Unit bbs_Doors; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure ExecuteDoor (Format: Byte; Cmd: String); Implementation Uses {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} m_Types, m_Strings, m_DateTime, m_FileIO, bbs_Common, bbs_Core, bbs_User; Const Ending : String[2] = #13#10; Procedure Write_DOOR32 (cHandle : LongInt); Var tFile : Text; Begin Assign (tFile, Session.TempPath + 'door32.sys'); ReWrite (tFile); If Session.LocalMode Then Write (tFile, '0' + Ending) Else Write (tFile, '2' + Ending); If Session.LocalMode Then Write (tFile, '0' + Ending) Else Write (tFile, cHandle, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.Baud, Ending); Write (tFile, 'Mystic ' + mysVersion + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.UserNum, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.RealName + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Handle + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Security, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.TimeLeft, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.io.Graphics, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.NodeNum, Ending); Close (tFile); End; Procedure Write_DORINFO; Var tFile : Text; A : Byte; Begin Assign (tFile, Session.TempPath + 'DORINFO1.DEF'); Rewrite (tFile); Write (tFile, Config.BBSName + Ending); A := Pos(' ', Config.SysopName); If A > 0 Then Write (tFile, Copy(Config.SysopName, 1, A-1) + Ending) Else Write (tFile, Config.SysopName + Ending); If A > 0 Then Write (tFile, Copy(Config.SysopName, A+1, 255) + Ending) Else Write (tFile, '' + Ending); If Session.LocalMode Then Write (tFile, 'COM0' + Ending) Else Write (tFile, 'COM1', Ending); Write (tFile, Session.Baud, ' BAUD,N,8,1' + Ending); Write (tFile, '0' + Ending); A := Pos(' ', Session.User.ThisUser.Handle); If A > 0 Then Write (tFile, Copy(Session.User.ThisUser.Handle, 1, A-1) + Ending) Else Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Handle + Ending); If A > 0 Then Write (tFile, Copy(Session.User.ThisUser.Handle, A+1, 255) + Ending) Else Write (tFile, '' + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.City + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.io.Graphics, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Security, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.TimeLeft, Ending); Write (tFile, '-1' + Ending); {-1 FOSSIL, 0=NOT... ???} Close (tFile); End; Procedure Write_CHAINTXT; Var tFile : Text; Begin Assign (tFile, Session.TempPath + 'CHAIN.TXT'); ReWrite (tFile); Write (tFile, Session.User.UserNum, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Handle + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.RealName + Ending); Write (tFile, '' + Ending); Write (tFile, DaysAgo(Session.User.ThisUser.Birthday) DIV 365, Ending); { User's AGE } Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Gender + Ending); Write (tFile, '0' + Ending); { User's gold } Write (tFile, DateDos2Str(Session.User.ThisUser.LastOn, 1) + Ending); Write (tFile, '80' + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.ScreenSize, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Security, Ending); Write (tFile, '0' + Ending); Write (tFile, '0' + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.io.Graphics, Ending); Write (tFile, Ord(Not Session.LocalMode), Ending); Write (tFile, (Session.TimeLeft * 60), Ending); Write (tFile, Session.Lang.TextPath + Ending); Write (tFile, Config.DataPath + Ending); Write (tFile, 'SYSOP.', Session.NodeNum, Ending); If Session.LocalMode Then Write (tFile, 'KB' + Ending) Else Write (tFile, Session.Baud, Ending); Write (tFile, '1', Ending); Write (tFile, Config.BBSName + Ending); Write (tFile, Config.SysopName + Ending); Write (tFile, TimerSeconds, Ending); Write (tFile, '0' + Ending); {seconds online} Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.ULk, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.ULs, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.DLk, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.DLs, Ending); Write (tFile, '8N1' + Ending); Close (tFile); End; Procedure Write_DOORSYS; Var tFile : Text; { Temp : LongInt;} Begin Assign (tFile, Session.TempPath + 'DOOR.SYS'); Rewrite (tFile); If Session.LocalMode Then Write (tFile, 'COM0:' + Ending) Else Write (tFile, 'COM1:' + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.Baud, Ending); Write (tFile, '8' + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.NodeNum, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.Baud, Ending); {locked rate} Write (tFile, 'Y' + Ending); {screen display} Write (tFile, 'N' + Ending); Write (tFile, 'Y' + Ending); {page bell} Write (tFile, 'Y' + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.RealName + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.City + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.HomePhone + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.DataPhone + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Password + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Security, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Calls, Ending); Write (tFile, DateDos2Str(Session.User.ThisUser.LastOn, 1) + Ending); Write (tFile, (Session.TimeLeft * 60), Ending); {seconds left} Write (tFile, Session.TimeLeft, Ending); {mins left} If Session.io.Graphics = 1 Then Write (tFile, 'GR' + Ending) Else Write (tFile, 'NG' + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.ScreenSize, Ending); {page length} Write (tFile, 'N' + Ending); {Y=expert, N=novice} Write (tFile, '' + Ending); Write (tFile, '' + Ending); Write (tFile, '' + Ending); {user account expiration date} Write (tFile, Session.User.UserNum, Ending); {user record number} Write (tFile, '' + Ending); {default protocol} Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.ULs, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.DLs, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.DLk, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.Security.MaxDLk, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Birthday, Ending); Write (tFile, Config.DataPath + Ending); Write (tFile, Config.MsgsPath + Ending); Write (tFile, Config.SysopName + Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Handle + Ending); Write (tFile, TimeDos2Str(Session.NextEvent.ExecTime, False) + Ending); {next event start time hh:mm} Write (tFile, 'Y' + Ending); {error-free connection} Write (tFile, 'N' + Ending); {ansi in NG mode} Write (tFile, 'Y' + Ending); {record locking} Write (tFile, '3' + Ending); {default BBS color} Write (tFile, '0' + Ending); {time credits per minute} Write (tFile, '00/00/00' + Ending); {last new filescan date} Write (tFile, TimeDos2Str(Session.User.ThisUser.LastOn, False) + Ending); {time of this call} Write (tFile, TimeDos2Str(Session.User.ThisUser.LastOn, False) + Ending); {time of last call} Write (tFile, '32768' + Ending); {max daily files (??) } Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.DLsToday, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.ULk, Ending); Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.DLk, Ending); Write (tFile, '' + Ending); {user comment} Write (tFile, '0' + Ending); {total doors opened} Write (tFile, Session.User.ThisUser.Posts, Ending); {total posts} Close (tFile); End; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Procedure Shell_DOOR32 (Cmd : String); Var PI : TProcessInformation; SI : TStartupInfo; Image : TConsoleImageRec; PassHandle : LongInt; Begin PassHandle := 0; If Not Session.LocalMode Then PassHandle := Session.Client.FSocketHandle; If Session.User.UserNum <> -1 Then Begin Reset (Session.User.UserFile); Seek (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.UserNum - 1); Write (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.ThisUser); Close (Session.User.UserFile); End; WRITE_DOOR32(PassHandle); Screen.GetScreenImage(1,1,80,25, Image); Cmd := Cmd + #0; FillChar(SI, SizeOf(SI), 0); FillChar(PI, SizeOf(PI), 0); SI.CB := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); SI.wShowWindow := SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE; SI.dwFlags := SI.dwFlags or STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; If CreateProcess(NIL, @Cmd[1], NIL, NIL, True, CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM, NIL, NIL, SI, PI) Then WaitForSingleObject (PI.hProcess, INFINITE); DirChange(Config.SystemPath); If Session.User.UserNum <> -1 Then Begin Reset (Session.User.UserFile); Seek (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.UserNum - 1); Read (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.ThisUser); Close (Session.User.UserFile); End; Screen.SetWindowTitle(WinConsoleTitle + strI2S(Session.NodeNum)); Screen.PutScreenImage(Image); Update_Status_Line(StatusPtr, ''); Session.TimeOut := TimerSeconds; End; {$ENDIF} Procedure ExecuteDoor (Format: Byte; Cmd: String); {Format: 0 = None 1 = DORINFO1.DEF 2 = DOOR.SYS 3 = CHAIN.TXT } Var A : LongInt; Temp : String; Begin A := Pos('/DOS', strUpper(Cmd)); If A > 0 Then Begin Delete (Cmd, A, 4); Ending := #13#10; End Else Ending := LineTerm; Temp := ''; A := 1; While A <= Length(Cmd) Do Begin If Cmd[A] = '%' Then Begin Inc(A); {$IFDEF UNIX} If Cmd[A] = '0' Then Temp := Temp + '1' Else {$ELSE} If Cmd[A] = '0' Then Temp := Temp + strI2S(Session.Client.FSocketHandle) Else {$ENDIF} If Cmd[A] = '1' Then Temp := Temp + '1' Else If Cmd[A] = '2' Then Temp := Temp + strI2S(Session.Baud) Else If Cmd[A] = '3' Then Temp := Temp + strI2S(Session.NodeNum) Else If Cmd[A] = '4' Then Temp := Temp + Session.UserIPInfo Else If Cmd[A] = '5' Then Temp := Temp + Session.UserHostInfo Else If Cmd[A] = '#' Then Temp := Temp + strI2S(Session.User.ThisUser.PermIdx) Else If Cmd[A] = 'T' Then Temp := Temp + strI2S(Session.TimeLeft) Else If Cmd[A] = 'P' Then Temp := Temp + Session.TempPath Else If Cmd[A] = 'U' Then Temp := Temp + strReplace(Session.User.ThisUser.Handle, ' ', '_'); End Else Temp := Temp + Cmd[A]; Inc (A); End; Session.SystemLog ('Executed Door: ' + Temp); A := TimerMinutes; { save current timer for event check after door } Case Format of 1 : Write_DORINFO; 2 : Write_DOORSYS; 3 : Write_CHAINTXT; {$IFDEF UNIX} 4 : Write_DOOR32(0); {$ENDIF} End; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} If Format = 4 Then Shell_DOOR32(Temp) Else ShellDOS ('', Temp); {$ELSE} ShellDOS ('', Temp); {$ENDIF} { Check to see if event was missed while user was in door } If Session.NextEvent.Active Then If (TimerMinutes < A) and (A < Session.NextEvent.ExecTime) Then Begin { midnight roll over } Session.MinutesUntilEvent(Session.NextEvent.ExecTime); End Else If (A < Session.NextEvent.ExecTime) and (TimerMinutes > Session.NextEvent.ExecTime) Then Session.MinutesUntilEvent(Session.NextEvent.ExecTime); End; End.