// .-------------------------. // | TO-PRMPT.MPS : UPDATE 2 |=============================================== // `-------------------------' // // This mod is was originally written for use with Mystic BBS v1.07.3 by // Testoverride, based on some demo MPL code written by g00r00. // // It has been updated for Mystic BBS 1.10+ by g00r00, and released without // Testoverride's assistance. This is not an intentional thing, but TO has // been missing lately, so given the circumstances that it was based off of // g00r00's code, we feel it's okay to go forward with this release. // // You are free to modify and do whatever you'd like to with this code, but // please if you do make significant changes please let the original authors // know so that we can include it into our release if it is worthwhile. // // The original authors contact info follows: // // Testoverride - testoverride@comcast.net (unconfirmed) // g00r00 - mysticbbs@gmail.com // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INSTALLATION // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Replace the following prompts with the following data if you want to // replace them with TO-PRMPT lightbar prompt functionality (exclude quotes): // // Message reading prompt : Set Prompt #116 to "!to-prmpt MESSAGE" // E-mail reading prompt : Set Prompt #115 to "!to-prmpt EMAIL" // File Listing prompt : Set Prompt #044 to "!to-prmpt FILE" // Pause prompt : Set Prompt #132 to "!to-prmpt PAUSE" // // When you have changed the prompts, you must compile them again with // MAKETHEME, or if you changed them inside the internal prompt editor, the // theme prompts file will already be compiled for you. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // New updates for 1.10: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // - Converted to new MPL 1.10 // - Changed the s255 ACS check to use the message owner MCI code instead // - Added the 'H' command to the message reader prompt (set lastread) // - Added the 'M' command to the message reader prompt (move message) // - Added the 'F' command to the message reader prompt (forward) // - Some conversions of IF statements to CASE statements for code clarity // // =========================================================================== Var Selection : Byte; Function FPromptMenu : Byte Var Ch : Char; Done : Boolean; Bar : Byte; Cmd : Array[1..5] of String[80]; Xpos : Array[1..5] of String[80]; Begin Done := False Bar := 1 Xpos[1] := '|[X40' Xpos[2] := '|[X45' Xpos[3] := '|[X54' Xpos[4] := '|[X59' Xpos[5] := '|[X64' Cmd[1] := '|15n|07ext' Cmd[2] := '|15p|07revious' Cmd[3] := '|15f|07lag' Cmd[4] := '|15v|07iew' Cmd[5] := '|15q|07uit' Repeat If Graphics > 0 Then Write ('|15|17' + Xpos[Bar]+stripmci(Cmd[Bar]) + '|00|16'); Ch := ReadKey If Graphics > 0 and IsArrow Then Begin Write (Xpos[bar] + Cmd[Bar] + '|00|16'); If Ord(Ch) = 75 Then Begin If Bar > 1 Then Bar := Bar - 1 End Else If Ord(Ch) = 77 Then Begin If Bar < 5 Then Bar := Bar + 1 End End Else If Ch = #13 and Graphics > 0 Then Begin FPromptMenu := Bar Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'N' Then Begin FPromptMenu := 1 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'P' Then Begin FPromptMenu := 2 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'F' Then Begin FPromptMenu := 3 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'V' Then Begin FPromptMenu := 4 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'Q' Then Begin FPromptMenu := 5 Done := True End Until Done End Function EPromptMenu : Byte Var Ch : Char; Done : Boolean; Bar : Byte; Cmd : Array[1..7] of String[80]; Xpos : Array[1..7] of String[80]; Begin Done := False Bar := 1 Xpos[1] := '|[X23' Xpos[2] := '|[X28' Xpos[3] := '|[X37' Xpos[4] := '|[X43' Xpos[5] := '|[X49' Xpos[6] := '|[X54' Xpos[7] := '|[X61' Cmd[1] := '|15n|07ext' Cmd[2] := '|15p|07revious' Cmd[3] := '|15a|07gain' Cmd[4] := '|15r|07eply' Cmd[5] := '|15j|07ump' Cmd[6] := '|15d|07elete' Cmd[7] := '|15q|07uit' Repeat If Graphics > 0 Then Write ('|15|17' + Xpos[bar]+stripmci(Cmd[Bar]) + '|00|16') Ch := ReadKey If Graphics > 0 and IsArrow Then Begin Write (Xpos[bar]+Cmd[Bar] + '|00|16') If Ord(Ch) = 75 Then Begin If Bar > 1 Then Bar := Bar - 1 End Else If Ord(Ch) = 77 Then Begin If Bar < 7 Then Bar := Bar + 1 End End Else Begin If Ch = Chr(13) and Graphics > 0 Then Begin EPromptMenu := Bar Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'N' Then Begin EPromptMenu := 1 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'P' Then Begin EPromptMenu := 2 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'A' Then Begin EPromptMenu := 3 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'R' Then Begin EPromptMenu := 4 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'J' Then Begin EPromptMenu := 5 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'D' Then Begin EPromptMenu := 6 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'Q' Then Begin EPromptMenu := 7 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'X' Then Begin stuffkey(ch) Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = '?' Then Begin stuffkey(ch) Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'L' Then Begin stuffkey(ch) Done := True End End Until Done End Function MPromptMenu : Byte; Var Ch : Char Done : Boolean Bar : Byte Cmd : Array[1..6] of String[80] Xpos : Array[1..6] of String[80] Begin Done := False Bar := 1 Xpos[1] := '|[X38' Xpos[2] := '|[X43' Xpos[3] := '|[X52' Xpos[4] := '|[X58' Xpos[5] := '|[X64' Xpos[6] := '|[X69' Cmd[1] := '|15n|07ext|00|16' Cmd[2] := '|15p|07revious|00|16' Cmd[3] := '|15a|07gain|00|16' Cmd[4] := '|15r|07eply|00|16' Cmd[5] := '|15j|07ump|00|16' Cmd[6] := '|15q|07uit|00|16' Repeat If Graphics > 0 Then Write ('|15|17' + Xpos[bar]+stripmci(Cmd[Bar]) + '|00|16'); Ch := Upper(ReadKey); If Graphics > 0 and IsArrow Then Begin Write (Xpos[bar]+Cmd[Bar] + '|00|16'); Case Ch of #75 : If Bar > 1 Then Bar := Bar - 1; #77 : If Bar < 6 Then Bar := Bar + 1; End End Else Begin Case Ch of #13 : If Graphics > 0 Then Begin MPromptMenu := Bar; Done := True; End; 'N' : Begin MPromptMenu := 1; Done := True; End; 'P' : Begin MPromptMenu := 2; Done := True; End; 'A' : Begin MPromptMenu := 3; Done := True; End; 'R' : Begin MPromptMenu := 4; Done := True; End; 'J' : Begin MPromptMenu := 5; Done := True; End; 'Q' : Begin MPromptMenu := 6; Done := True; End; Else If (Pos(Ch, 'MEFD') > 0 And ACS('OM')) OR (Pos(Ch, 'X?[]HITGL') > 0) Then Begin StuffKey(Ch); Done := True; End; End; End; Until Done; End; Function PPromptMenu : Byte Var Ch : Char Done : Boolean Bar : Byte Cmd : Array[1..3] of String[80]; Xpos : Array[1..3] of String[80]; Begin Done := False Bar := 1 Xpos[1] := '|[X22' Xpos[2] := '|[X26' Xpos[3] := '|[X29' Cmd[1] := '|15y|07es' Cmd[2] := '|15n|07o' Cmd[3] := '|15c|07ontinuous' Repeat If Graphics > 0 Then Write ('|11|19' + XPos[Bar] + StripMCI(Cmd[Bar]) + '|00|16') Ch := ReadKey If Graphics > 0 and IsArrow Then Begin Write (XPos[Bar] + Cmd[Bar] + '|00|16') If Ord(Ch) = 75 Then Begin If Bar > 1 Then Bar := Bar - 1 End Else If Ord(Ch) = 77 Then Begin If Bar < 3 Then Bar := Bar + 1 End End Else If Ch = #13 and Graphics > 0 Then Begin PPromptMenu := Bar Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'Y' Then Begin PPromptMenu := 1 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'N' Then Begin PPromptMenu := 2 Done := True End Else If Upper(Ch) = 'C' Then Begin PPromptMenu := 3 Done := True End Until Done End Procedure MESSAGE Begin Write ('|CR|05[|13=|14!|07 reading messages |15|$L04|&5 |07of |15|$R04|&6 |08// |15n|09ext |15p|07revious |15a|07gain |15r|07eply |15j|07ump |15q|07uit |00') Selection := MPromptMenu If Selection = 1 Then stuffkey('N') Else If Selection = 2 Then stuffkey('P') Else If Selection = 3 Then stuffkey('A') Else If Selection = 4 Then stuffkey('R') Else If Selection = 5 Then stuffkey('J') Else If Selection = 6 Then stuffkey('Q') End Procedure DOPAUSE Begin Write ('|05[|13=|14!|07 paused |13-|07 more|08 // |15y|09es |15n|07o |15c|07ontinuous |00') Selection := PPromptMenu If Selection = 1 Then stuffkey('Y') Else If Selection = 2 Then stuffkey('N') Else If Selection = 3 Then stuffkey('C') End Procedure Email Begin Write ('|CR|05[|13=|14!|07 reading e-mail |08// |15N|09ext |15P|07revious |15A|07gain |15R|07eply |15J|07ump |15D|07elete |15Q|07uit |00') Selection := EPromptMenu If Selection = 1 Then stuffkey('N') Else If Selection = 2 Then stuffkey('P') Else If Selection = 3 Then stuffkey('A') Else If Selection = 4 Then stuffkey('R') Else If Selection = 5 Then stuffkey('J') Else If Selection = 6 Then stuffkey('D') Else If Selection = 7 Then stuffkey('Q') End Procedure File Begin Write ('|CR|07(|07|$R31|FB|07) |08// |15n|07ext |15p|07revious |15f|07lag |15v|07iew |15q|07uit >>') Selection := FPromptMenu If Selection = 1 Then stuffkey('N') Else If Selection = 2 Then stuffkey('P') Else If Selection = 3 Then stuffkey('F') Else If Selection = 4 Then stuffkey('V') Else If Selection = 5 Then stuffkey('Q') End Const FailStr = '|CRUSAGE: to-prmpt [ MESSAGE | FILE | EMAIL | PAUSE ]|CR|PA'; Begin AllowArrow := True; If ParamCount < 1 Then WriteLn(FailStr) Else Case Upper(ParamStr(1)) of 'MESSAGE': MESSAGE; 'FILE' : FILE; 'EMAIL' : EMAIL; 'PAUSE' : DOPAUSE; Else WriteLn(FailStr); End; End.