Unit bbs_Cfg_Main; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure Configuration_MainMenu; Procedure Configuration_ExecuteEditor (Mode: Char); Implementation Uses m_Types, m_Strings, bbs_Core, bbs_IO, bbs_Common, bbs_Ansi_MenuBox, bbs_Ansi_MenuForm, bbs_cfg_SysCfg, bbs_cfg_Archive, bbs_cfg_Protocol, //old editors to be rewritten bbs_cfg_useredit, bbs_cfg_groups, bbs_cfg_events, bbs_cfg_filebase, bbs_cfg_language, bbs_cfg_msgbase, bbs_cfg_seclevel, bbs_cfg_vote, bbs_cfg_menuedit; Procedure Configuration_ExecuteEditor (Mode: Char); Var TmpImage : TConsoleImageRec; Begin Screen.GetScreenImage (1, 1, 79, 24, TmpImage); Case Mode of 'A' : Configuration_ArchiveEditor; 'F' : Configuration_FileBaseEditor; 'P' : Configuration_ProtocolEditor; End; Session.io.RemoteRestore(TmpImage); End; Var MenuPtr : Byte = 0; Procedure DrawStatus (Item: FormItemRec); Var Topic : String[30]; Desc : String[60]; Begin Case MenuPtr of 0 : Topic := 'Main'; 1 : Topic := 'Configuration'; 2 : Topic := 'Servers'; 3 : Topic := 'Editors'; 4 : Topic := 'Info'; End; Desc := Item.Help; If Desc = '' Then Desc := Copy(Item.Desc, 4, 255); Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (5, 24); Session.io.OutPipe ('|16|03(|09' + Topic + '|03) |01-|09> |15' + Desc + '|15.|07.|08.'); Session.io.AnsiClrEOL; End; Procedure Configuration_MainMenu; Var Form : TAnsiMenuForm; Box : TAnsiMenuBox; Image : TConsoleImageRec; MenuPos : Array[0..4] of Byte = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1); Res : Char; Procedure BoxOpen (X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Byte); Begin Box := TAnsiMenuBox.Create; Box.Open (X1, Y1, X2, Y2); End; Procedure CoolBoxOpen (X1: Byte; Text: String); Var Len : Byte; Begin Len := Length(Text) + 6; Screen.GetScreenImage(X1, 1, X1 + Len, 3, Image); WriteXYPipe (X1, 1, 8, Len, 'Ü|15Ü|11ÜÜ|03ÜÜ|09Ü|03Ü|09' + strRep('Ü', Len - 9) + '|08Ü'); WriteXYPipe (X1, 2, 8, Len, 'Ý|09|17² |15' + Text + ' |00°|16|08Þ'); WriteXYPipe (X1, 3, 8, Len, 'ß|01²|17 |11À|03ÄÄ|08' + strRep('Ä', Length(Text) - 4) + '|00¿ ±|16|08ß'); End; Procedure CoolBoxClose; Begin Session.io.RemoteRestore(Image); Box.Close; Box.Free; End; Procedure ExecuteOldConfiguration (Mode: Char); Var TmpImage : TConsoleImageRec; Begin Screen.GetScreenImage (1, 1, 79, 24, TmpImage); Session.io.AnsiColor(7); Session.io.AnsiClear; Case Mode of 'U' : User_Editor(False, False); 'M' : Menu_Editor; 'T' : Lang_Editor; 'B' : Message_Base_Editor; 'G', 'R' : Group_Editor; 'S' : Levels_Editor; 'E' : Event_Editor; 'V' : Vote_Editor; End; Session.io.RemoteRestore(TmpImage); End; Begin Session.io.OutFile(Config.DataPath + 'cfgroot', False, 0); Form := TAnsiMenuForm.Create; Form.HelpProc := @DrawStatus; Repeat Form.Clear; Form.ItemPos := MenuPos[MenuPtr]; MenuPos[0] := MenuPtr; If MenuPtr = 0 Then Begin Form.HiExitChars := #80; Form.ExitOnFirst := False; End Else Begin Form.HiExitChars := #75#77; Form.ExitOnFirst := True; End; Case MenuPtr of 0 : Begin Form.AddNone('C', ' Configuration ', 5, 2, 15, 'BBS configuration settings'); Form.AddNone('S', ' Servers ', 26, 2, 9, 'Mystic Internet Server (MIS) settings'); Form.AddNone('E', ' Editors ', 41, 2, 9, 'BBS configuration editors'); Form.AddNone('I', ' Info ', 56, 2, 6, 'BBS Information and Monitors'); Form.AddNone('X', ' Exit ' , 69, 2, 6, 'Exit configuration'); Res := Form.Execute; If Form.WasHiExit Then If Form.ItemPos = 5 Then Break Else MenuPtr := Form.ItemPos Else Case Res of #27, 'X' : Break; 'C' : MenuPtr := 1; 'S' : MenuPtr := 2; 'E' : MenuPtr := 3; 'I' : MenuPtr := 4; End; End; 1 : Begin BoxOpen (4, 4, 33, 15); CoolBoxOpen (3, 'Configuration'); Form.AddNone ('S', ' S System Paths', 5, 5, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('G', ' G General Settings', 5, 6, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('L', ' L Login/Matrix Settings', 5, 7, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('1', ' 1 New User Settings 1', 5, 8, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('2', ' 2 New User Settings 2', 5, 9, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('3', ' 3 New User Optional Fields', 5, 10, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('F', ' F File Base Settings', 5, 11, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('M', ' M Message Base Settings', 5, 12, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('E', ' E Echomail Addresses', 5, 13, 28, ''); Form.AddNone ('O', ' O Offline Mail Settings', 5, 14, 28, ''); Res := Form.Execute; MenuPos[1] := Form.ItemPos; CoolBoxClose; If Form.WasHiExit Then Begin Case Res of #75 : MenuPtr := 4; #77 : MenuPtr := 2; End; End Else Case Res of 'S' : Configuration_SysPaths; 'L' : Configuration_LoginMatrix; 'E' : Configuration_EchoMailAddress(True); '3' : Configuration_OptionalFields; 'F' : Configuration_FileSettings; 'O' : Configuration_QWKSettings; 'X' : Break; Else MenuPtr := 0; End; End; 2 : Begin BoxOpen (25, 4, 53, 11); CoolBoxOpen (24, 'Servers'); Form.AddNone ('I', ' I Internet Server Options', 26, 5, 27, ''); Form.AddNone ('1', ' 1 Telnet Server Options', 26, 6, 27, ''); Form.AddNone ('2', ' 2 FTP Server Options', 26, 7, 27, ''); Form.AddNone ('3', ' 3 POP3 Server Options', 26, 8, 27, ''); Form.AddNone ('4', ' 4 SMTP Server Options', 26, 9, 27, ''); Form.AddNone ('5', ' 5 NNTP Server Options', 26, 10, 27, ''); Res := Form.Execute; MenuPos[2] := Form.ItemPos; CoolBoxClose; If Form.WasHiExit Then Begin Case Res of #75 : MenuPtr := 1; #77 : MenuPtr := 3; End; End Else Case Res of 'I' : Configuration_Internet; '1' : Configuration_TelnetServer; '2' : Configuration_FTPServer; '3' : Configuration_POP3Server; 'X' : Break; Else MenuPtr := 0; End; End; 3 : Begin BoxOpen (38, 4, 64, 18); CoolBoxOpen (39, 'Editors'); Form.AddNone ('U', ' U User Editor', 39, 5, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('M', ' M Menu Editor', 39, 6, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('T', ' T Theme/Prompt Editor', 39, 7, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('B', ' B Message Base Editor', 39, 8, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('G', ' G Message Group Editor', 39, 9, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('F', ' F File Base Editor', 39, 10, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('R', ' R File Group Editor', 39, 11, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('S', ' S Security Level Editor', 39, 12, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('A', ' A Archive Editor', 39, 13, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('P', ' P Protocol Editor', 39, 14, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('E', ' E Event Editor', 39, 15, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('V', ' V Voting Editor', 39, 16, 25, ''); Form.AddNone ('L', ' L BBS List Editor', 39, 17, 25, ''); Res := Form.Execute; MenuPos[3] := Form.ItemPos; CoolBoxClose; If Form.WasHiExit Then Begin Case Res of #75 : MenuPtr := 2; #77 : MenuPtr := 4; End; End Else Case Res of 'A' : Configuration_ArchiveEditor; 'F' : Configuration_FileBaseEditor; 'P' : Configuration_ProtocolEditor; 'U', 'M', 'T', 'B', 'G', 'R', 'S', 'E', 'V' : ExecuteOldConfiguration(Res); 'X' : Break; Else MenuPtr := 0; End; End; 4 : Begin BoxOpen (54, 4, 64, 6); CoolBoxOpen (54, 'Info'); Form.AddNone ('A', ' A About', 55, 5, 9, ''); Res := Form.Execute; MenuPos[4] := Form.ItemPos; CoolBoxClose; If Form.WasHiExit Then Begin Case Res of #75 : MenuPtr := 3; #77 : MenuPtr := 1; End; End Else Case Res of 'X' : Break; Else MenuPtr := 0; End; End; End; Until False; Form.Free; ReWrite (ConfigFile); Write (ConfigFile, Config); Close (ConfigFile); End; End.