Unit m_Tcp_Client_FTP; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Uses m_io_Sockets, m_Tcp_Client; Const ftpResOK = 0; ftpResFailed = 1; ftpResBadData = 2; ftpResNoFile = 3; Type WordRec = Record Lo : Byte; Hi : Byte; End; TFTPClient = Class(TTCPClient) DataPort : Word; DataIP : String; DataSocket : TIOSocket; IsPassive : Boolean; MinPort : Word; MaxPort : Word; Constructor Create (NetI: String); Override; Function OpenDataSession : Boolean; Procedure CloseDataSession; Function SetPassive (IsOn: Boolean) : Boolean; Function SendDataCommand (UsePassive: Boolean; Cmd: String) : LongInt; Function OpenConnection (HostName: String) : Boolean; Function Authenticate (Login, Password: String) : Boolean; Function ChangeDirectory (Str: String) : Boolean; Function GetDirectoryList (Passive, Change: Boolean; Str: String) : Boolean; Function SendFile (Passive: Boolean; LocalFile, RemoteFile: String) : Byte; Function GetFile (Passive: Boolean; FileName: String) : Byte; Procedure CloseConnection; End; Implementation Uses m_FileIO, m_Strings; Constructor TFTPClient.Create (NetI: String); Begin Inherited Create(NetI); IsPassive := False; DataIP := ''; MinPort := 49152; MaxPort := 65535; DataPort := Random(MaxPort - MinPort) + MinPort; End; Function TFTPClient.OpenDataSession : Boolean; Var WaitSock : TIOSocket; Begin Result := False; If DataSocket <> NIL Then Begin // writeln('DEBUG data socket was not NIL'); DataSocket.Free; DataSocket := NIL; End; If IsPassive Then Begin DataSocket := TIOSocket.Create; // writeln ('DEBUG connecting PASV to ', dataip, ':', dataport); If Not DataSocket.Connect(DataIP, DataPort) Then Begin DataSocket.Free; DataSocket := NIL; Exit; End; // writeln ('DEBUG connected PASV'); End Else Begin WaitSock := TIOSocket.Create; WaitSock.WaitInit(NetInterface, DataPort); DataSocket := WaitSock.WaitConnection(10000); WaitSock.Free; If Not Assigned(DataSocket) Then Exit; End; Result := True; End; Procedure TFTPClient.CloseDataSession; Begin If DataSocket <> NIL Then Begin //DataSocket.Disconnect; DataSocket.Free; DataSocket := NIL; End; End; Function TFTPClient.OpenConnection (HostName: String) : Boolean; Var Port : Word; Begin Result := False; Port := strS2I(strWordGet(2, HostName, ':')); If Port = 0 Then Port := 21; Result := Connect(strWordGet(1, HostName, ':'), Port); If Result Then GetResponse; // eat banner/info tag End; Function TFTPClient.Authenticate (Login, Password: String) : Boolean; Begin Result := False; If SendCommand('USER ' + Login) <> 331 Then Exit; If SendCommand('PASS ' + Password) <> 230 Then Exit; // Setup misc session crap here If SendCommand('TYPE I') = 200 Then; If SendCommand('MODE S') = 200 Then; Result := True; End; Function TFTPClient.SetPassive (IsOn: Boolean) : Boolean; Var Str : String; Count : Byte; Begin If IsOn Then Begin Result := SendCommand('PASV') = 227; If Result Then Begin Str := (strWordGet(1, strWordGet(2, ResponseStr, '('), ')')); For Count := 1 to 3 Do Str[Pos(',', Str)] := '.'; DataIP := Copy(Str, 1, Pos(',', Str) - 1); Delete (Str, 1, Pos(',', Str)); WordRec(DataPort).Hi := strS2I(Copy(Str, 1, Pos(',', Str) - 1)); WordRec(DataPort).Lo := strS2I(Copy(Str, Pos(',', Str) + 1, Length(Str))); IsPassive := True; End; End Else Begin IsPassive := False; DataPort := Random(MaxPort - MinPort) + MinPort; Result := SendCommand('PORT ' + strReplace(Client.PeerIP, '.', ',') + ',' + strI2S(WordRec(DataPort).Hi) + ',' + strI2S(WordRec(DataPort).Lo)) = 200; End; End; Function TFTPClient.SendFile (Passive: Boolean; LocalFile, RemoteFile: String) : Byte; Var F : File; Buffer : Array[1..16 * 1024] of Char; Res : LongInt; Begin Result := ftpResFailed; If Not FileExist(LocalFile) Then Exit; Res := SendDataCommand(Passive, 'STOR ' + JustFile(RemoteFile)); If (Res = 150) Then Begin Assign (F, LocalFile); If ioReset(F, 1, fmRWDN) Then Begin Repeat BlockRead (F, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), Res); If Res > 0 Then DataSocket.WriteBuf(Buffer, Res) Else Break; Until False; Close (F); End; CloseDataSession; If GetResponse = 226 Then Result := ftpResOK; End Else Begin If Res = 550 Then Result := ftpResNoFile Else Result := ftpResBadData; CloseDataSession; End; End; Function TFTPClient.GetFile (Passive: Boolean; FileName: String) : Byte; Var F : File; Res : LongInt; Buffer : Array[1..16 * 1024] of Char; Begin Result := ftpResFailed; If FileExist(FileName) Then Exit; Res := SendDataCommand (Passive, 'RETR ' + JustFile(FileName)); If (Res = 150) Then Begin Assign (F, FileName); If ioReWrite(F, 1, fmRWDW) Then Begin Repeat Res := DataSocket.ReadBuf (Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); If Res > 0 Then BlockWrite (F, Buffer, Res) Else Break; Until False; Close (F); End; CloseDataSession; If GetResponse = 226 Then Result := ftpResOK; End Else Begin If Res = 550 Then Result := ftpResNoFile Else Result := ftpResBadData; CloseDataSession; End; End; Function TFTPClient.ChangeDirectory (Str: String) : Boolean; Begin Result := SendCommand('CWD ' + Str) = 250; End; Function TFTPClient.SendDataCommand (UsePassive: Boolean; Cmd: String) : LongInt; Var OK : Boolean; Begin SetPassive (UsePassive); If UsePassive Then Begin OK := OpenDataSession; If OK Then Result := SendCommand(Cmd); End Else Begin Result := SendCommand(Cmd); OK := OpenDataSession; End; If Not OK Then Result := -1; End; Function TFTPClient.GetDirectoryList (Passive, Change: Boolean; Str: String) : Boolean; Var Res : LongInt; Begin If Change Then Begin Result := ChangeDirectory(Str); If Not Result Then Exit; End; Result := False; Res := SendDataCommand(Passive, 'NLST'); If (Res = 125) or (Res = 150) Then Begin ResponseData.Clear; Repeat If DataSocket.ReadLine(Str) <> -1 Then ResponseData.Add(Str) Else Break; Until Not DataSocket.Connected; Res := GetResponse; Result := Res = 226; End; CloseDataSession; End; Procedure TFTPClient.CloseConnection; Begin If Client.Connected Then Client.WriteLine('QUIT'); End; End.