Unit bbs_cfg_FileBase; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure Configuration_FileBaseEditor; Implementation Uses m_Strings, m_FileIO, bbs_Ansi_MenuBox, bbs_Ansi_MenuForm, bbs_Common, bbs_cfg_Common; Var FBaseFile : TBufFile; FBase : RecFileBase; Procedure EditFileBase; Var Box : TAnsiMenuBox; Form : TAnsiMenuForm; Topic : String; Count : Byte; Begin Topic := '|03(|09File Base Edit|03) |01-|09> |15'; Box := TAnsiMenuBox.Create; Form := TAnsiMenuForm.Create; Box.Open (6, 5, 75, 21); VerticalLine (22, 7, 19); VerticalLine (69, 7, 9); Form.AddStr ('N', ' Base Name' , 11, 7, 24, 7, 11, 30, 40, @FBase.Name, Topic + 'File base name'); Form.AddStr ('F', ' FTP Name' , 12, 8, 24, 8, 10, 30, 60, @FBase.FTPName, Topic + 'Base name in FTP directory list'); Form.AddStr ('D', ' Display File' , 8, 9, 24, 9, 14, 20, 20, @FBase.DispFile, Topic + 'Display file shown before listing'); Form.AddStr ('T', ' Template' , 12, 10, 24, 10, 10, 20, 20, @FBase.Template, Topic + 'Lightbar list template'); Form.AddStr ('L', ' List ACS ' , 12, 11, 24, 11, 10, 30, 30, @FBase.ListACS, Topic + 'ACS to list files'); Form.AddStr ('U', ' Upload ACS ' , 10, 12, 24, 12, 12, 30, 30, @FBase.ULACS, Topic + 'ACS to upload files'); Form.AddStr ('D', ' Download ACS ', 8, 13, 24, 13, 14, 30, 30, @FBase.DLACS, Topic + 'ACS to download files'); Form.AddStr ('C', ' Comment ACS ' , 9, 14, 24, 14, 13, 30, 30, @FBase.CommentACS, Topic + 'ACS to comment and rate files'); Form.AddStr ('P', ' FTP ACS' , 13, 15, 24, 15, 9, 30, 30, @FBase.FTPACS, Topic + 'ACS to access via FTP'); Form.AddStr ('S', ' Sysop ACS ' , 11, 16, 24, 16, 11, 30, 30, @FBase.SysopACS, Topic + 'ACS for Sysop access'); Form.AddTog ('E', ' Default Scan' , 8, 17, 24, 17, 14, 6, 0, 2, 'No Yes Forced', @FBase.DefScan, Topic + 'Default scan setting'); Form.AddPass ('A', ' Password' , 12, 18, 24, 18, 10, 20, 20, @FBase.Password, Topic + 'Base password (Blank/Disable)'); Form.AddPath ('I', ' File Path' , 11, 19, 24, 19, 11, 30, 120, @FBase.Path, Topic + 'Directory where files are stored'); Form.AddBits ('R', ' Free Files' , 57, 7, 71, 7, 12, FBFreeFiles, @FBase.Flags, Topic + 'Files in base are free?'); Form.AddBits ('M', ' Slow Media' , 57, 8, 71, 8, 12, FBSlowMedia, @FBase.Flags, Topic + 'Files stored on slow media device?'); Form.AddBits (#01, ' Uploader' , 59, 9, 71, 9, 10, FBShowUpload, @FBase.Flags, Topic + 'Show upload in listing'); Repeat Case Form.Execute of #27 : Break; End; Until False; Box.Close; Form.Free; Box.Free; End; Procedure Configuration_FileBaseEditor; Var Box : TAnsiMenuBox; List : TAnsiMenuList; Copied : RecFileBase; HasCopy : Boolean = False; Procedure MakeList; Begin List.Clear; FBaseFile.Reset; While Not FBaseFile.EOF Do Begin FBaseFile.Read (FBase); List.Add(strPadR(strI2S(FBaseFile.FilePos), 5, ' ') + ' ' + strStripPipe(FBase.Name), 0); End; List.Add('', 2); End; Procedure InsertRecord; Begin FBaseFile.RecordInsert (List.Picked); FillChar (FBase, SizeOf(RecFileBase), 0); With FBase Do Begin FileName := 'new'; Path := Config.SystemPath + 'xfers' + PathChar + 'new' + PathChar; Name := 'New File Base'; FtpName := Name; DefScan := 1; SysopACS := 's255'; Flags := FBShowUpload; End; FBaseFile.Write(FBase); End; Begin FBaseFile := TBufFile.Create(4096); If Not FBaseFile.Open(Config.DataPath + 'fbases.dat', fmOpenCreate, fmReadWrite + fmDenyNone, SizeOf(RecFileBase)) Then Begin FBaseFile.Free; Exit; End; Box := TAnsiMenuBox.Create; List := TAnsiMenuList.Create; List.NoWindow := True; List.LoChars := #13#27#47; List.AllowTag := True; // If FBaseFile.FileSize = 0 Then InsertRecord; Box.Open (15, 5, 65, 21); WriteXY (17, 6, 112, '##### File Base Description'); WriteXY (16, 7, 112, strRep(#196, 49)); WriteXY (16, 19, 112, strRep(#196, 49)); WriteXY (29, 20, 112, 'Press / for command list'); Repeat MakeList; List.Open (15, 7, 65, 19); List.Close; Case List.ExitCode of '/' : Case GetCommandOption(10, 'I-Insert|D-Delete|C-Copy|P-Paste|') of 'I' : If List.Picked > 1 Then Begin InsertRecord; MakeList; End; 'D' : If (List.Picked < List.ListMax) Then If ShowMsgBox(1, 'Delete this entry?') Then Begin FBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); FBaseFile.Read (FBase); FBaseFile.RecordDelete (List.Picked); If ShowMsgBox(1, 'Delete data files?') Then Begin FileErase (Config.DataPath + FBase.FileName + '.dir'); FileErase (Config.DataPath + FBase.FileName + '.dat'); FileErase (Config.DataPath + FBase.FileName + '.scn'); End; MakeList; End; 'C' : If List.Picked <> List.ListMax Then Begin FBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); FBaseFile.Read (Copied); HasCopy := True; End; 'P' : If HasCopy Then Begin FBaseFile.RecordInsert (List.Picked); FBaseFile.Write (Copied); MakeList; End; End; #13 : If List.Picked < List.ListMax Then Begin FBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); FBaseFile.Read (FBase); EditFileBase; FBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); FBaseFile.Write (FBase); End; #27 : Break; End; Until False; Box.Close; FBaseFile.Free; List.Free; Box.Free; End; End.