Program BinkPoll; // Need to rewrite. BuildQueueByNode function PollNode // Need to include NETMAIL // Need to include point and multi zones (same with tosser) {$I M_OPS.PAS} Uses DOS, m_Crypt, m_DateTime, m_FileIO, m_Strings, m_IO_Sockets, m_Protocol_Queue, bbs_Common; Var bbsConfig : RecConfig; Const M_NUL = 0; M_ADR = 1; M_PWD = 2; M_FILE = 3; M_OK = 4; M_EOB = 5; M_GOT = 6; M_ERR = 7; M_BSY = 8; M_GET = 9; M_SKIP = 10; M_DATA = 255; BinkPMaxBufferSize = 30 * 1024; TempFileTime = 1363944820; Const BinkCmdStr : Array[0..10] of String[4] = ( 'NUL ', 'ADR ', 'PWD ', 'FILE', 'OK ', 'EOB ', 'GOT ', 'ERR ', 'BSY ', 'GET ', 'SKIP' ); Type TBinkAuthState = ( SendChallenge, SendWelcome, SendAddress, SendPassword, WaitAddress, WaitPassword, WaitPwdOK, AuthOK, AuthFailed ); TBinkRxState = ( RxNone, RxWaitFile, RxGetData, RxDone ); TBinkTxState = ( TxNone, TxNextFile, TxSendData, TxGetEOF, TxDone ); TBinkFrameType = ( Command, Data ); TBinkP = Class SetPassword : String; SetBlockSize : Word; SetTimeOut : Word; Client : TIOSocket; IsClient : Boolean; UseMD5 : Boolean; ForceMD5 : Boolean; AuthState : TBinkAuthState; TimeOut : LongInt; TxState : TBinkTxState; RxState : TBinkRxState; RxFrameType : TBinkFrameType; RxCommand : Byte; RxBuffer : Array[1..BinkPMaxBufferSize] of Char; RxBufSize : LongInt; HaveHeader : Boolean; NeedHeader : Boolean; MD5Challenge : String; FileList : TProtocolQueue; Constructor Create (Var C: TIOSocket; Var FL: TProtocolQueue; IsCli: Boolean; TOV: Word); Destructor Destroy; Override; Function GetDataStr : String; Procedure SendFrame (CmdType: Byte; CmdData: String); Procedure SendDataFrame (Var Buf; BufSize: Word); Procedure DoFrameCheck; Function DoAuthentication : Boolean; Procedure DoTransfers; End; Function GetStateStr (S: TBinkAuthState) : String; Begin Case S of SendChallenge : Result := 'SendChallenge'; SendWelcome : Result := 'SendWelcome'; SendAddress : Result := 'SendAddress'; SendPassword : Result := 'SendPassword'; WaitAddress : Result := 'WaitAddress'; WaitPassword : Result := 'WaitPassword'; WaitPwdOK : Result := 'WaitPwdOK'; AuthOK : Result := 'AuthOK'; AuthFailed : Result := 'AuthFailed'; Else Result := 'Unknown'; End; End; Constructor TBinkP.Create (Var C: TIOSocket; Var FL: TProtocolQueue; IsCli: Boolean; TOV: Word); Begin Inherited Create; SetTimeOut := TOV; Client := C; FileList := FL; IsClient := IsCli; UseMD5 := False; ForceMD5 := False; RxBufSize := 0; RxState := RxNone; TxState := TxNone; TimeOut := TimerSet(SetTimeout); NeedHeader := True; HaveHeader := False; MD5Challenge := ''; AuthState := SendWelcome; If Not IsClient and UseMD5 Then AuthState := SendChallenge; End; Destructor TBinkP.Destroy; Begin Inherited Destroy; End; Function TBinkP.GetDataStr : String; Var SZ : Byte; Begin If RxBufSize > 255 Then SZ := 255 Else SZ := RxBufSize; Move (RxBuffer[1], Result[1], SZ); Result[0] := Char(SZ); End; Procedure TBinkP.SendFrame (CmdType: Byte; CmdData: String); Var DataSize : Word; Begin DataSize := (Length(CmdData) + 2) OR $8000; Client.BufWriteStr(Char(Hi(DataSize)) + Char(Lo(DataSize)) + Char(CmdType) + CmdData + #0); Client.BufFlush; WriteLn (' S ' + BinkCmdStr[CmdType] + ' ' + CmdData); //WriteLn ('Put Command Frame (', BinkCmdStr[CmdType], ') Data: ', CmdData); End; Procedure TBinkP.SendDataFrame (Var Buf; BufSize: Word); Var SendData : Array[1.. BinkPMaxBufferSize] of Char Absolute Buf; HiChar : Char; LoChar : Char; Begin HiChar := Char(Hi(BufSize)); LoChar := Char(Lo(BufSize)); Client.BufFlush; Client.WriteBuf (HiChar, 1); Client.WriteBuf (LoChar, 1); Client.WriteBuf (SendData[1], BufSize); TimeOut := TimerSet(SetTimeOut); // WriteLn ('Put Data Frame (', BufSize, ')'); End; Procedure TBinkP.DoFrameCheck; Var CharHi : Char; CharLo : Char; InPos : LongInt; Begin If NeedHeader And Not HaveHeader And Client.DataWaiting Then Begin Client.ReadBuf (CharHi, 1); Client.ReadBuf (CharLo, 1); RxBufSize := (Word(CharHi) SHL 8) + Word(CharLo); If Byte(CharHi) AND $80 = 0 Then Begin RxCommand := M_DATA; RxFrameType := Data; End Else Begin RxBufSize := (RxBufSize AND ($8000 - 1)) - 1; RxFrameType := Command; Client.ReadBuf (RxCommand, 1); End; If RxBufSize > 0 Then For InPos := 1 to RxBufSize Do Client.ReadBuf(RxBuffer[InPos], 1); If Client.Connected Then Begin TimeOut := TimerSet(SetTimeOut); NeedHeader := False; HaveHeader := True; End; Case RxFrameType of // Command : If (RxCommand = M_NUL) or (RxCommand = M_ERR) Then // WriteLn (' R ', BinkCmdStr[RxCommand], ' ', GetDataStr); Command : WriteLn (' R ', BinkCmdStr[RxCommand], ' ', GetDataStr); // Data : WriteLn ('Got Data Frame (Read ', InPos, ' of ', RxBufSize, ')'); End; End; End; Function TBinkP.DoAuthentication; Var Str : String; Count : LongInt; Begin //WriteLn ('Begin Authentication'); Repeat DoFrameCheck; If Not Client.Connected or (TimerUp(TimeOut)) Then AuthState := AuthFailed Else If HaveHeader and (RxCommand = M_NUL) Then Begin // Eat MNUL and get another header but steal MD5 challenge // and anything else we want to parse from OPTs, etc NeedHeader := True; HaveHeader := False; Str := GetDataStr; Count := Pos('MD5-', Str); If Count > 0 Then MD5Challenge := Copy(Str, Count + 4, 255); End; // WriteLn ('AuthState: ', GetStateStr(AuthState), ', HasHeader: ', HaveHeader, ' Data: ', GetDataStr); Case AuthState of SendChallenge : Begin // Send MD5 digest End; SendWelcome : Begin SendFrame (M_NUL, 'SYS ' + bbsConfig.BBSName); SendFrame (M_NUL, 'ZYZ ' + bbsConfig.SysopName); // SendFrame (M_NUL, 'LOC Philadelphia, PA'); SendFrame (M_NUL, 'VER Mystic/1.10 binkp/1.0'); If IsClient Then AuthState := SendAddress Else AuthState := WaitAddress; End; SendAddress : Begin Str := ''; For Count := 1 to 30 Do If strAddr2Str(bbsConfig.NetAddress[Count]) <> '0:0/0' Then Begin If Str <> '' Then Str := Str + ' '; Str := Str + strAddr2Str(bbsConfig.NetAddress[Count]); If bbsConfig.NetDomain[Count] <> '' Then Str := Str + '@' + bbsConfig.NetDomain[Count]; End; SendFrame (M_ADR, Str); AuthState := SendPassword; End; SendPassword : If HaveHeader Then Begin // wait for header to see if we support CRAMMD5 If UseMD5 And (MD5Challenge <> '') Then Begin MD5Challenge := Digest2String(HMAC_MD5(String2Digest(MD5Challenge), SetPassword)); SendFrame (M_PWD, 'CRAM-MD5-' + MD5Challenge); End Else If ForceMD5 Then Begin SendFrame (M_ERR, 'Required CRAM-MD5 authentication'); AuthState := AuthFailed; End Else SendFrame (M_PWD, SetPassword); Client.BufFlush; HaveHeader := False; NeedHeader := True; If AuthState <> AuthFailed Then AuthState := WaitPwdOK; End; WaitAddress : Begin // get address AuthState := WaitPassword; End; WaitPassword : ; WaitPwdOK : If HaveHeader Then Begin If RxCommand <> M_OK Then AuthState := AuthFailed Else AuthState := AuthOK; End; End; Until (AuthState = AuthOK) or (AuthState = AuthFailed); Result := AuthState = AuthOK; End; Procedure TBinkP.DoTransfers; Var InFile : File; OutFile : File; OutSize : LongInt; OutBuf : Array[1..BinkPMaxBufferSize] of Byte; Str : String; InFN : String; InSize : Cardinal; InPos : Cardinal; InTime : Cardinal; FSize : Cardinal; Begin //WriteLn ('Begin File Transfers'); RxState := RxWaitFile; TxState := TxNextFile; TimeOut := TimerSet(SetTimeOut); NeedHeader := True; HaveHeader := False; Repeat DoFrameCheck; // need to update states to handle getting FILE during an xfer // and what to do if the file frame goes past file size (fail/quit), etc // waitms(100); // writeln ('rxstate=', ord(rxstate), ' txstate=', ord(txstate), ' have header ', haveheader, ' need header ', needheader); Case RxState of RxWaitFile : If HaveHeader Then Begin If RxFrameType = Data Then Begin HaveHeader := False; NeedHeader := True; Continue; End; If RxCommand = M_FILE Then Begin HaveHeader := False; NeedHeader := True; // translate filename, fix up file times Str := GetDataStr; InFN := strWordGet(1, Str, ' '); InSize := strS2I(strWordGet(2, Str, ' ')); InTime := strS2I(strWordGet(3, Str, ' ')); InPos := strS2I(strWordGet(4, Str, ' ')); If FileExist(bbsConfig.InBoundPath + InFN) Then Begin FSize := FileByteSize(bbsConfig.InBoundPath + InFN); // fix timestamp and escape filen If FSize >= InSize Then Begin SendFrame (M_SKIP, InFN + ' ' + strI2S(FSize) + ' ' + strI2S(InTime)); Continue; End Else Begin SendFrame (M_GET, InFN + ' ' + strI2S(FSize) + ' ' + strI2S(InTime)); InPos := FSize; End; End; Assign (InFile, bbsConfig.InBoundPath + InFN); Reset (InFile, 1); If IoResult <> 0 Then ReWrite (InFile, 1); Seek (InFile, InPos); RxState := RxGetData; End Else If RxCommand = M_EOB Then Begin NeedHeader := True; HaveHeader := False; RxState := RxDone; End; End; RxGetData : If HaveHeader And (RxFrameType = Data) Then Begin BlockWrite (InFile, RxBuffer[1], RxBufSize); Inc (InPos, RxBufSize); HaveHeader := False; NeedHeader := True; If InPos = InSize Then Begin // fix time, escape filename Close (InFile); SendFrame (M_GOT, InFN + ' ' + strI2S(InSize) + ' ' + strI2S(InTime)); RxState := RxWaitFile; End; End; End; // DoFrameCheck; Case TxState of TxGetEOF : Begin If HaveHeader Then If RxCommand = M_GOT Then Begin HaveHeader := False; NeedHeader := True; TxState := TxNextFile; End; End; TxNextFile : If FileList.Next Then Begin Assign (OutFile, FileList.QData[FileList.QPos].FilePath + FileList.QData[FileList.QPos].FileName); Reset (OutFile, 1); If IoResult <> 0 Then Continue; // need to escape filename here and fix file time SendFrame (M_FILE, FileList.QData[FileList.QPos].FileName + ' ' + strI2S(FileList.QData[FileList.QPos].FileSize) + ' ' + strI2S(TempFileTime) + ' 0'); TxState := TxSendData; End Else Begin SendFrame (M_EOB, ''); TxState := TxDone; End; TxSendData : Begin If HaveHeader And (RxCommand = M_GET) Then Begin Str := strWordGet(4, GetDataStr, ' '); Seek (OutFile, strS2I(Str)); // fix file time and escape filename SendFrame (M_FILE, FileList.QData[FileList.QPos].FileName + ' ' + Str + ' ' + strI2S(TempFileTime) + ' 0'); HaveHeader := False; NeedHeader := True; Continue; End; BlockRead (OutFile, OutBuf, SizeOf(OutBuf), OutSize); SendDataFrame (OutBuf, OutSize); If OutSize < SizeOf(OutBuf) Then Begin Close (OutFile); TxState := TxGetEOF; HaveHeader := False; NeedHeader := True; End; End; End; Until ((RxState = RxDone) and (TxState = TxDone)) or (Not Client.Connected) or (TimerUp(TimeOut)); If Client.Connected Then Client.BufFlush; End; Procedure PollNode (Var Queue: TProtocolQueue; Var EchoNode: RecEchoMailNode); Var BinkP : TBinkP; Client : TIOSocket; Port : Word; Begin Client := TIOSocket.Create; Client.FTelnetClient := False; Client.FTelnetServer := False; Write ('- Connecting to ', EchoNode.binkHost, ': '); Port := strS2I(strWordGet(2, EchoNode.binkHost, ':')); If Port = 0 Then Port := 24554; If Not Client.Connect (strWordGet(1, EchoNode.binkHost, ':'), Port) Then Begin WriteLn ('UNABLE TO CONNECT'); Client.Free; Exit; End; WriteLn ('CONNECTED!'); BinkP := TBinkP.Create(Client, Queue, True, EchoNode.binkTimeOut * 100); BinkP.SetPassword := EchoNode.binkPass; BinkP.SetBlockSize := EchoNode.binkBlock; BinkP.UseMD5 := EchoNode.binkMD5 > 0; BinkP.ForceMD5 := EchoNode.binkMD5 = 2; If BinkP.DoAuthentication Then BinkP.DoTransfers Else WriteLn ('- Unable to authenticate'); BinkP.Free; Client.Free; End; Function GetFTNFlowName (Dest: RecEchoMailAddr) : String; Begin Result := strI2H((Dest.Net SHL 16) OR Dest.Node); End; Procedure ScanOutbound; Var DirInfo : SearchRec; FLOFile : Text; EchoFile : File of RecEchoMailNode; EchoNode : RecEchoMailNode; Queue : TProtocolQueue; Str : String; FN : String; Path : String; Matched : Boolean; Begin WriteLn ('Scanning configured Echomail nodes...'); WriteLn; FindFirst (bbsConfig.OutboundPath + '*.?lo', AnyFile, DirInfo); While DosError = 0 Do Begin Write ('- Found ', DirInfo.Name, ' -> Send Type: '); Case UpCase(JustFileExt(DirInfo.Name)[1]) of 'C' : WriteLn ('Crash'); 'D' : WriteLn ('Direct'); 'H' : Begin WriteLn ('Hold - SKIPPING'); FindNext (DirInfo); Continue; End; Else WriteLn ('Normal'); End; Matched := False; Assign (EchoFile, bbsConfig.DataPath + 'echonode.dat'); {$I-} Reset (EchoFile); {$I+} If IoResult <> 0 Then Begin WriteLn ('- Unable to match .FLO with configured Echomail node'); FindNext (DirInfo); Continue; End; While Not Eof(EchoFile) And Not Matched Do Begin Read (EchoFile, EchoNode); Matched := (strUpper(JustFileName(DirInfo.Name)) = strUpper(GetFTNFlowName(EchoNode.Address))) and EchoNode.Active and (EchoNode.ProtType = 0); End; Close (EchoFile); If Not Matched Then Begin WriteLn ('- Unable to match .FLO with configured Echomail node'); FindNext (DirInfo); Continue; End; Queue := TProtocolQueue.Create; Assign (FLOFile, bbsConfig.OutboundPath + DirInfo.Name); Reset (FLOFile); While Not Eof(FLOFile) Do Begin ReadLn (FLOFile, Str); If (Str = '') or (Str[1] = '!') Then Continue; Str := strStripB(Copy(Str, 2, 255), ' '); FN := JustFile(Str); Path := JustPath(Str); Queue.Add (Path, FN); End; Close (FLOFile); WriteLn('- Queued ', Queue.QSize, ' files (', Queue.QFSize, ' bytes) to ', strAddr2Str(EchoNode.Address)); If Queue.QSize > 0 Then PollNode(Queue, EchoNode); Queue.Free; FindNext (DirInfo); End; FindClose (DirInfo); End; Var CF : File of RecConfig; Begin WriteLn; WriteLn ('BINKPOLL Version ' + mysVersion); WriteLn; Assign (CF, '\s7\mystic.dat'); {$I-} Reset(CF); {$I+} If IoResult <> 0 Then Begin WriteLn ('Unable to read MYSTIC.DAT'); Halt(1); End; Read (CF, bbsConfig); Close (CF); If bbsConfig.DataChanged <> mysDataChanged Then Begin WriteLn ('Mystic VERSION mismatch'); Halt(1); End; ScanOutbound; End.