := 1 to DirSort.Total Do DirList.Add(DirSort.Data[Count]^.Name, 0); For Count := 1 to FileSort.Total Do FileList.Add(FileSort.Data[Count]^.Name, 0); DirSort.Free; FileSort.Free; Screen.WriteXY (14, 9, 113, strPadR('(' + strComma(FileList.ListMax) + ')', 7, ' ')); Screen.WriteXY (53, 9, 113, strPadR('(' + strComma(DirList.ListMax) + ')', 7, ' ')); End; Var Box : TMenuBox; Done : Boolean; Mode : Byte; Begin Result := ''; Path := XferPath; Mask := '*.*'; Box := TMenuBox.Create(TOutput(Screen)); DirList := TMenuList.Create(TOutput(Screen)); FileList := TMenuList.Create(TOutput(Screen)); GetDIR (0, OrigDIR); FileList.NoWindow := True; FileList.LoChars := #9#13#27; FileList.HiChars := #77; FileList.HiAttr := ColorBar; FileList.LoAttr := ColorBox; DirList.NoWindow := True; DirList.NoInput := True; DirList.HiAttr := ColorBox; DirList.LoAttr := ColorBox; Box.Header := ' Upload file '; Box.Open (6, 5, 74, 22); Screen.WriteXY ( 8, 6, 113, 'Directory'); Screen.WriteXY ( 8, 9, 113, 'Files'); Screen.WriteXY (41, 9, 113, 'Directories'); Screen.WriteXY ( 8, 20, 113, 'File Mask'); Screen.WriteXY ( 8, 21, 31, strRep(' ', 40)); CreateLists; DirList.Open (40, 9, 72, 19); DirList.Update; Done := False; Repeat FileList.Open (7, 9, 39, 19); Case FileList.ExitCode of #09, #77 : Begin FileList.HiAttr := ColorBox; DirList.NoInput := False; DirList.LoChars := #09#13#27; DirList.HiChars := #75; DirList.HiAttr := ColorBar; FileList.Update; Repeat DirList.Open(40, 9, 72, 19); Case DirList.ExitCode of #09 : Begin DirList.HiAttr := ColorBox; DirList.Update; Mode := 1; InStr := TMenuInput.Create(TOutput(Screen)); InStr.LoChars := #09#13#27; Repeat Case Mode of 1 : Begin Str := InStr.GetStr(8, 21, 40, 255, 1, Mask); Case InStr.ExitCode of #09 : Mode := 2; #13 : Begin Mask := Str; CreateLists; FileList.Update; DirList.Update; End; #27 : Begin Done := True; Break; End; End; End; 2 : Begin UpdateInfo; Str := InStr.GetStr(8, 7, 40, 255, 1, Path); Case InStr.ExitCode of #09 : Break; #13 : Begin ChDir(Str); If IoResult = 0 Then Begin Path := Str; CreateLists; FileList.Update; DirList.Update; End; End; #27 : Begin Done := True; Break; End; End; End; End; Until False; InStr.Free; UpdateInfo; Break; End; #13 : If DirList.ListMax > 0 Then Begin ChDir (DirList.List[DirList.Picked]^.Name); GetDir (0, Path); Path := Path + PathSep; CreateLists; FileList.Update; End; #27 : Done := True; #75 : Break; End; Until Done; DirList.NoInput := True; DirList.HiAttr := ColorBox; FileList.HiAttr := ColorBar; DirList.Update; End; #13 : If FileList.ListMax > 0 Then Begin Result := Path + FileList.List[FileList.Picked]^.Name; Break; End; #27 : Break; End; Until Done; ChDIR(OrigDIR); FileList.Free; DirList.Free; Box.Close; Box.Free; End; Procedure DoZmodemDownload (Var Client: TIOBase); Var Zmodem : TProtocolZmodem; Image : TConsoleImageRec; Queue : TProtocolQueue; Begin If Not DirExists(XferPath) Then Begin ShowMsgBox (0, 'Download directory does not exist'); Exit; End; Queue := TProtocolQueue.Create; Zmodem := TProtocolZmodem.Create(Client, Queue); Screen.GetScreenImage(1, 1, 80, Screen.ScreenSize, Image); ProtocolStatusDraw; Zmodem.StatusProc := @ProtocolStatusUpdate; Zmodem.AbortProc := @ProtocolAbort; Zmodem.ReceivePath := XferPath; Zmodem.CurBufSize := 8 * 1024; Zmodem.QueueReceive; Zmodem.Free; Queue.Free; Screen.PutScreenImage(Image); End; Procedure DoZmodemUpload (Var Client: TIOBase); Var FileName : String; Zmodem : TProtocolZmodem; Image : TConsoleImageRec; Queue : TProtocolQueue; Begin FileName := GetUploadFileName; If FileName = '' Then Exit; Queue := TProtocolQueue.Create; Zmodem := TProtocolZmodem.Create(Client, Queue); Screen.GetScreenImage(1, 1, 80, Screen.ScreenSize, Image); ProtocolStatusDraw; Zmodem.StatusProc := @ProtocolStatusUpdate; Zmodem.AbortProc := @ProtocolAbort; Queue.Add(JustPath(FileName), JustFile(FileName), ''); Zmodem.QueueSend; Zmodem.Free; Queue.Free; Screen.PutScreenImage(Image); End; Procedure EditEntry (Var Book: PhoneBookRec; Num: SmallInt); Var Box : TMenuBox; Form : TMenuForm; NewRec : PhoneRec; Begin NewRec := Book[Num]; Box := TMenuBox.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Form := TMenuForm.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Box.HeadAttr := 1 + 7 * 16; Box.Header := ' Book Editor '; Box.Open (17, 8, 63, 16); Form.HelpSize := 0; Form.AddStr ('N', ' Name' , 24, 10, 32, 10, 6, 26, 26, @NewRec.Name, ''); Form.AddStr ('A', ' Address', 21, 11, 32, 11, 9, 30, 60, @NewRec.Address, ''); Form.AddStr ('U', ' User Name', 19, 12, 32, 12, 11, 30, 30, @NewRec.User, ''); Form.AddPass ('P', ' Password', 20, 13, 32, 13, 10, 20, 20, @NewRec.Password, ''); Form.AddBol ('S', ' StatusBar', 19, 14, 32, 14, 11, 3, @NewRec.StatusBar, ''); Form.Execute; If Form.Changed Then If ShowMsgBox(1, 'Save changes?') Then Begin Book[Num] := NewRec; WriteBook(Book); End; Form.Free; Box.Close; Box.Free; End; Procedure TelnetClient (Var Book: PhoneBookRec; Dial: PhoneRec); Procedure DrawStatus (Toggle: Boolean); Begin If Dial.StatusBar Then Begin Screen.SetWindow (1, 1, 80, 24, False); Screen.WriteXY (1, 25, Config.StatusColor3, strPadC('ALT/B-Scrollback ALT/L-Send Login ALT/T-Zmodem ALT-E/Edit ALT-X/Quit', 80, ' ')); End Else If Toggle Then Begin Screen.SetWindow (1, 1, 80, 25, False); Screen.WriteXY (1, 25, 7, strRep(' ', 79)); End; End; Const BufferSize = 1024 * 4; Var Client : TIOSocket; Res : LongInt; Buffer : Array[1..BufferSize] of Char; Done : Boolean; Ch : Char; Count : LongInt; Begin ShowMsgBox (2, 'Connecting to ' + Dial.Address); Client := TIOSocket.Create; Client.FTelnetClient := True; If Not Client.Connect(StripAddressPort(Dial.Address), GetAddressPort(Dial.Address)) Then ShowMsgBox (0, 'Unable to connect') Else Begin Book[Dial.Position].LastCall := DateDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1); Book[Dial.Position].Calls := strI2S(strS2I(Dial.Calls) + 1); WriteBook(Book); Dial := Book[Dial.Position]; Screen.TextAttr := 7; Screen.ClearScreen; Done := False; Term := TTermAnsi.Create(TOutput(Screen)); DrawStatus(False); Term.SetReplyClient(TIOBase(Client)); Repeat If Client.DataWaiting Then Begin Res := Client.ReadBuf (Buffer, BufferSize); If Res < 0 Then Begin Done := True; Break; End; Screen.Capture := True; If Not AutoZmodem Then Term.ProcessBuf(Buffer, Res) Else Begin For Count := 1 to Res Do If (Buffer[Count] = #24) and (Count <= Res - 3) Then Begin If (Buffer[Count + 1] <> 'B') or (Buffer[Count + 2] <> '0') Then Term.Process(#24) Else Begin Screen.BufFlush; Case Buffer[Count + 3] of '0' : DoZmodemDownload(TIOBase(Client)); '1' : DoZmodemUpload(TIOBase(Client)); End; End; End Else Term.Process(Buffer[Count]); Screen.BufFlush; End; Screen.Capture := False; End Else If Keyboard.KeyPressed Then Begin Ch := Keyboard.ReadKey; Case Ch of #00 : Case Keyboard.ReadKey of #18 : Begin EditEntry(Book, Dial.Position); If Dial.StatusBar <> Book[Dial.Position].StatusBar Then Begin Dial := Book[Dial.Position]; DrawStatus (True); End Else Dial := Book[Dial.Position]; End; #20 : Begin Case GetTransferType of 1 : DoZmodemDownload(TIOBase(Client)); 2 : DoZmodemUpload(TIOBase(Client)); End; DrawStatus(False); End; #35 : Done := True; #38 : Begin Client.WriteStr (Dial.User + #13); Client.WriteStr (Dial.Password + #13); End; #45 : Break; #48 : Begin ActivateScrollBack; DrawStatus(False); End; #71 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[H'); #72 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[A'); #73 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[V'); #75 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[D'); #77 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[C'); #79 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[K'); #80 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[B'); #81 : Client.WriteStr(#27 + '[U'); #83 : Client.WriteStr(#127); End; Else Client.WriteBuf(Ch, 1); If Client.FTelnetEcho Then Term.Process(Ch); End; End Else WaitMS(10); Until Done; Term.Free; End; Client.Free; ShowMsgBox (0, 'Connection terminated'); Screen.TextAttr := 7; Screen.SetWindow (1, 1, 80, 25, True); End; Procedure SearchEntry (Var Owner: Pointer; Str: String); Begin If Str = '' Then Str := strRep(' ', 17) Else Begin If Length(Str) > 15 Then Str := Copy(Str, Length(Str) - 15 + 1, 255); Str := '[' + strLower(Str) + ']'; While Length(Str) < 17 Do Str := Str + ' '; End; Screen.WriteXY (TMenuList(Owner).SearchX, 23, 8 + 7 * 16, Str); End; Function GetTerminalEntry (Var Book: PhoneBookRec; Var Dial: PhoneRec) : Boolean; Var Count : SmallInt; Count2 : SmallInt; List : TMenuList; Found : Boolean; Picked : SmallInt; Begin Result := False; If Not FileExist('nodespy.phn') Then Begin ShowMsgBox (2, 'Creating phone book'); WriteBook (Book); IsBookLoaded := True; End Else If Not IsBookLoaded Then Begin LoadBook(Book); IsBookLoaded := True; End; DrawTerminalAnsi; Picked := 1; List := TMenuList.Create(TOutput(Screen)); List.NoWindow := True; List.LoAttr := 7; List.HiAttr := 9 + 1 * 16; List.LoChars := #13#27; List.HiChars := #18#82#83; List.SetSearchProc(SearchEntry); Repeat List.Clear; List.Picked := Picked; For Count := 1 to 100 Do List.Add(strPadR(Book[Count].Name, 26, ' ') + ' ' + strPadR(Book[Count].Address, 26, ' ') + ' ' + Book[Count].LastCall + ' ' + strPadL(Book[Count].Calls, 6, ' '), 2); List.Open(1, 12, 80, 22); Picked := List.Picked; Case List.ExitCode of #13 : If Book[List.Picked].Address = '' Then ShowMsgBox(0, 'Address is empty') Else Begin Dial := Book[List.Picked]; Result := True; Break; End; #18 : EditEntry(Book, List.Picked); #27 : Break; #82 : Begin Found := False; For Count := List.Picked to 100 Do If (Book[Count].Name = '') and (Book[Count].Address = '') and (Book[Count].Calls = '0') Then Begin Found := True; Break; End; If Not Found Then ShowMsgBox (0, 'No blank entries available') Else Begin For Count2 := Count DownTo List.Picked + 1 Do Book[Count2] := Book[Count2 - 1]; Book[List.Picked] := GetNewRecord; WriteBook(Book); End; End; #83 : If ShowMsgBox(1, 'Delete this record?') Then Begin For Count := List.Picked to 100 - 1 Do Book[Count] := Book[Count + 1]; Book[100] := GetNewRecord; WriteBook(Book); End; End; Until False; List.Free; End; Procedure Terminal; Var Dial : PhoneRec; Book : PhoneBookRec; Begin Screen.SetWindowTitle('NodeSpy/Terminal'); InitializeBook(Book); IsBookLoaded := False; Repeat If Not GetTerminalEntry(Book, Dial) Then Break; TelnetClient(Book, Dial); Until False; End; End.