// ========================================================================== // BLACKJACK.MPS // // This is a simple BlackJack game that I wrote to test out MPL features // about a year or two ago. I decided to port it to the later MPL version // for the same purposes. // // Changelog: // - Added an improved AI for the dealer. He's a lot less predictable and // makes more logical decisions now. // - When the player busts, the dealers hidden card is now shown. This is // just for people curious if they would have won by standing. // - Fixed a few display bugs // - Now saves your money between sessions // - Added Top 10 list // ========================================================================== Uses User; Const Version = '1.3'; CashStart = 1000; CardJack = 11; CardQueen = 12; CardKing = 13; CardAce = 14; SuitClub = 1; SuitSpade = 2; SuitHeart = 3; SuitDiamond = 4; Type PlayerRec = Record UserID : LongInt; Name : String[30]; Cash : LongInt; LastOn : LongInt; End; Type TopTenRec = Record User : String[35]; Cash : LongInt; Date : LongInt; End; Type CardRec = Record Suit : Byte; Card : Byte; End; Var DataPath : String; Deck : Array[1..52] of CardRec; Player : PlayerRec; PlayerNumber : LongInt = -1; Wager : LongInt; Player_Score : Byte; Player_Cards : Byte; Dealer_Score : Byte; Dealer_Hidden : Byte; Dealer_Cards : Byte; Dealer_Aces : Byte; Procedure LoadPlayer; Var F : File; T : PlayerRec; Begin GetThisUser; PlayerNumber := -1; Player.UserID := UserIndex; Player.Cash := CashStart; fAssign (F, DataPath + 'blackjack.ply', 66); fReset (F); If IoResult <> 0 Then fReWrite(F); While Not fEof(F) Do Begin fReadRec (F, T); If T.UserID = UserIndex Then Begin Player := T; PlayerNumber := fPos(F) / SizeOf(Player); Break; End; Break; End; fClose (F); Player.LastOn := DateTime; Player.Name := UserAlias; End; Procedure SavePlayer; Var F : File; Begin fAssign (F, DataPath + 'blackjack.ply', 66); fReset (F); If PlayerNumber <> -1 Then fSeek (F, SizeOf(Player) * (PlayerNumber - 1)); Else fSeek (F, fSize(F)); fWriteRec (F, Player); fClose (F); End; Procedure ExecuteTopTen; Var TopList : Array[1..10] of TopTenRec; Count1 : Byte; Count2 : Byte; Count3 : Byte; F : File; OnePerson : PlayerRec; Begin Write ('|16|CL|10Sorting top scores...'); For Count1 := 1 to 10 Do Begin TopList[Count1].User := 'None'; TopList[Count1].Cash := 0; TopList[Count1].Date := 0; End; fAssign (F, DataPath + 'blackjack.ply', 66); fReset (F); If IoResult = 0 Then While Not fEof(F) Do Begin fReadRec (F, OnePerson); For Count2 := 1 to 10 Do If TopList[Count2].Cash < OnePerson.Cash Then Begin For Count3 := 10 DownTo Count2 + 1 Do TopList[Count3] := TopList[Count3 - 1] TopList[Count2].Cash := OnePerson.Cash; TopList[Count2].User := OnePerson.Name; TopList[Count2].Date := OnePerson.LastOn; Break; End; End; ClrScr; GotoXY (24, 3); Write ('|07Mystic BlackJack - Top 10 Players'); GotoXY (5, 6); Write ('## User Date Cash'); GotoXY (5, 7); Write ('|02' + strRep(#196, 68) + '|10'); For Count1 := 1 to 10 Do Begin GotoXY (5, 7 + Count1); Write (PadLT(Int2Str(Count1), 2, ' ')); GotoXY (9, 7 + Count1); Write (TopList[Count1].User); GotoXY (42, 7 + Count1); Write (DateStr(TopList[Count1].Date, 1)); GotoXY (53, 7 + Count1); Write (PadLT(strComma(TopList[Count1].Cash), 20, ' ')); End; GotoXY (5, 18); Write ('|02' + strRep(#196, 68)); GotoXY (26, 20); Write ('|02Press |08[|15ENTER|08] |02to continue|PN'); End; Procedure DeckCreate; Var Suits, Numbers, Index : Byte; Begin Index := 1; For Suits := 1 to 4 Do For Numbers := 2 to CardAce Do Begin Deck[Index].Suit := Suits; Deck[Index].Card := Numbers; Index := Index + 1; End; End; Procedure DeckShuffle; Var OneCard : CardRec; Shuffle, CardNum1, CardNum2 : Byte; Begin For Shuffle := 1 to 200 Do Begin CardNum1 := Random(51) + 1; CardNum2 := Random(51) + 1; OneCard := Deck[CardNum1]; Deck[CardNum1] := Deck[CardNum2]; Deck[CardNum2] := OneCard; End; End; Function GetCardNumber (Num: Byte) : String; Var Res, Color : String[3]; Begin Case Deck[Num].Card of 1..10 : Res := PadLT(Int2Str(Deck[Num].Card), 2, ' '); CardJack : Res := ' J'; CardQueen : Res := ' Q'; CardKing : Res := ' K'; CardAce : Res := ' A'; End; Case Deck[Num].Suit of SuitClub : GetCardNumber := '|08' + Res + #05; SuitSpade : GetCardNumber := '|08' + Res + #06; SuitHeart : GetCardNumber := '|04' + Res + #03; SuitDiamond : GetCardNumber := '|04' + Res + #04; End End Procedure DrawCard (X, Y, Showing, Num: Byte); Var Str : String; Begin If Y = 1 Then Y := 17 Else Y := 10; X := (X - 1) * 9 + 5; Str := GetCardNumber(Num); Case Showing of 1 : Begin GotoXY (X, Y); Write ('|23' + Str + ' '); GotoXY (X, Y + 1); Write (' '); GotoXY (X, Y + 2); Write (' ' + Str + '|16'); End; 2 : Begin GotoXY (X, Y); Write ('|07|20° °° °'); GotoXY (X, Y + 1); Write ('° °° °'); GotoXY (X, Y + 2); Write ('° °° °|16'); End; Else GotoXY (X, Y); Write ('|00|16 '); GotoXY (X, Y + 1); Write (' '); GotoXY (X, Y + 2); Write (' |07'); End; End; Procedure Print (Str1, Str2: String); Begin GotoXY (54, 13); Write (strRep(' ', 23)); GotoXY (54, 13); Write (Str1); GotoXY (54, 14); Write (strRep(' ', 23)); GotoXY (54, 14); Write (Str2); End Procedure GetNewCard (Dealer: Boolean); Var Count, Value, Aces : Byte; Begin Aces := 0; Dealer_Aces := 0; If Dealer Then Begin Dealer_Score := 0; Dealer_Cards := Dealer_Cards + 1; DrawCard (Dealer_Cards, 2, 1, Dealer_Cards + 5); For Count := 1 to Dealer_Cards Do Begin Value := Deck[Count + 5].Card; If Value = CardAce Then Begin Value := 11; Dealer_Aces := Dealer_Aces + 1; End Else If Value > 10 Then Value := 10; Dealer_Score := Dealer_Score + Value; End; If Dealer_Score > 21 And Dealer_Aces > 0 Then Begin Repeat Dealer_Score := Dealer_Score - 10; Dealer_Aces := Dealer_Aces - 1; Until Dealer_Score < 22 or Dealer_Aces = 0; If Deck[6].Card = CardAce And Dealer_Aces = 0 Then Dealer_Hidden := 1; End; End Else Begin Player_Score := 0; Player_Cards := Player_Cards + 1; DrawCard (Player_Cards, 1, 1, Player_Cards); For Count := 1 to Player_Cards Do Begin Value := Deck[Count].Card; If Value = CardAce Then Begin Value := 11; Aces := Aces + 1; End Else If Value > 10 Then Value := 10; Player_Score := Player_Score + Value; End; If Player_Score > 21 Then While Player_Score > 21 And Aces > 0 Do Begin Player_Score := Player_Score - 10; Aces := Aces - 1; End; End; End; Procedure DrawCash Begin GotoXY (64, 19); Write ('|15|17' + PadRT(strComma(Player.Cash), 10, ' ') + '|16'); End; Procedure UpdateScores; Begin GotoXY (65, 10); Write ('|15' + Int2Str(Dealer_Score - Dealer_Hidden)); GotoXY (65, 17); Write (Int2Str(Player_Score)); End Procedure Initialize; Procedure EraseInput; Begin GotoXY (64, 20); Write ('|17 |16'); GotoXY (64, 20); End; Var X, Y : Byte; Begin If Player.Cash = 0 Then Begin Print ('|15No cash|07? |10House loans ya', '|07$|15' + strComma(CashStart) + '|07. |12Press a key'); Player.Cash := CashStart; ReadKey; End; Print (' |12|16Shuffling deck...', ''); DeckShuffle; For Y := 1 to 2 Do For X := 1 to 5 Do DrawCard(X, Y, 3, 1); GotoXY (65, 10); Write (' '); GotoXY (65, 17); Write (' '); DrawCash; Print (' |15|16Enter your wager:', ' |02(|14$|15' + Int2Str(Player.Cash) + ' |14max|02)|14|17'); EraseInput; Write('|17'); Wager := Str2Int(Input(10, 10, 1, '')); If Wager > Player.Cash Then Wager := 0; If Wager = 0 Then Begin EraseInput; Exit; End; Dealer_Cards := 1; Player_Cards := 0; Dealer_Hidden := Deck[6].Card; If Dealer_Hidden = CardAce Then Dealer_Hidden := 11 Else If Dealer_Hidden > 10 Then Dealer_Hidden := 10 DrawCard(1, 2, 2, 6) GetNewCard(False); GetNewCard(False); GetNewCard(True); UpdateScores; End; Procedure AdjustScore (Mode: Byte); Begin Case Mode of 0 : Begin Player.Cash := Player.Cash - Wager; If Player.Cash < 0 Then Player.Cash := 0; End; 1 : Begin Player.Cash := Player.Cash + Wager; If Player.Cash > 99999999 Then Player.Cash := 99999999; End; End; DrawCash; End; Var Ch : Char; GoForIt : Boolean; Begin ClrScr; If Graphics = 0 Then Begin WriteLn ('Sorry, this game requires ANSI graphics.|CR|PA'); Halt; End; DataPath := JustPath(ProgName); // RESET to reset scores // TOPLIST to show only scores and exit Randomize; DeckCreate; LoadPlayer; DispFile (DataPath + 'blackjack') Repeat Print (' |15Want to play a game?', ' |10(|14Y|02/|14N|10)|08: |07') If OneKey('YN', False) = 'N' Then Break; Initialize; If Wager = 0 Then Continue; If Dealer_Score = 21 Then If Deck[6].Card = CardJack or Deck[7].Card = CardJack Then If Deck[6].Suit = SuitClub or Deck[7].Suit = SuitClub or Deck[6].Suit = SuitSpade or Deck[7].Suit = SuitSpade Then Begin DrawCard (1, 2, 1, 6); Dealer_Hidden := 0; AdjustScore(0); UpdateScores; Print (' |12Dealer has Black Jack', ' Press any key.'); ReadKey Continue; End If Player_Score = 21 Then If Deck[1].Card = CardJack or Deck[2].Card = CardJack Then If Deck[1].Suit = SuitClub or Deck[2].Suit = SuitClub or Deck[1].Suit = SuitSpade or Deck[2].Suit = SuitSpade Then Begin Print (' |12Player has Black Jack', ' Press any key.'); AdjustScore(1); ReadKey; Continue; End; Repeat If Player_Cards < 5 Then Begin Print ('|10[|14H|10]|07it, |10[|14S|10]|07tand, |10[|14Q|10]|07uit', '|08: |07'); Ch := OneKey('HSQ', False); End Else Ch := 'S' Case Ch of 'Q' : Begin AdjustScore(0); Break; End; 'H' : Begin GetNewCard(False); UpdateScores; If Player_Score > 21 Then Begin AdjustScore(0); DrawCard(1,2,1,6); // show dealer hidden card Print (' |12Player busted', ' Press a key.'); ReadKey; Break; End; // Dealer AI Rules for Hit // <16 = 100% // 16 = 50% (100 with ace as 1) // 17 = 25% ( 50 with ace as 1) // 18 = 10% ( 25 with ace as 1) // >18 = 0% Case Dealer_Score of 1.. 15 : GoForIt := True; 16 : If Dealer_Aces = 0 Then GoForIt := Random(1) = 0 Else GoForIt := True; 17 : If Dealer_Aces = 0 Then GoForIt := Random(3) = 0 Else GoForIt := Random(1) = 0; 18 : If Dealer_Aces = 0 Then GoForIt := Random(9) = 0 Else GoForIt := Random(3) = 0; Else GoForIt := False; // Dealer decides to stand End; If GoForIt Then Begin GetNewCard(True); UpdateScores; If Dealer_Score > 21 Then Begin DrawCard (1, 2, 1, 6); Dealer_Hidden := 0; AdjustScore(1); UpdateScores; Print(' |12Dealer busted', ' Press a key.'); ReadKey; Break; End; End; End; 'S' : Begin DrawCard (1, 2, 1, 6); Dealer_Hidden := 0; UpdateScores; While Dealer_Score < Player_Score and Dealer_Score < 22 and Dealer_Cards < 5 Do Begin GetNewCard(True); UpdateScores; End If Dealer_Score > 21 Then Begin AdjustScore(1); Print(' |12Dealer busted', ' Press a key.'); ReadKey; End Else If Player_Score > 21 Then Begin AdjustScore(0); Print(' |12Player busted', ' Press a key.'); ReadKey; End Else If Player_Score > Dealer_Score Then Begin AdjustScore(1); Print(' |12Player wins!', ' Press a key.'); ReadKey; End Else If Dealer_Score > Player_Score Then Begin AdjustScore(0); Print(' |12Dealer wins!', ' Press a key.'); ReadKey; End Else Begin AdjustScore(2); Print(' |12Push. Dealer wins.', ' Press a key.'); ReadKey; End; Break; End; End; Until False; Until False; SavePlayer; ExecuteTopTen; End.