Unit MUTIL_EchoFix; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Uses mUtil_EchoCore; Function ProcessedByAreaFix (Var PKT: TPKTReader) : Boolean; Implementation Uses m_Strings, BBS_Records; Function ProcessedByAreaFix (Var PKT: TPKTReader) : Boolean; Var IsAreaFix : Boolean; IsFileFix : Boolean; EchoNode : RecEchoMailNode; Begin Result := False; IsAreaFix := strUpper(PKT.MsgTo) = 'AREAFIX'; IsFileFix := strUpper(PKT.MsgTo) = 'FILEFIX'; If Not (IsAreaFix or IsFileFix) Then Exit; (*Function GetNodeByAuth (Addr: RecEchoMailAddr; PW: String; Var TempNode: RecEchoMailNode) : Boolean; Var F : File; Begin Result := False; Assign (F, bbsConfig.DataPath + 'echonode.dat'); If Not ioReset(F, SizeOf(RecEchoMailNode), fmRWDN) Then Exit; While Not Eof(F) And Not Result Do Begin ioRead(F, TempNode); Result := (strUpper(PW) = strUpper(TempNode.AreaFixPass)) and (Addr.Zone = TempNode.Address.Node) and (Addr.Net = TempNode.Address.Net) and (Addr.Node = TempNode.Address.Node); End; Close (F); End; *) // find recechomailnode // check subject against session password // problem is that the PKTMSG header doesnt have ZONE or POINT // so how do we do this without shite security? // if bad password do we respond back or just ignore? // if no node config found then do we toss to badmsgs? // commands (AREAFIX): // %LIST // %RESCAN optional can have ,R=100 where 100 is last X messages // %HELP // [+]ECHOTAG or -ECHOTAG to add/remove base // =ECHOTAG to rescan a single base? optional ,R=100 same as RESCAN // %COMPRESS or ? to list packers. // %PWD End; End.