This file contains notes generated by g00r00's brain based on work already in process, brainstorm ideas, Mystic 2 features, bug reports, etc. This file showcases the direction of where this software wants to go as it continues to expand. FUTURE / IDEAS / WORK IN PROGRESS / NOTES ========================================= - ANSI post-processor for message uploads via FSE - ANSI reading support in fullscreen reader - Ability to override read-type per message base (usersetting/normal/lightbar) - Ability to override index setting per message base (same as above) - Ability to override listing type per file base (same as above) - Ability to list files in a base that is not the current file base - MCI code to show how many files are in current filebase - New ANSI template system - Online ANSI file viewer (integrate with art gallery) - Online ANSI help system - Finish System Configuration rewrite - Finish Data structure review - NEWAPP.MPS - Online text editor / ansi editor? - Better theme selection (menu command option to select theme) - Externalize remaining prompt data (msg flags, etc) - File comments and rating system - Global node message menu command (0;) = add option to ignore your own node - Integrate eventual online ANSI help system into configuration utilities - FUPLOAD command that does an automated Mass Upload from MBBSUTIL - LEET "TIMER" event menu commands from Mystic 2 - In fact, replace entire menu engine iwth Mystic 2 engine which is SO far beyond anything built in ever... But converting old menus will be the challenge. Do people really want to re-do their menu commands for all the added features, if that is needed? - If not above, then possibly add whatever CAN be added in without a complete overhaul. (Everything except chain execution and specific key event chains I think?) - Split 1 and 2 column msg/file list prompts and provide a user ability to pick which they'd like to use? - File attachments and crossposts - User-directories? How could this be used? Next two items? - Ability to save a message post if a user is disconnected while posting. - Ability to save file queue if a user is disconnected with a queue. - User 2 User chat system and private split screen/normal chat. For the Linux and OSX peeps that do not have a page sysop function. BUGS AND POSSIBLE ISSUES ======================== ? Validate ARCHIVE extensions are not case sensitive in Mystic ! GOTO does not always work properly in MPL (IceDevil) ! Complex boolean evaluations using numerical variables can sometime fail to compile (IceDevil) ! After data file review, add mission variables to various MPL Get/Put functions. ! MYSTPACK has access denied errors (caphood)