Unit bbs_User; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Uses m_FileIO, m_Strings, m_DateTime, bbs_Common, bbs_General, bbs_MsgBase, bbs_FileBase, bbs_Menus, bbs_NodeInfo, mpl_Execute; Type TBBSUser = Class UserFile : File of RecUser; SecurityFile : File of RecSecurity; Security : RecSecurity; ThisUser : RecUser; TempUser : RecUser; UserNum : LongInt; AcsOkFlag : Boolean; IgnoreGroup : Boolean; InChat : Boolean; MatrixOK : Boolean; Constructor Create (Var Owner: Pointer); Destructor Destroy; Override; Procedure InitializeUserData; Function IsThisUser (Str: String) : Boolean; Function Access (Str: String) : Boolean; Function SearchUser (Var Str : String; Real : Boolean) : Boolean; Function FindUser (Str: String; Adjust: Boolean) : Boolean; Function GetMatrixUser : Boolean; Procedure DetectGraphics; Procedure GetGraphics; Procedure GetDateFormat (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetAddress (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetCityState (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetZipCode (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetHomePhone (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetDataPhone (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetBirthDate (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetGender (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetScreenLength (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetPassword (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetRealName (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetAlias (Edit: Boolean; Def: String); Procedure GetEditor (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetFileList (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetMsgList (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetHotKeys (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetEmail (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetUserNote (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetOption1 (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetOption2 (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetOption3 (Edit: Boolean); Procedure GetTheme; Procedure UserLogon1 (Var MPE : String); Procedure UserLogon2; Procedure UserLogon3; Procedure CreateNewUser (DefName: String); Procedure EditUserSettings (Data: String); Function Check_Trash (Name: String) : Boolean; End; Implementation Uses bbs_Core; Constructor TBBSUser.Create (Var Owner: Pointer); Begin InitializeUserData; End; Destructor TBBSUser.Destroy; Begin Inherited Destroy; End; Procedure TBBSUser.InitializeUserData; Begin FillChar (ThisUser, SizeOf(ThisUser), #0); FillChar (Security, SizeOf(Security), #0); UserNum := -1; ThisUser.ScreenSize := Config.DefScreenSize; ThisUser.Theme := Config.DefThemeFile; ThisUser.StartMenu := Config.DefStartMenu; ThisUser.DateType := 1; ThisUser.HotKeys := True; ThisUser.RealName := 'Unknown'; ThisUser.Handle := ThisUser.RealName; ThisUser.EditType := 1; ThisUser.Birthday := CurDateJulian; ThisUser.Gender := 'U'; ThisUser.FirstOn := CurDateDos; ThisUser.TimeLeft := Config.LoginTime; ThisUser.Archive := Config.qwkArchive; ThisUser.LastFGroup := Config.StartFGroup; ThisUser.LastMGroup := Config.StartMGroup; ThisUser.UseLBQuote := True; ThisUser.UseFulLChat := True; ThisUser.CodePage := Config.StartCodePage; IgnoreGroup := False; InChat := False; AcsOkFlag := False; MatrixOK := False; End; Function TBBSUser.IsThisUser (Str: String) : Boolean; Begin Str := strUpper(Str); Result := (strUpper(ThisUser.RealName) = Str) or (strUpper(ThisUser.Handle) = Str); End; Function TBBSUser.Access (Str: String) : Boolean; Const OpCmds = ['%', '^', '(', ')', '&', '!', '|']; AcsCmds = ['A', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'W', 'Z']; Var Key : Char; Data : String; Check : Boolean; Out : String; First : Boolean; Procedure CheckCommand; Var Res : Boolean; Temp1 : LongInt; Temp2 : LongInt; Begin Res := False; Case Key of 'A' : Res := DaysAgo(ThisUser.Birthday, 1) DIV 365 >= strS2I(Data); 'D' : Res := (Ord(Data[1]) - 64) in ThisUser.AF2; 'E' : Case Data[1] of '1' : Res := Session.io.Graphics = 1; '0' : Res := Session.io.Graphics = 0; End; 'F' : Res := (Ord(Data[1]) - 64) in ThisUser.AF1; 'G' : If IgnoreGroup Then Begin First := True; Check := False; Data := ''; Exit; End Else Res := ThisUser.LastMGroup = strS2I(Data); 'H' : Res := strS2I(Data) < strS2I(Copy(TimeDos2Str(CurDateDos, False), 1, 2)); 'M' : Res := strS2I(Data) < strS2I(Copy(TimeDos2Str(CurDateDos, False), 4, 2)); 'N' : Res := strS2I(Data) = Session.NodeNum; 'O' : Case Data[1] of 'A' : Res := Chat.Available; 'I' : Res := Chat.Invisible; 'K' : Res := AcsOkFlag; 'N' : Res := Session.LastScanHadNew; 'M' : Begin Res := Access(Session.Msgs.MBase.SysopACS); If Session.Msgs.Reading Then Res := Res or IsThisUser(Session.msgs.MsgBase^.GetFrom); End; 'P' : If (ThisUser.Calls > 0) And (ThisUser.Flags AND UserNoRatio = 0) Then Begin Temp1 := Round(Security.PCRatio / 100 * 100); Temp2 := Round(ThisUser.Posts / ThisUser.Calls * 100); Res := (Temp2 >= Temp1); End Else Res := True; 'Y' : Res := Session.LastScanHadYou; End; 'S' : Res := ThisUser.Security >= strS2I(Data); 'T' : Res := Session.TimeLeft > strS2I(Data); 'U' : Res := ThisUser.PermIdx = strS2I(Data); 'W' : Res := strS2I(Data) = DayOfWeek(CurDateDos); 'Z' : If IgnoreGroup Then Begin Check := False; First := True; Data := ''; Exit; End Else Res := strS2I(Data) = ThisUser.LastFGroup; End; If Res Then Out := Out + '^' Else Out := Out + '%'; Check := False; First := True; Data := ''; End; Var A : Byte; Paran1 : Byte; Paran2 : Byte; Ch1 : Char; Ch2 : Char; S1 : String; Begin Data := ''; Out := ''; Check := False; Str := strUpper(Str); First := True; For A := 1 to Length(Str) Do If Str[A] in OpCmds Then Begin If Check Then CheckCommand; Out := Out + Str[A]; End Else If (Str[A] in AcsCmds) and (First or Check) Then Begin If Check Then CheckCommand; Key := Str[A]; If First Then First := False; End Else Begin Data := Data + Str[A]; Check := True; If A = Length(Str) Then CheckCommand; End; Out := '(' + Out + ')'; While Pos('&', Out) <> 0 Do Delete (Out, Pos('&', Out), 1); While Pos('(', Out) <> 0 Do Begin Paran2 := 1; While ((Out[Paran2] <> ')') And (Paran2 <= Length(Out))) Do Begin If (Out[Paran2] = '(') Then Paran1 := Paran2; Inc (Paran2); End; S1 := Copy(Out, Paran1 + 1, (Paran2 - Paran1) - 1); While Pos('!', S1) <> 0 Do Begin A := Pos('!', S1) + 1; If S1[A] = '^' Then S1[A] := '%' Else If S1[A] = '%' Then S1[A] := '^'; Delete (S1, A - 1, 1); End; While Pos('|', S1) <> 0 Do Begin A := Pos('|', S1) - 1; Ch1 := S1[A]; Ch2 := S1[A + 2]; If (Ch1 in ['%', '^']) and (Ch2 in ['%', '^']) Then Begin Delete (S1, A, 3); If (Ch1 = '^') or (Ch2 = '^') Then Insert ('^', S1, A) Else Insert ('%', S1, A) End Else Delete (S1, A + 1, 1); End; While Pos('%%', S1) <> 0 Do Delete (S1, Pos('%%', S1), 1); While Pos('^^', S1) <> 0 Do Delete (S1, Pos('^^', S1), 1); While Pos('%^', S1) <> 0 Do Delete (S1, Pos('%^', S1) + 1, 1); While Pos('^%', S1) <> 0 Do Delete (S1, Pos('^%', S1), 1); Delete (Out, Paran1, (Paran2 - Paran1) + 1); Insert (S1, Out, Paran1); End; Result := (Pos('%', Out) = 0); End; Function TBBSUser.SearchUser (Var Str : String; Real : Boolean) : Boolean; Var Found : Boolean; First : Boolean; Begin Str := strUpper(Str); If Str = 'SYSOP' Then Str := strUpper(Config.SysopName); Found := False; First := True; Reset (UserFile); While Not Eof(UserFile) Do Begin Read (UserFile, TempUser); If TempUser.Flags AND UserDeleted <> 0 Then Continue; If Pos(Str, strUpper(TempUser.Handle)) > 0 Then Begin If First Then Begin Session.io.OutRawLn (''); First := False; End; Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := TempUser.Handle; If Session.io.GetYN (Session.GetPrompt(155), True) Then Begin If Real Then Str := TempUser.RealName Else Str := TempUser.Handle; Found := True; Break; End; End; End; Close (UserFile); If Not Found Then Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(156)); Result := Found; End; Function TBBSUser.FindUser (Str: String; Adjust: Boolean) : Boolean; Var RecNum : LongInt; Begin FindUser := False; If Str = '' Then Exit; Str := strUpper(Str); RecNum := strS2I(Str); Reset (UserFile); While Not Eof(UserFile) Do Begin Read (UserFile, TempUser); If ((TempUser.PermIdx = RecNum) or (strUpper(TempUser.RealName) = Str) or (strUpper(TempUser.Handle) = Str)) and (TempUser.Flags And UserDeleted = 0) Then Begin If Adjust Then UserNum := FilePos(UserFile); FindUser := True; Break; End; End; Close (UserFile); End; Function TBBSUser.GetMatrixUser : Boolean; Var SavedNum : LongInt; Str : String; Begin Result := False; If UserNum <> -1 Then Begin GetMatrixUser := True; Exit; End; Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(273)); Str := Session.io.GetInput(30, 30, 18, ''); If Not FindUser(Str, True) Then Exit; SavedNum := UserNum; UserNum := -1; If Not Session.io.GetPW(Session.GetPrompt(274), Session.GetPrompt(293), TempUser.Password) Then Begin If Config.PWInquiry Then If Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(475), False) Then Session.Msgs.PostMessage(True, '/TO:' + strReplace(Config.FeedbackTo, ' ', '_') + ' /SUBJ:Password_Inquiry'); Session.Msgs.PostTextFile('hackwarn.txt;0;' + Config.SysopName + ';' + TempUser.Handle + ';Possible hack attempt', True); Exit; End; ThisUser := TempUser; UserNum := SavedNum; Result := True; End; {$IFDEF UNIX} Procedure TBBSUser.DetectGraphics; Var Loop : Byte; Begin If Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowANSI = 0 Then Begin Session.io.Graphics := 0; Exit; End; Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(258)); Session.io.BufFlush; Screen.BufAddStr(#27 + '[6n'); Screen.BufFlush; For Loop := 1 to 24 Do Begin While Input.KeyPressed Do If Input.ReadKey in [#27, '[', '0'..'9', ';', 'R'] Then Begin Session.io.Graphics := 1; Break; End; If Session.io.Graphics = 1 Then Break; WaitMS(250); End; While Input.KeyPressed Do Loop := Byte(Input.ReadKey); Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(259)); Session.io.BufFlush; End; {$ELSE} Procedure TBBSUser.DetectGraphics; Var Loop : Byte; Begin If Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowANSI = 0 Then Begin Session.io.Graphics := 0; Exit; End; Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(258)); If Session.LocalMode Then Session.io.Graphics := 1 Else Begin Session.Client.PurgeInputData(100); Session.io.OutRaw (#27 + '[6n'); Session.io.BufFlush; For Loop := 1 to 6 Do Begin If Session.Client.WaitForData(1000) > 0 Then If Session.Client.ReadChar in [#27, '[', '0'..'9', ';', 'R'] Then Begin Session.io.Graphics := 1; Break; End; End; Session.Client.PurgeInputData(100); End; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(259)); End; {$ENDIF} Procedure TBBSUser.GetGraphics; Begin Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(154)); Session.io.Graphics := strS2I(Session.io.OneKey('01', True)); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetEmail (Edit : Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(440)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(439)); ThisUser.EMail := Session.io.GetInput(35, 35, 11, ThisUser.Email); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetUserNote (Edit : Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(442)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(441)); ThisUser.UserInfo := Session.io.GetInput(30, 30, 11, ThisUser.UserInfo); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetOption1 (Edit : Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(444)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(443)); ThisUser.OptionData[1] := Session.io.GetInput(35, 35, 11, ThisUser.OptionData[1]); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetOption2 (Edit : Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(446)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(445)); ThisUser.OptionData[2] := Session.io.GetInput(35, 35, 11, ThisUser.OptionData[2]); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetOption3 (Edit : Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(448)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(447)); ThisUser.OptionData[3] := Session.io.GetInput(35, 35, 11, ThisUser.OptionData[3]); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetEditor (Edit : Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(373)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(303)); ThisUser.EditType := strS2I(Session.io.OneKey('012', True)); End; Function TBBSUser.Check_Trash (Name: String) : Boolean; Var tFile : Text; Str : String[30]; Begin Result := False; Name := strUpper(Name); Assign (tFile, Config.DataPath + 'trashcan.dat'); {$I-} Reset (tFile); {$I+} If IoResult <> 0 Then Exit; While Not Eof(tFile) Do Begin ReadLn (tFile, Str); If strUpper(Str) = Name Then Begin Result := True; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(309)); Break; End; End; Close (tFile); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetRealName (Edit: Boolean); Var Str : String[30]; Begin Repeat Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(6)); Str := strStripB(Session.io.GetInput(30, 30, 18, ''), ' '); If Pos(' ', Str) = 0 Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(7)); Str := ''; End Else If Check_Trash(Str) Then Str := '' Else If FindUser(Str, False) Then Begin If Edit and (Str = ThisUser.RealName) Then Break; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(8)); Str := ''; End; Until Str <> ''; ThisUser.RealName := Str; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetAlias (Edit: Boolean; Def: String); Var Str : String[30]; Begin Repeat Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(9)); Str := strStripB(Session.io.GetInput(30, 30, 18, Def), ' '); If Check_Trash(Str) Then Str := '' Else If FindUser(Str, False) Then Begin If Edit and (Str = ThisUser.Handle) Then Break; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(8)); Str := ''; End; Until Str <> ''; ThisUser.Handle := Str; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetAddress (Edit: Boolean); Var Str: String[30]; Begin If Edit Then Str := ThisUser.Address Else Str := ''; Repeat If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(364)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(10)); Str := Session.io.GetInput(30, 30, 18, Str); Until Str <> ''; ThisUser.Address := Str; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetCityState (Edit: Boolean); Var Str : String[25]; Begin If Edit Then Str := ThisUser.City Else Str := ''; Repeat If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(365)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(11)); Str := Session.io.GetInput(25, 25, 18, Str); Until Str <> ''; ThisUser.City := Str; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetZipCode (Edit: Boolean); Var Str : String[9]; Begin If Edit Then Str := ThisUser.ZipCode Else Str := ''; Repeat If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(366)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(12)); Str := Session.io.GetInput(9, 9, 12, Str); Until Str <> ''; ThisUser.ZipCode := Str; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetHomePhone (Edit: Boolean); Var Str : String[15]; Begin If Edit Then Str := ThisUser.HomePhone Else Str := ''; Repeat If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(367)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(13)); If Config.UseUSAPhone Then Str := Session.io.GetInput(12, 12, 14, Str) Else Str := Session.io.GetInput(15, 15, 12, Str); Until (Length(Str) = 12) or (Not Config.UseUSAPhone and (Str <> '')); ThisUser.HomePhone := Str; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetDataPhone (Edit: Boolean); Var Str : String[15]; Begin If Edit Then Str := ThisUser.DataPhone Else Str := ''; Repeat If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(368)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(14)); If Config.UseUSAPhone Then Str := Session.io.GetInput(12, 12, 14, Str) Else Str := Session.io.GetInput(15, 15, 12, Str); Until (Length(Str) = 12) or (Not Config.UseUSAPhone and (Str <> '')); ThisUser.DataPhone := Str; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetBirthDate (Edit: Boolean); Var Str : String[8]; Begin If Edit Then Str := DateJulian2Str(ThisUser.Birthday, ThisUser.DateType) Else Str := ''; Repeat If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull(Session.GetPrompt(369)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(15)); Str := Session.io.GetInput(8, 8, 15, ''); Until Length(Str) = 8; ThisUser.Birthday := DateStr2Julian(Str); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetGender (Edit: Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(370)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(16)); ThisUser.Gender := Session.io.OneKey('MF', True); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetDateFormat (Edit : Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(371)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(152)); ThisUser.DateType := strS2I(Session.io.OneKey('123', True)); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetHotKeys (Edit: Boolean); Begin If Edit Then ThisUser.HotKeys := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(409), True) Else ThisUser.HotKeys := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(410), True); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetMsgList (Edit: Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(397)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(398)); ThisUser.MReadType := strS2I(Session.io.OneKey('01', True)); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetFileList (Edit: Boolean); Begin If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(374)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(320)); ThisUser.FileList := strS2I(Session.io.OneKey('01', True)); End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetScreenLength (Edit: Boolean); Var A : Byte; Begin Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := strI2S(Config.DefScreenSize); If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(372)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(153)); A := strS2I(Session.io.GetInput(2, 2, 12, strI2S(Config.DefScreenSize))); If (A < 1) or (A > 255) Then A := Config.DefScreenSize; ThisUser.ScreenSize := A; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetPassword (Edit: Boolean); Var Str1 : String[15]; Str2 : String[15]; Begin If Edit Then Begin Session.io.OutFull(Session.GetPrompt(151)); Str1 := Session.io.GetInput(15, 15, 16, ''); If Str1 <> ThisUser.Password Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(418)); Exit; End; End; Repeat Repeat If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(419)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(17)); Str1 := Session.io.GetInput(15, 15, 16, ''); If Length(Str1) < 4 Then If Edit Then Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(420)) Else Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(18)); Until Length(Str1) >= 4; If Edit Then Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(421)) Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(19)); Str2 := Session.io.GetInput(15, 15, 16, ''); If Str1 <> Str2 Then If Edit Then Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(418)) Else Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(20)); Until (Str1 = Str2) or (Edit); If Str1 = Str2 Then Begin ThisUser.Password := Str1; ThisUser.LastPWChange := DateDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1); End; End; Procedure TBBSUser.GetTheme; Var Old : RecTheme; T : Byte; A : Byte; Begin T := 0; Old := Session.Theme; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(182)); Reset (Session.ThemeFile); Repeat Read (Session.ThemeFile, Session.Theme); If ((Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowASCII = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 0)) or ((Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowANSI = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 1)) Then Continue; Inc (T); Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := strI2S(T); Session.io.PromptInfo[2] := Session.Theme.Desc; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(183)); Until Eof(Session.ThemeFile); { Lang := Old; } Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(184)); A := strS2I(Session.io.GetInput(2, 2, 12, '')); {force user to select a language} If (A < 1) or (A > T) Then A := 1; T := 0; Reset (Session.ThemeFile); Repeat Read (Session.ThemeFile, Session.Theme); If ((Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowASCII = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 0)) or ((Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowANSI = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 1)) Then Continue; Inc (T); Until T = A; { Close (Session.LangFile);} If Not Session.LoadThemeData(Session.Theme.FileName) Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(185)); Session.Theme := Old; End Else ThisUser.Theme := Session.Theme.FileName; End; Procedure TBBSUser.CreateNewUser (DefName: String); Begin If Not Config.AllowNewUsers Then Begin Session.io.OutFile ('nonewusr', True, 0); Halt(0); End; If Config.NewUserPW <> '' Then If Not Session.io.GetPW(Session.GetPrompt(5), Session.GetPrompt(422), Config.NewUserPW) Then Halt(0); Session.SystemLog ('NEW USER'); InitializeUserData; Session.io.OutFile ('newuser1', True, 0); If ExecuteMPL (NIL, 'newuserapp') > 0 Then Begin If ThisUser.RealName = '' Then ThisUser.RealName := ThisUser.Handle; If ThisUser.Handle = '' Then ThisUser.Handle := ThisUser.RealName; If { Test validity of user data } FindUser(ThisUser.RealName, False) or FindUser(ThisUser.Handle, False) or (ThisUser.Password = '') or (ThisUser.RealName = '') or (ThisUser.Handle = '') Then Begin Session.SystemLog('newuserapp.mpx does not set minimum data elements'); Halt(1); End; End Else Begin If strUpper(DefName) = 'NEW' Then DefName := ''; With Config Do Begin If AskTheme Then GetTheme Else ThisUser.Theme := DefThemeFile; If AskAlias Then GetAlias(False, DefName); If AskRealName Then GetRealName(False); If AskStreet Then GetAddress(False); If AskCityState Then GetCityState(False); If AskZipCode Then GetZipCode(False); If AskHomePhone Then GetHomePhone(False); If AskDataPhone Then GetDataPhone(False); If AskGender Then GetGender(False); If UserDateType = 4 Then GetDateFormat(False) Else ThisUser.DateType := UserDateType; If AskBirthdate Then GetBirthdate(False); If AskEmail Then GetEmail(False); If AskUserNote Then GetUserNote(False); If OptionalField[1].Ask Then GetOption1(False); If OptionalField[2].Ask Then GetOption2(False); If OptionalField[3].Ask Then GetOption3(False); If UserEditorType = 2 Then GetEditor(False) Else ThisUser.EditType := UserEditorType; If UserQuoteWin = 2 Then ThisUser.UseLBQuote := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(60), False) Else ThisUser.UseLBQuote := Boolean(UserQuoteWin); If UserFileList = 2 Then GetFileList(False) Else ThisUser.FileList := UserFileList; If UserReadType = 2 Then GetMsgList(False) Else ThisUser.MReadType := UserReadType; If UserReadIndex = 2 Then ThisUser.UseLBIndex := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(429), False) Else ThisUser.UseLBIndex := Boolean(UserReadIndex); If UserMailIndex = 2 Then ThisUser.UseLBMIdx := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(331), False) Else ThisUser.UseLBMIdx := Boolean(UserMailIndex); If UserFullChat = 2 Then ThisUser.UseFullChat := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(187), True) Else ThisUser.UseFullChat := Boolean(UserFullChat); If UserHotKeys = 2 Then GetHotKeys(False) Else ThisUser.HotKeys := Boolean(UserHotKeys); End; If Config.AskScreenSize Then GetScreenLength(False) Else ThisUser.ScreenSize := Config.DefScreenSize; Case Config.UserProtocol of 0 : ThisUser.Protocol := #0; 1 : ThisUser.Protocol := Config.FProtocol; 2 : ThisUser.Protocol := Session.FileBase.SelectProtocol(False, True); End; GetPassword(False); End; Upgrade_User_Level (True, ThisUser, Config.NewUserSec); // ThisUser.FirstOn := CurDateDos; // ThisUser.Archive := Config.qwkArchive; // ThisUser.LastFBase := 0; // ThisUser.LastFGroup := Config.StartFGroup; // ThisUser.LastMGroup := Config.StartMGroup; // ThisUser.LastMBase := 0; // ThisUser.Flags := 0; If Not Config.AskRealName Then ThisUser.RealName := ThisUser.Handle; If Not Config.AskAlias Then ThisUser.Handle := ThisUser.RealName; {If either handles or realnames are toggled off, fill the gaps} Session.Menu.MenuName := 'newinfo'; Session.Menu.ExecuteMenu (True, False, False, True); Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(21)); Reset (UserFile); UserNum := Succ(FileSize(UserFile)); Inc (Config.UserIdxPos); ThisUser.PermIdx := Config.UserIdxPos; Seek (UserFile, UserNum - 1); Write (UserFile, ThisUser); Close (UserFile); Reset (ConfigFile); Write (ConfigFile, Config); Close (ConfigFile); Session.SystemLog ('Created Account: ' + ThisUser.Handle); If Config.NewUserEmail Then Begin Session.io.OutFile('feedback', True, 0); If Session.Menu.ExecuteCommand ('MW', '/TO:' + strReplace(Config.FeedbackTo, ' ', '_') + ' /SUBJ:New_User_Feedback /F') Then; End; If FileExist(Config.ScriptPath + 'newuser.mpx') Then ExecuteMPL(NIL, 'newuser'); If FileExist(Config.DataPath + 'newletter.txt') Then Session.Msgs.PostTextFile('newletter.txt;0;' + Config.SysopName + ';' + ThisUser.Handle + ';Welcome', True); If FileExist(Config.DataPath + 'sysletter.txt') Then Session.Msgs.PostTextFile('sysletter.txt;0;' + Config.SysopName + ';' + Config.SysopName + ';New account created', True); End; Procedure TBBSUser.UserLogon3; Var Count : Byte; Ch : Char; Begin {$IFDEF LOGGING} Session.SystemLog('Logon3'); {$ENDIF} Chat.Available := True; If Access(Config.AcsInvisLogin) Then Chat.Invisible := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(308), False); { update last caller information } If Not Session.LocalMode And Not Chat.Invisible And (ThisUser.Flags AND UserNoLastCall = 0) Then Begin Reset (LastOnFile); If FileSize(LastOnFile) >= 10 Then KillRecord (LastOnFile, 1, SizeOf(RecLastOn)); LastOn.Handle := ThisUser.Handle; LastOn.City := ThisUser.City; LastOn.Node := Session.NodeNum; LastOn.DateTime := CurDateDos; LastOn.CallNum := Config.SystemCalls; LastOn.Address := ThisUser.Address; LastOn.EmailAddr := ThisUser.Email; LastOn.UserInfo := ThisUser.UserInfo; LastOn.Gender := ThisUser.Gender; LastOn.PeerIP := Session.UserIPInfo; LastOn.PeerHost := Session.UserHostInfo; LastOn.NewUser := ThisUser.Calls = 0; For Count := 1 to 10 Do LastOn.OptionData[Count] := ThisUser.OptionData[Count]; Seek (LastOnFile, FileSize(LastOnFile)); Write (LastOnFile, LastOn); Close (LastOnFile); End; { update node info / settings } Set_Node_Action(Session.GetPrompt(345)); { this (below) causes runtime 201 when range checking is ON } For Count := 1 to 9 Do Session.io.OutFile ('logon' + strI2S(Count), True, 0); Session.io.OutFile ('sl' + strI2S(ThisUser.Security), True, 0); For Ch := 'A' to 'Z' Do If Ord(Ch) - 64 in ThisUser.AF1 Then Session.io.OutFile ('flag1' + Ch, True, 0); For Ch := 'A' to 'Z' Do If Ord(Ch) - 64 in ThisUser.AF2 Then Session.io.OutFile ('flag2' + Ch, True, 0); If DateDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1) = DateJulian2Str(ThisUser.Birthday, 1) Then Session.io.OutFile ('birthday', True, 0); { Check for forced voting questions } Reset (Session.VoteFile); While Not Eof(Session.VoteFile) Do Begin Read (Session.VoteFile, Session.Vote); If Access(Session.Vote.ACS) and Access(Session.Vote.ForceACS) and (ThisUser.Vote[FilePos(Session.VoteFile)] = 0) Then Begin Count := FilePos(Session.VoteFile); Close (Session.VoteFile); Voting_Booth (True, Count); Reset (Session.VoteFile); Seek (Session.VoteFile, Count); End; End; Close (Session.VoteFile); { END forced voting check } End; Procedure TBBSUser.UserLogon2; Begin {$IFDEF LOGGING} Session.SystemLog('Logon2'); {$ENDIF} Reset (SecurityFile); Seek (SecurityFile, Pred(ThisUser.Security)); Read (SecurityFile, Security); Close (SecurityFile); If DateDos2Str(ThisUser.LastOn, 1) <> DateDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1) Then Begin ThisUser.CallsToday := 0; ThisUser.DLsToday := 0; ThisUser.DLkToday := 0; ThisUser.TimeLeft := Security.Time; End; If Not Session.LocalMode And (ThisUser.Flags AND UserNoLastCall = 0) Then Begin Reset (ConfigFile); Read (ConfigFile, Config); Inc (Config.SystemCalls); Reset (ConfigFile); Write (ConfigFile, Config); Close (ConfigFile); End; Inc (ThisUser.Calls); Inc (ThisUser.CallsToday); If (Not Access(Config.AcsMultiLogin)) and (IsUserOnline(ThisUser.Handle) <> 0) Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn(Session.GetPrompt(426)); Halt(0); End; If ThisUser.Flags And UserLockedOut <> 0 Then Begin Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(129)); Session.SystemLog ('User has been locked out'); Halt(0); End; If (ThisUser.CallsToday >= Security.MaxCalls) and (Security.MaxCalls > 0) Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(157)); Halt(0); End; {Find last message/file base and group} If ThisUser.LastMGroup > 0 Then Session.Msgs.MessageGroupChange (strI2S(ThisUser.LastMGroup), False, False) Else Session.Msgs.MessageGroupChange ('+', True, False); If ThisUser.LastMBase > 0 Then Session.Msgs.ChangeArea(strI2S(ThisUser.LastMBase)) Else Session.Msgs.ChangeArea('+'); If ThisUser.LastFGroup > 0 Then Session.FileBase.FileGroupChange(strI2S(ThisUser.LastFGroup), False, False) Else Session.FileBase.FileGroupChange('+', True, False); If ThisUser.LastFBase > 0 Then Session.FileBase.ChangeFileArea(strI2S(ThisUser.LastFBase)) Else Session.FileBase.ChangeFileArea('+'); If (Session.TimeOffset = 0) or (Session.TimeOffset > ThisUser.TimeLeft) Then Session.SetTimeLeft (ThisUser.TimeLeft); // check auto-upgrades posts/calls/downloads/uploads/etc If DateValid(Session.User.ThisUser.Expires) Then If CurDateJulian - DateStr2Julian(Session.User.ThisUser.Expires) >= 0 Then Begin Session.SystemLog('Account expired to level ' + strI2S(Session.User.ThisUser.ExpiresTo)); Upgrade_User_Level(True, Session.User.ThisUser, Session.User.ThisUser.ExpiresTo); If Session.User.ThisUser.Security = 0 Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn(Session.GetPrompt(477)); Session.User.ThisUser.Flags := Session.User.ThisUser.Flags AND UserDeleted; Exit; End Else Session.io.OutFullLn(Session.GetPrompt(476)); End; If (Config.PWChange > 0) and (Session.User.ThisUser.Flags AND UserNoPWChange = 0) Then If Not DateValid(Session.User.ThisUser.LastPWChange) Then Session.User.ThisUser.LastPWChange := DateDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1) Else If CurDateJulian - DateStr2Julian(Session.User.ThisUser.LastPWChange) >= Config.PWChange Then Begin Session.SystemLog('Required password change'); Session.io.OutFullLn(Session.GetPrompt(478)); Session.User.GetPassword(False); End; {$IFNDEF UNIX} UpdateStatusLine(StatusPtr, ''); {$ENDIF} End; Procedure TBBSUser.UserLogon1 (Var MPE: String); Var A : Integer; Count : Byte; Str : String; Begin {$IFDEF LOGGING} Session.SystemLog('Logon1'); {$ENDIF} Set_Node_Action (Session.GetPrompt(345)); Session.io.Graphics := 0; Session.SystemLog ('-'); Session.SystemLog ('Connect from ' + Session.UserIPInfo + ' (' + Session.UserHostInfo + ')'); Session.HistoryHour := strS2I(Copy(TimeDos2Str(CurDateDos, False), 1, 2)); If Config.SystemPW <> '' Then If Not Session.io.GetPW(Session.GetPrompt(4), Session.GetPrompt(417), Config.SystemPW) Then Begin Session.io.OutFile ('closed', True, 0); Session.SystemLog('Failed system password'); Halt(0); End; Session.io.OutFullLn ('|CL' + mysSoftwareID + ' BBS v' + mysVersion + ' for ' + OSID + ' Node |ND'); Session.io.OutFullLn (CopyID); If Config.DefTermMode = 0 Then GetGraphics Else If Config.DefTermMode = 3 Then Session.io.Graphics := 1 Else Begin DetectGraphics; If (Session.io.Graphics = 0) and (Config.DefTermMode = 2) Then GetGraphics; End; If Config.ThemeOnStart Then GetTheme; If (Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowASCII = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 0) Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(321)); Session.SystemLog ('ASCII login disabled'); Halt(0); End Else If (Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowANSI = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 1) Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(322)); Session.SystemLog ('ANSI login disabled'); Halt(0); End; If FileExist(Config.ScriptPath + 'startup.mpx') Then ExecuteMPL(NIL, 'startup'); If Session.UserLoginName <> '' Then Begin If Not FindUser(Session.UserLoginName, True) Then Halt; If strUpper(Session.UserLoginPW) <> TempUser.Password Then Begin UserNum := -1; Halt; End; End Else Begin If Config.UseMatrix Then Begin Repeat Session.Menu.MenuName := Config.MatrixMenu; Session.Menu.ExecuteMenu (True, False, False, True); Until MatrixOK or Session.ShutDown; End; Session.io.OutFile ('prelogon', True, 0); Count := 1; Repeat If Count > Config.LoginAttempts Then Halt; Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := strI2S(Count); Session.io.PromptInfo[2] := strI2S(Config.LoginAttempts); Session.io.PromptInfo[3] := strI2S(Config.LoginAttempts - Count); Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(0)); Str := strStripB(Session.io.GetInput(30, 30, 18, ''), ' '); If Not FindUser(Str, True) Then Begin Session.io.OutFile ('newuser', True, 0); If Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(1), False) Then Begin CreateNewUser(Str); UserLogon2; UserLogon3; Exit; End; Inc (Count); End Else Break; Until False; A := UserNum; {If user would drop carrier here itd save their info } UserNum := -1; {which is only User.ThisUser.realname at this time } If Not Session.io.GetPW(Session.GetPrompt(2), Session.GetPrompt(3), TempUser.Password) Then Begin If Config.PWInquiry Then If Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(475), False) Then Session.Msgs.PostMessage(True, '/TO:' + strReplace(Config.FeedbackTo, ' ', '_') + ' /SUBJ:Password_Inquiry'); Session.Msgs.PostTextFile('hackwarn.txt;0;' + Config.SysopName + ';' + TempUser.Handle + ';Possible hack attempt', True); Halt(0); End; UserNum := A; End; ThisUser := TempUser; Session.SystemLog ('User: ' + ThisUser.Handle + ' logged in'); If Not Session.LoadThemeData(ThisUser.Theme) Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(186)); If Session.LoadThemeData(Config.DefThemeFile) Then ThisUser.Theme := Config.DefThemeFile; End; UserLogon2; If MPE <> '' Then Begin ExecuteMPL(NIL, MPE); Halt; End Else UserLogon3; End; Procedure TBBSUser.EditUserSettings (Data: String); Var What : Byte; Begin What := strS2I(strWordGet(1, Data, ' ')); If strWordCount(Data, ' ') > 1 Then Data := strStripB(Copy(Data, strWordPos(2, Data, ' '), 255), ' ') Else Data := ''; Case What of 1 : GetAddress(True); 2 : GetCityState(True); 3 : GetZipCode(True); 4 : GetHomePhone(True); 5 : GetDataPhone(True); 6 : GetBirthDate(True); 7 : GetGender(True); 8 : GetDateFormat(True); 9 : Repeat GetGraphics; If ((Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowASCII = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 0)) or ((Session.Theme.Flags AND ThmAllowANSI = 0) and (Session.io.Graphics = 1)) Then Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(325)) Else Break; Until False; 10 : GetScreenLength(True); 11 : GetPassword(True); 12 : GetRealName(True); 13 : GetAlias(True, ''); 14 : If Data = '' Then GetTheme Else Session.LoadThemeData(Data); 15 : GetEditor(True); 16 : If Access(Config.AcsInvisLogin) Then Begin Chat.Invisible := Not Chat.Invisible; Set_Node_Action (Chat.Action); End; 17 : GetFileList(True); 18 : Chat.Available := Not Chat.Available; 19 : GetHotKeys(True); 20 : GetMsgList(True); 21 : ThisUser.UseLBIndex := Not ThisUser.UseLBIndex; 22 : GetEmail(True); 23 : GetUserNote(True); 24 : GetOption1(True); 25 : GetOption2(True); 26 : GetOption3(True); 27 : ThisUser.UseLBQuote := Not ThisUser.UseLBQuote; 28 : ThisUser.UseLBMIdx := Not ThisUser.UseLBMIdx; 29 : ThisUser.UseFullChat := Not ThisUser.UseFullChat; 30 : ThisUser.QwkFiles := Not ThisUser.QwkFiles; 31 : Session.FileBase.SelectArchive; 32 : ThisUser.Protocol := Session.FileBase.SelectProtocol(False, True); End; End; End.