Unit m_DateTime; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure WaitMS (MS: Word); Function TimerMinutes : LongInt; Function TimerSeconds : LongInt; Function TimerSet (Secs: LongInt) : LongInt; Function TimerUp (Secs: LongInt) : Boolean; Function CurDateDos : LongInt; Function CurDateJulian : LongInt; Function DateDos2Str (Date: LongInt; Format: Byte) : String; Function DateJulian2Str (Date: LongInt; Format: Byte) : String; Function DateStr2Dos (Str: String) : LongInt; Function DateStr2Julian (Str: String) : LongInt; Procedure DateG2J (Year, Month, Day: LongInt; Var Julian: LongInt); Procedure DateJ2G (Julian: LongInt; Var Year, Month, Day: SmallInt); Function DateValid (Str: String) : Boolean; Function TimeDos2Str (Date: LongInt; Twelve: Boolean) : String; Function DayOfWeek : Byte; Function DaysAgo (Date: LongInt) : LongInt; Function TimeSecToStr (Secs: LongInt) : String; Implementation Uses {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} BaseUnix, {$ENDIF} DOS, m_Strings; Const JulianDay0 = 1461; JulianDay1 = 146097; JulianDay2 = 1721119; Function TimeSecToStr (Secs: LongInt) : String; Var Mins, Hours : LongInt; Begin Mins := Secs DIV 60; Hours := Mins DIV 60; Mins := Mins MOD 60; Result := strZero(Hours) + ':' + strZero(Mins); End; Procedure WaitMS (MS: Word); Begin {$IFDEF WIN32} Sleep(MS); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} fpSelect(0, Nil, Nil, Nil, MS); {$ENDIF} End; Procedure DateG2J (Year, Month, Day: LongInt; Var Julian: LongInt); Var Century : LongInt; XYear : LongInt; Begin If Month <= 2 Then Begin Dec(Year); Inc(Month, 12); End; Dec(Month, 3); Century := Year DIV 100; XYear := Year MOD 100; Century := (Century * JulianDay1) SHR 2; XYear := (XYear * JulianDay0) SHR 2; Julian := ((((Month * 153) + 2) DIV 5) + Day) + JulianDay2 + XYear + Century; End; Procedure DateJ2G (Julian: LongInt; Var Year, Month, Day: SmallInt); Var Temp : LongInt; XYear : LongInt; YYear : LongInt; YMonth : LongInt; YDay : LongInt; Begin Temp := (((Julian - JulianDay2) SHL 2) - 1); XYear := (Temp MOD JulianDay1) OR 3; Julian := Temp DIV JulianDay1; YYear := (XYear DIV JulianDay0); Temp := ((((XYear MOD JulianDay0) + 4) SHR 2) * 5) - 3; YMonth := Temp DIV 153; If YMonth >= 10 Then Begin YYear := YYear + 1; YMonth := YMonth - 12; End; YMonth := YMonth + 3; YDay := Temp MOD 153; YDay := (YDay + 5) DIV 5; Year := YYear + (Julian * 100); Month := YMonth; Day := YDay; End; Function CurDateDos : LongInt; Var DT : DateTime; Temp : Word; Temp2 : LongInt; Begin GetDate (DT.Year, DT.Month, DT.Day, Temp); GetTime (DT.Hour, DT.Min, DT.Sec, Temp); PackTime (DT, Temp2); Result := Temp2; End; Function CurDateJulian : LongInt; Var Date : DateTime; Temp : Word; Begin GetDate (Date.Year, Date.Month, Date.Day, Temp); Date.Hour := 0; Date.Min := 0; Date.Sec := 0; DateG2J(Date.Year, Date.Month, Date.Day, Result); End; Function TimerSeconds : LongInt; Var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100 : Word; Begin GetTime (Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100); Result := (Hour * 3600) + (Minute * 60) + Second; End; Function TimerMinutes : LongInt; Var Hour, Min, Sec, Sec100 : Word; Begin GetTime (Hour, Min, Sec, Sec100); Result := (Hour * 60) + Min; End; Function DateDos2Str (Date: LongInt; Format: Byte) : String; {1 = MM/DD/YY 2 = DD/MM/YY 3 = YY/DD/MM} Var DT : DateTime; M, D, Y : String[2]; Begin UnPackTime (Date, DT); M := strZero(DT.Month); D := strZero(DT.Day); Y := Copy(strI2S(DT.Year), 3, 2); Case Format of 1 : Result := M + '/' + D + '/' + Y; 2 : Result := D + '/' + M + '/' + Y; 3 : Result := Y + '/' + M + '/' + D; End; End; Function DateJulian2Str (Date: LongInt; Format: Byte) : String; {1 = MM/DD/YY 2 = DD/MM/YY 3 = YY/DD/MM} Var M : String[2]; D : String[2]; Y : String[2]; Temp1 : Real; Temp2 : Real; Temp3 : Real; Temp4 : Real; Temp5 : Real; Begin Temp1 := Date + 68569.0; Temp2 := Trunc(4 * Temp1 / 146097.0); Temp1 := Temp1 - Trunc((146097.0 * Temp2 + 3) / 4); Temp3 := Trunc(4000.0 * (Temp1 + 1) / 1461001.0); Temp1 := Temp1 - Trunc(1461.0 * Temp3 / 4.0) + 31.0; Temp4 := Trunc(80 * Temp1 / 2447.0); Temp5 := Temp1 - Trunc(2447.0 * Temp4 / 80.0); Temp1 := Trunc(Temp4 / 11); Temp4 := Temp4 + 2 - 12 * Temp1; Temp3 := 100 * (Temp2 - 49) + Temp3 + Temp1; Y := Copy(strI2S(Trunc(Temp3)), 3, 2); M := strZero(Trunc(Temp4)); D := strZero(Trunc(Temp5)); Case Format of 1 : Result := M + '/' + D + '/' + Y; 2 : Result := D + '/' + M + '/' + Y; 3 : Result := Y + '/' + M + '/' + D; End; End; Function DateStr2Julian (Str: String) : LongInt; {MM/DD/YY to Julian Date} Var Month, Day, Year : Integer; Temp : Real; Temp2 : Real; Begin Month := strS2I(Copy(Str, 1, 2)); Day := strS2I(Copy(Str, 4, 2)); Year := strS2I(Copy(Str, 7, 2)); If Year < 20 Then Inc(Year, 2000) Else Inc(Year, 1900); Temp2 := (Month - 14) DIV 12; Temp := Day - 32075 + Trunc(1461 * (Year + 4800 + Temp2) / 4); Temp := Temp + Trunc(367 * (Month - 2 - Temp2 * 12) / 12); Temp := Temp - Trunc(3 * Trunc((Year + 4900 + Temp2) / 100) / 4); // Temp := Temp - (3 * (Year + 4900 + Temp2) DIV 100) DIV 4; Result := Trunc(Temp); End; Function DateStr2Dos (Str: String) : LongInt; {MM/DD/YY to Dos Date} Var DT : DateTime; Begin DT.Year := strS2I(Copy(Str, 7, 2)); If Dt.Year < 80 Then Inc(DT.Year, 2000) Else Inc(DT.Year, 1900); DT.Month := strS2I(Copy(Str, 1, 2)); DT.Day := strS2I(Copy(Str, 4, 2)); DT.Hour := 0; DT.Min := 0; DT.Sec := 0; PackTime (DT, Result); End; Function DateValid (Str: String) : Boolean; Var M, D : Byte; Begin M := strS2I(Copy(Str, 1, 2)); D := strS2I(Copy(Str, 4, 2)); Result := (M > 0) and (M < 13) and (D > 0) and (D < 32); End; Function TimeDos2Str (Date: LongInt; Twelve: Boolean) : String; Var DT : DateTime; Begin UnPackTime (Date, DT); If Twelve Then Begin If DT.Hour > 11 Then Begin If DT.Hour = 12 Then Inc(DT.Hour, 12); Result := strZero(DT.Hour - 12) + ':' + strZero(DT.Min) + 'p' End Else Begin If DT.Hour = 0 Then Inc(DT.Hour, 12); Result := strZero(DT.Hour) + ':' + strZero(DT.Min) + 'a'; End; End Else Result := strZero(DT.Hour) + ':' + strZero(DT.Min); End; Function DayOfWeek : Byte; Var Temp : Word; DOW : Word; Begin GetDate (Temp, Temp, Temp, DOW); Result := DOW; End; Function DaysAgo (Date: LongInt) : LongInt; Begin Result := DateStr2Julian(DateDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1)) - Date; End; Function TimerSet (Secs: LongInt) : LongInt; Var DT : DateTime; Sec100 : Word; Begin GetTime (DT.Hour, DT.Min, DT.Sec, Sec100); Result := ((DT.Min MOD 60) * 6000 + (DT.Sec MOD 60) * 100 + Sec100) + Secs; End; Function TimerUp (Secs: LongInt) : Boolean; Var DT : DateTime; Sec100 : Word; Temp : LongInt; Begin GetTime (DT.Hour, DT.Min, DT.Sec, Sec100); Temp := (DT.Min MOD 60) * 6000 + (DT.Sec MOD 60) * 100 + Sec100; If Temp < (Secs - 65536) Then Temp := Temp + 360000; Result := (Temp - Secs) >= 0; End; End.