
1353 lines
50 KiB
Raw Blame History

Program UP110;
// set lang preferences to defaults
OldLastOnRec = Record { CALLERS.DAT }
Handle : String[30]; { User's Name }
City : String[25]; { City/State }
Address : String[30]; { user's address }
Baud : String[6]; { Baud Rate }
DateTime : LongInt; { Date & Time (UNIX) }
Node : Byte; { Node number of login }
CallNum : LongInt; { Caller Number }
EmailAddr : String[35]; { email address }
UserInfo : String[30]; { user info field }
Option1 : String[35]; { optional data 1 }
Option2 : String[35]; { " " 2 }
Option3 : String[35]; { " " 3 }
OldHistoryRec = Record
Date : LongInt;
Emails : Word;
Posts : Word;
Downloads : Word;
Uploads : Word;
DownloadKB : LongInt;
UploadKB : LongInt;
Calls : LongInt;
NewUsers : Word;
OldPercentRec = Record // percentage bar record
BarLen : Byte;
LoChar : Char;
LoAttr : Byte;
HiChar : Char;
HiAttr : Byte;
OldLangRec = Record { LANGUAGE.DAT }
FileName : String[8]; { Language file name }
Desc : String[30]; { Language description }
TextPath : String[40]; { Path where text files are stored }
MenuPath : String[40]; { Path where menu files are stored }
okASCII : Boolean; { Allow ASCII }
okANSI : Boolean; { Allow ANSI }
BarYN : Boolean; { Use Lightbar Y/N with this lang }
FieldCol1 : Byte; { Field input color }
FieldCol2 : Byte;
FieldChar : Char;
EchoCh : Char; { Password echo character }
QuoteColor : Byte; { Color for quote lightbar }
TagCh : Char; { File Tagged Char }
FileHi : Byte; { Color of file search highlight }
FileLo : Byte; { Non lightbar description color }
NewMsgChar : Char; { Lightbar Msg Index New Msg Char }
VotingBar : OldPercentRec; { voting booth bar }
FileBar : OldPercentRec; { file list bar }
MsgBar : OldPercentRec; { lightbar msg reader bar }
GalleryBar : OldPercentRec;
Reserved : Array[1..95] of Byte; { RESERVED }
OldMBaseRec = Record { MBASES.DAT }
Name : String[40]; { Message base name }
QWKName : String[13]; { QWK (short) message base name }
FileName : String[40]; { Message base file name }
Path : String[40]; { Path where files are stored }
BaseType : Byte; { 0 = JAM, 1 = Squish }
NetType : Byte; { 0 = Local 1 = EchoMail }
{ 2 = UseNet 3 = NetMail }
PostType : Byte; { 0 = Public 1 = Private }
ACS, { ACS required to see this base }
ReadACS, { ACS required to read messages }
PostACS, { ACS required to post messages }
SysopACS : String[20]; { ACS required for sysop options }
Password : String[15]; { Password for this message base }
ColQuote : Byte; { Quote text color }
ColText : Byte; { Text color }
ColTear : Byte; { Tear line color }
ColOrigin: Byte; { Origin line color }
NetAddr : Byte; { Net AKA to use for this base }
Origin : String[50]; { Net origin line for this base }
UseReal : Boolean; { Use real names? }
DefNScan : Byte; { 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = always }
DefQScan : Byte; { 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = always }
MaxMsgs : Word; { Max messages to allow }
MaxAge : Word; { Max age of messages before purge }
Header : String[8]; { Display Header file name }
Index : SmallInt; { QWK index - NEVER CHANGE THIS }
OldFBaseRec = Record { FBASES.DAT }
Name : String[40]; { File base name }
FtpName : String[60]; { FTP directory name }
Filename : String[40]; { File name }
DispFile : String[20]; { Pre-list display file name }
Template : String[20]; { ansi file list template }
ListACS, { ACS required to see this base }
FtpACS, { ACS to see in FTP directory }
SysopACS, { ACS required for SysOp functions}
ULACS, { ACS required to upload files }
DLACS : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; { ACS required to download files }
Path : String[120]; { Path where files are stored }
Password : String[20]; { Password to access this base }
DefScan : Byte; { Default New Scan Setting }
ShowUL : Boolean;
IsCDROM : Boolean;
IsFREE : Boolean;
OldFDirRec = Record { *.DIR }
FileName : String[70]; { File name }
Size : LongInt; { File size (in bytes) }
DateTime : LongInt; { Date and time of upload }
Uploader : String[30]; { User name who uploaded the file }
Flags : Byte; { Set of FDIRFLAGS (see above) }
Pointer : LongInt; { Pointer to file description }
Lines : Byte; { Number of description lines }
DLs : Word; { # of times this file was downloaded}
ExtAddrType = Record
Point : Word;
Desc : String[15];
OldConfigRec = Record { MYSTIC.DAT in root BBS directory }
Version : String[8];
SysPath, { System path (root BBS directory) }
AttachPath, { File attach directory }
DataPath, { Data file directory }
MsgsPath, { Default JAM directory }
ArcsPath, { Archive software directory }
QwkPath, { Local QWK directory }
ScriptPath, { Script file directory }
LogsPath : String[40]; { Log file directory }
BBSName, { BBS Name }
SysopName : String[30]; { Sysop Name }
SysopPW : String[15]; { Sysop Password }
SystemPW : String[15]; { System Password }
MaxNode : Byte; { Max # of nodes the BBS has }
DefStartMenu : String[8]; { Default start menu }
DefFallMenu : String[8]; { Default fallback menu }
DefThemeFile : String[8]; { Default language file }
DefTermMode : Byte; { 0 = Ask }
{ 1 = Detect }
{ 2 = Detect, ask if none }
{ 3 = Force ANSI }
ScreenBlank : Byte; { Mins before WFC screen saver starts}
ChatStart : SmallInt; { Chat hour start, }
ChatEnd : SmallInt; { Chat hour end: mins since midnight }
ChatFeedback : Boolean; { E-mail sysop if page isn't answered}
AcsSysop : String[20]; { BBS List Editor ACS }
AllowNewUsers : Boolean; { Allow new users? }
NewUserPW : String[15]; { New user password }
NewUserSec : SmallInt; { New user security level }
AskRealName, { Ask new users for real name? }
AskAlias, { Ask new users for an alias? }
AskStreet, { Ask new user for street address? }
AskCityState, { Ask new users for city/state? }
AskZipCode, { Ask new users for ZIP code }
AskHomePhone, { Ask new users for home phone #? }
AskDataPhone, { Ask new users for data phone #? }
AskBirthdate, { Ask new users for date of birth? }
AskGender, { Ask new users for their gender? }
AskTheme, { Ask new users to select a language?}
UseUSAPhone : Boolean; { Use XXX-XXX-XXXX format phone #s? }
UserEditorType : Byte; { 0 = Line Editor }
{ 1 = Full Editor }
{ 2 = Ask }
UserDateType : Byte; { 1 = MM/DD/YY }
{ 2 = DD/MM/YY }
{ 3 = YY/DD/MM }
{ 4 = Ask }
UseMatrix : Boolean; { Use MATRIX-style login? }
MatrixMenu : String[8]; { Matrix Menu Name }
MatrixPW : String[15]; { Matrix Password }
MatrixAcs : String[20]; { ACS required to see Matrix PW }
NewUserEmail : Boolean; { Force new user feedback }
UserMailIndex : Byte; { use lightbar email msg index? }
UserQuoteWin : Byte; { 0 = no, 1 = ues, 2 = ask }
UserReadIndex : Byte; { 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = ask }
Option1 : String[10];
Option2 : String[10];
Option3 : String[10];
FCompress : Boolean; { Compress file area numbers? }
ImportDIZ : Boolean; { Search for FILE_ID.DIZ? }
AcsValidate : String[20]; { ACS to auto-validate uploads }
AcsSeeUnvalid : String[20]; { ACS to see unvalidated files }
AcsDLUnvalid : String[20]; { ACS to download unvalidated files }
AcsSeeFailed : String[20]; { ACS to see failed files }
AcsDLFailed : String[20]; { ACS to download failed files }
TestUploads : Boolean; { Test uploaded files? }
TestPassLevel : Byte; { Pass errorlevel }
TestCmdLine : String[60]; { Upload processor command line }
MaxFileDesc : Byte; { Max # of File Description Lines }
FreeUL : LongInt; { Max space required for uploads }
FreeCDROM : LongInt; { Free space required for CD Copy }
MCompress : Boolean; { Compress message area numbers? }
qwkBBSID : String[8]; { QWK packet display name }
qwkWelcome : String[8]; { QWK welcome display file }
qwkNews : String[8]; { QWK news display file }
qwkGoodbye : String[8]; { QWK goodbye display file }
qwkArchive : String[3]; { Default QWK archive }
qwkMaxBase : SmallInt; { Max # of messages per base (QWK) }
qwkMaxPacket : SmallInt; { Max # of messages per packet }
NetAddress : Array[1..20] of ExtAddrType; { Network Addresses }
Origin : String[50]; { Default origin line }
ColorQuote : Byte; { Default quote color }
ColorText : Byte; { Default text color }
ColorTear : Byte; { Default tear line color }
ColorOrigin : Byte; { Default origin line color }
SystemCalls : LongInt; { Total calls to the BBS }
AcsInvLogin : String[20]; { Invisible login ACS }
ChatLogging : Boolean; { Record SysOp chat to CHAT.LOG? }
StatusType : Byte; { 0 = 2 line, 1 = 1 line }
UserFileList : Byte; { 0 = Normal, 1 = Lightbar, 2 = Ask }
FShowHeader : Boolean; { Redisplay file header after pause }
SysopMacro : Array[1..4] of String[80]; { Sysop Macros }
UploadBase : SmallInt; { Default upload file base }
MaxAutoSig : Byte; { Max Auto-Sig lines }
FColumns : Byte; { File area list columns }
MColumns : Byte; { Message area list columns }
netCrash : Boolean; { NetMail CRASH flag? }
netHold : Boolean; { NetMail HOLD flag? }
netKillSent : Boolean; { NetMail KILLSENT flag? }
UserNameFormat : Byte; { user input format }
MShowHeader : Boolean; { redisplay message header }
DefScreenSize : Byte; { default screen length }
DupeScan : Byte; { dupescan: 0=no,1=yes,2=yes global }
Inactivity : Word; { Seconds before inactivity timeout }
UserReadType : Byte; { 0 = normal, 1 = ansi, 2 = ask }
UserHotKeys : Byte; { 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = ask }
UserIdxPos : LongInt; { permanent user # position }
AcsSeeInvis : String[20]; { ACS to see invisible users }
FeedbackTo : String[30]; { Feedback to user }
AllowMulti : Boolean; { Allow multiple node logins? }
StartMGroup : Word; { new user msg group start }
StartFGroup : Word; { new user file group start }
MShowBases : Boolean;
FShowBases : Boolean;
UserFullChat : Byte; { 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = ask }
AskScreenSize : Boolean;
inetDomain : String[25];
inetSMTPUse : Boolean;
inetSMTPPort : Word;
inetSMTPMax : Word;
inetPOP3Use : Boolean;
inetPOP3Port : Word;
inetPOP3Max : Word;
inetTNUse : Boolean;
inetTNPort : Word;
inetTNDupes : Byte;
inetIPBlocking : Boolean;
inetIPLogging : Boolean;
inetFTPUse : Boolean;
inetFTPPort : Word;
inetFTPMax : Word;
inetFTPDupes : Byte;
inetFTPPortMin : Word;
inetFTPPortMax : Word;
inetFTPAnon : Boolean;
inetFTPTimeout : Word;
Reserved : Array[1..192] of Byte;
OldUserRec = Record { USERS.DAT }
Flags : Byte; { User Flags }
Handle : String[30]; { Handle }
RealName : String[30]; { Real Name }
Password : String[15]; { Password }
Address : String[30]; { Address }
City : String[25]; { City }
ZipCode : String[9]; { Zipcode }
HomePhone : String[15]; { Home Phone }
DataPhone : String[15]; { Data Phone }
Birthday : LongInt;
Gender : Char; { M> Male F> Female }
EmailAddr : String[35]; { email address }
Option1 : String[35]; { optional question #1 }
Option2 : String[35]; { optional question #2 }
Option3 : String[35]; { optional question #3 }
UserInfo : String[30]; { user comment field }
AF1 : AccessFlagType;
AF2 : AccessFlagType; { access flags set #2 }
Security : SmallInt; { Security Level }
StartMenu : String[8]; { Start menu for user }
FirstOn : LongInt; { Date/Time of First Call }
LastOn : LongInt; { Date/Time of Last Call }
Calls : LongInt; { Number of calls to BBS }
CallsToday: SmallInt; { Number of calls today }
DLs : SmallInt; { # of downloads }
DLsToday : SmallInt; { # of downloads today }
DLk : LongInt; { # of downloads in K }
DLkToday : LongInt; { # of downloaded K today }
ULs : LongInt; { total number of uploads }
ULk : LongInt; { total number of uploaded K }
Posts : LongInt; { total number of msg posts }
Emails : LongInt; { total number of sent email }
TimeLeft : LongInt; { time left online for today }
TimeBank : SmallInt; { number of mins in timebank }
Archive : String[3]; { default archive extension }
QwkFiles : Boolean; { Include new files in QWK? }
DateType : Byte; { Date format (see above) }
ScrnPause : Byte; { user's screen length }
Language : String[8]; { user's language file }
LastFBase : Word; { Last file base }
LastMBase : Word; { Last message base }
LastMGroup: Word; { Last group accessed }
LastFGroup: Word; { Last file group accessed }
Vote : Array[1..mysMaxVoteQuestion] of Byte; { Voting booth data }
EditType : Byte; { 0 = Line, 1 = Full, 2 = Ask }
FileList : Byte; { 0 = Normal, 1 = Lightbar }
SigUse : Boolean; { Use auto-signature? }
SigOffset : LongInt; { offset to sig in AUTOSIG.DAT }
SigLength : Byte; { number of lines in sig }
HotKeys : Boolean; { does user have hotkeys on? }
MReadType : Byte; { 0 = line 1 = full 2 = ask }
PermIdx : LongInt; { permanent user number }
UseLBIndex: Boolean; { use lightbar index? }
UseLBQuote: Boolean; { use lightbar quote mode }
UseLBMIdx : Boolean; { use lightbar index in email? }
UserFullChat : Boolean; { use full screen teleconference }
Reserved : Array[1..98] of Byte;
OldGroupRec = Record { GROUP_*.DAT }
Name : String[30]; { Group name }
ACS : String[20]; { ACS required to access group }
OldArcRec = Record { ARCHIVE.DAT }
Name : String[20]; { Archive description }
Ext : String[3]; { Archive extension }
Pack : String[60]; { Pack command line }
Unpack : String[60]; { Unpack command line }
View : String[60]; { View command line }
OldSecurityRec = Record { SECURITY.DAT }
Desc : String[30]; { Description of security level }
Time : SmallInt; { Time online (mins) per day }
MaxCalls : SmallInt; { Max calls per day }
MaxDLs : SmallInt; { Max downloads per day }
MaxDLk : SmallInt; { Max download kilobytes per day }
MaxTB : SmallInt; { Max mins allowed in time bank }
DLRatio : Byte; { Download ratio (# of DLs per UL) }
DLKRatio : SmallInt; { DL K ratio (# of DLed K per UL K }
AF1 : AccessFlagType; { Access flags for this level A-Z }
AF2 : AccessFlagType; { Access flags #2 for this level }
Hard : Boolean; { Do a hard AF upgrade? }
StartMNU : String[8]; { Start Menu for this level }
PCRatio : SmallInt; { Post / Call ratio per 100 calls }
Res1 : Byte; { reserved for future use }
Res2 : LongInt; { reserved for future use }
Config : RecConfig;
Function DeleteFile (FN : String) : Boolean;
F : File;
Assign (F, FN);
{ SetFAttr (F, Archive);}
{$I-} Erase (F); {$I+}
DeleteFile := (IoResult = 0);
Function RenameFile (Old, New: String) : Boolean;
OldF : File;
Assign (OldF, Old);
{$I-} ReName (OldF, New); {$I+}
Result := (IoResult = 0);
Procedure PurgeWildcard (WC: String);
D : SearchRec;
FindFirst (WC, AnyFile, D);
While DosError = 0 Do Begin
If D.Attr AND Directory <> 0 Then Continue;
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + D.Name);
Procedure WarningDisplay;
Ch : Char;
TextAttr := 15;
TextAttr := 8;
WriteLn ('---------------------------------------');
TextAttr := 7;
WriteLn ('You must be using a current installation of Mystic BBS 1.09 in');
WriteLn ('order for this upgrade to work. If you are not using 1.09, then');
WriteLn ('you must upgrade to that version before proceeding with this upgrade');
WriteLn ('You will need to have access rights to all of your BBS directory');
WriteLn ('structure, otherwise, you may experience crashes during the');
WriteLn ('upgrade process.');
WriteLn ('Make sure you read the UPGRADE.TXT and follow all steps completely!');
TextAttr := 12;
TextAttr := 7;
Write ('Are you ready to upgrade now (Y/N): ');
Ch := UpCase(ReadKey);
WriteLn (Ch);
Until Ch in ['Y', 'N'];
If Ch = 'N' Then Halt;
Procedure ConvertConfig;
A : LongInt;
OldConfigFile : File of OldConfigRec;
OldConfig : OldConfigRec;
ConfigFile : File of RecConfig;
Assign (OldConfigFile, 'mystic.dat');
{$I-} Reset (OldConfigFile); {$I+}
If IoResult <> 0 Then Begin
WriteLn ('ERROR: Run this program from the root Mystic BBS directory.');
WriteLn ('[-] Updating system configuration...');
Read (OldConfigFile, OldConfig);
Close (OldConfigFile);
With OldConfig Do Begin
Config.DataChanged := mysDataChanged;
Config.SystemCalls := SystemCalls;
Config.UserIdxPos := UserIdxPos;
Config.SystemPath := SysPath;
Config.DataPath := DataPath;
Config.LogsPath := LogsPath;
Config.MsgsPath := MsgsPath;
Config.AttachPath := AttachPath;
Config.ScriptPath := ScriptPath;
Config.QwkPath := QwkPath;
Config.SemaPath := SysPath;
Config.BBSName := BBSName;
Config.SysopName := SysopName;
Config.SysopPW := SysopPW;
Config.SystemPW := SystemPW;
Config.FeedbackTo := FeedbackTo;
Config.Inactivity := Inactivity;
Config.DefStartMenu := DefStartMenu;
Config.DefThemeFile := DefThemeFile;
Config.UNUSED := '';
Config.DefTermMode := DefTermMode;
Config.DefScreenSize := DefScreenSize;
Config.UseMatrix := UseMatrix;
Config.MatrixMenu := MatrixMenu;
Config.MatrixPW := MatrixPW;
Config.MatrixAcs := MatrixAcs;
Config.AcsSysop := AcsSysop;
Config.AcsInvisLogin := AcsInvLogin;
Config.AcsSeeInvis := AcsSeeInvis;
FillChar(Config.SysopMacro, SizeOf(Config.SysopMacro), #0);
For A := 1 to 4 Do Config.SysopMacro[A] := SysopMacro[A];
Config.ChatStart := ChatStart;
Config.ChatEnd := ChatEnd;
Config.ChatFeedback := ChatFeedback;
Config.ChatLogging := ChatLogging;
Config.AllowNewUsers := AllowNewUsers;
Config.NewUserSec := NewUserSec;
Config.NewUserPW := NewUserPW;
Config.NewUserEMail := NewUserEmail;
Config.StartMGroup := StartMGroup;
Config.StartFGroup := StartFGroup;
Config.UseUSAPhone := UseUSAPhone;
Config.UserNameFormat := UserNameFormat;
Config.UserDateType := UserDateType;
Config.UserEditorType := UserEditorType;
Config.UserHotKeys := UserHotkeys;
Config.UserFullChat := UserFullChat;
Config.UserFileList := UserFileList;
Config.UserReadType := UserReadType;
Config.UserMailIndex := UserMailIndex;
Config.UserReadIndex := UserReadIndex;
Config.UserQuoteWin := UserQuoteWin;
Config.AskTheme := AskTheme;
Config.AskRealName := AskRealName;
Config.AskAlias := AskAlias;
Config.AskStreet := AskStreet;
Config.AskCityState := AskCityState;
Config.AskZipCode := AskZipCode;
Config.AskHomePhone := AskHomePhone;
Config.AskDataPhone := AskDataPhone;
Config.AskBirthdate := AskBirthDate;
Config.AskGender := AskGender;
Config.AskEmail := AskEmail;
Config.AskUserNote := AskUserNote;
Config.AskScreenSize := AskScreenSize;
FillChar (Config.OptionalField, SizeOf(Config.OptionalField), #0);
Config.OptionalField[1].Ask := AskOption1;
Config.OptionalField[1].Desc := Option1;
Config.OptionalField[1].iType := 1;
Config.OptionalField[1].iField := 35;
Config.OptionalField[1].iMax := 35;
Config.OptionalField[2].Ask := AskOption2;
Config.OptionalField[2].Desc := Option2;
Config.OptionalField[2].iType := 1;
Config.OptionalField[2].iField := 35;
Config.OptionalField[2].iMax := 35;
Config.OptionalField[3].Ask := AskOption3;
Config.OptionalField[3].Desc := Option3;
Config.OptionalField[3].iType := 1;
Config.OptionalField[3].iField := 35;
Config.OptionalField[3].iMax := 35;
For A := 4 to 10 Do Begin
Config.OptionalField[A].Ask := False;
Config.OptionalField[A].Desc := 'Unused';
Config.OptionalField[A].iType := 1;
Config.OptionalField[A].iField := 35;
Config.OptionalField[A].iMax := 35;
Config.MCompress := MCompress;
Config.MColumns := MColumns;
Config.MShowHeader := MShowHeader;
Config.MShowBases := MShowBases;
Config.MaxAutoSig := MaxAutoSig;
Config.qwkMaxBase := qwkMaxBase;
Config.qwkMaxPacket := qwkMaxPacket;
Config.qwkArchive := qwkArchive;
Config.qwkBBSID := qwkBBSID;
Config.qwkWelcome := qwkWelcome;
Config.qwkNews := qwkNews;
Config.qwkGoodbye := qwkGoodbye;
Config.Origin := Origin;
FillChar (Config.NetAddress, SizeOf(Config.NetAddress), #0);
FillChar (Config.NetDesc, SizeOf(Config.NetDesc), #0);
FillChar (Config.NetDomain, SizeOf(Config.NetDomain), #0);
FillChar (Config.NetPrimary, SizeOf(Config.NetPrimary), 0);
Config.NetPrimary[2] := True;
For A := 1 to 20 Do Begin
Config.NetAddress[A].Zone := NetAddress[A].Zone;
Config.NetAddress[A].Net := NetAddress[A].Net;
Config.NetAddress[A].Node := NetAddress[A].Node;
Config.NetAddress[A].Point := NetAddress[A].Point;
Config.NetDesc[A] := NetAddress[A].Desc;
Config.NetCrash := NetCrash;
Config.NetHold := NetHold;
Config.NetKillSent := NetKillSent;
Config.ColorQuote := ColorQuote;
Config.ColorText := ColorText;
Config.ColorTear := ColorTear;
Config.ColorOrigin := ColorOrigin;
Config.FCompress := FCompress;
Config.FColumns := FColumns;
Config.FShowHeader := FShowHeader;
Config.FShowBases := FShowBases;
Config.FDupeScan := DupeScan;
Config.UploadBase := UploadBase;
Config.ImportDIZ := ImportDIZ;
Config.FreeUL := FreeUL;
Config.FreeCDROM := FreeCDROM;
Config.MaxFileDesc := MaxFileDesc;
Config.TestUploads := TestUploads;
Config.TestPassLevel := TestPassLevel;
Config.TestCmdLine := TestCmdLine;
Config.AcsValidate := AcsValidate;
Config.AcsSeeUnvalid := AcsSeeUnvalid;
Config.AcsDLUnvalid := AcsDLUnvalid;
Config.AcsSeeFailed := AcsSeeFailed;
Config.AcsDLFailed := AcsDLFailed;
Config.inetDomain := inetDomain;
Config.inetIPBlocking := inetIPBlocking;
Config.inetIPLogging := inetIPLogging;
Config.inetSMTPUse := inetSMTPUse;
Config.inetSMTPPort := inetSMTPPort;
Config.inetSMTPMax := inetSMTPMax;
Config.inetPOP3Use := inetPOP3Use;
Config.inetPOP3Port := inetPOP3Port;
Config.inetPOP3Max := inetPOP3Max;
Config.inetTNUse := inetTNUse;
Config.inetTNPort := inetTNPort;
Config.inetTNDupes := inetTNDupes;
Config.inetFTPUse := inetFTPUse;
Config.inetFTPPort := inetFTPPort;
Config.inetFTPMax := inetFTPMax;
Config.inetFTPDupes := inetFTPDupes;
Config.inetFTPPortMin := inetFTPPortMin;
Config.inetFTPPortMax := inetFTPPortMax;
Config.inetFTPPassive := False;
Config.inetFTPTimeout := inetFTPTimeout;
{ new in 1.10 a11 }
Config.MenuPath := SysPath + 'menus' + PathChar;
Config.TextPath := SysPath + 'text' + PathChar;
Config.OutBoundPath := SysPath + 'echomail' + PathChar + 'out' + PathChar + 'fidonet' + PathChar;
Config.InBoundPath := SysPath + 'echomail' + PathChar + 'in' + PathChar;
Config.PWChange := 0;
Config.LoginAttempts := 3;
Config.LoginTime := 30;
Config.PWInquiry := True;
Config.DefScreenCols := 80;
Config.AcsMultiLogin := 's255';
Config.AskScreenCols := False;
Config.ColorKludge := 08;
Config.AcsExtReply := 's10';
Config.AcsFileAttach := 's255';
Config.AcsNodeLookup := 's255';
Config.FSEditor := False;
Config.FSCommand := '';
Config.FCommentLines := 10;
Config.FCommentLen := 79;
Config.inetTNNodes := MaxNode;
Config.inetSMTPDupes := 1;
Config.inetSMTPTimeout := 120;
Config.inetPOP3Dupes := 1;
Config.inetPOP3Delete := False;
Config.inetPOP3Timeout := 900;
Config.inetNNTPUse := False;
Config.inetNNTPPort := 119;
Config.inetNNTPMax := 8;
Config.inetNNTPDupes := 3;
Config.inetNNTPTimeOut := 120;
Config.UseStatusBar := True;
Config.StatusColor1 := 9 + 1 * 16;
Config.StatusColor2 := 9 + 1 * 16;
Config.StatusColor3 := 15 + 1 * 16;
Config.PWAttempts := 3;
Config.FProtocol := 'Z';
Config.UserProtocol := 0;
Assign (ConfigFile, 'mystic.dat');
ReWrite (ConfigFile);
Write (ConfigFile, Config);
Close (ConfigFile);
Procedure ConvertUsers;
User : RecUser;
UserFile : File of RecUser;
OldUser : OldUserRec;
OldUserFile : File of OldUserRec;
A : LongInt;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating user database...');
FileMode := 66;
If Not ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'users.dat', Config.DataPath + 'users.old') Then Begin
WriteLn('ERROR: Unable to copy user database. Restore a backup and try again after');
WriteLn(' eliminating any protential access issues.');
Assign (OldUserFile, Config.DataPath + 'users.old');
Reset (OldUserFile);
Assign (UserFile, Config.DataPath + 'users.dat');
ReWrite (UserFile);
While Not Eof(OldUserFile) Do Begin
Read (OldUserFile, OldUser);
FillChar (User, SizeOf(User), #0);
With OldUser Do Begin
User.PermIdx := PermIdx;
User.Flags := Flags;
User.Handle := Handle;
User.RealName := RealName;
User.Password := Password;
User.Address := Address;
User.City := City;
User.ZipCode := ZipCode;
User.HomePhone := HomePhone;
User.DataPhone := DataPhone;
User.Birthday := Birthday;
User.Gender := Gender;
User.Email := EmailAddr;
FillChar (User.OptionData, SizeOf(User.OptionData), #0);
User.OptionData[1] := Option1;
User.OptionData[2] := Option2;
User.OptionData[3] := Option3;
User.UserInfo := UserInfo;
User.Theme := Language;
User.AF1 := AF1;
User.AF2 := AF2;
User.Security := Security;
User.Expires := '00/00/00';
User.ExpiresTo := 0;
User.LastPWChange := '00/00/00';
User.StartMenu := StartMenu;
User.Archive := Archive;
User.QwkFiles := QwkFiles;
User.DateType := DateType;
User.ScreenSize := ScrnPause;
User.ScreenCols := 80;
User.PeerIP := '';
User.PeerHost := '';
User.FirstOn := FirstOn;
User.LastOn := LastOn;
User.Calls := Calls;
User.CallsToday := CallsToday;
User.DLs := DLs;
User.DLsToday := DLsToday;
User.DLk := DLk;
User.DLkToday := DLkToday;
User.ULs := ULs;
User.ULk := ULk;
User.Posts := Posts;
User.Emails := Emails;
User.TimeLeft := TimeLeft;
User.TimeBank := TimeBank;
User.FileRatings := 0;
User.FileComment := 0;
User.LastFBase := LastFBase;
User.LastMBase := LastMBase;
User.LastFGroup := LastFGroup;
User.LastMGroup := LastMGroup;
For A := 1 to 20 Do
User.Vote[A] := Vote[A];
User.EditType := EditType;
User.FileList := FileList;
User.SigUse := SigUse;
User.SigOffset := SigOffset;
User.SigLength := SigLength;
User.HotKeys := HotKeys;
User.MReadType := MReadType;
User.UseLBIndex := UseLBIndex;
User.UseLBQuote := UseLBQuote;
User.UseLBMIdx := UseLBMIdx;
User.UseFullChat := UserFullChat;
User.Credits := 0;
User.Protocol := #0;
Write (UserFile, User);
Close (UserFile);
Close (OldUserFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'users.old');
Procedure ConvertSecurity;
Sec : RecSecurity;
SecFile : File of RecSecurity;
OldSec : OldSecurityRec;
OldSecFile : File of OldSecurityRec;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating security definitions...');
ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'security.dat', Config.DataPath + 'security.old');
Assign (OldSecFile, Config.DataPath + 'security.old');
Reset (OldSecFile);
Assign (SecFile, Config.DataPath + 'security.dat');
ReWrite (SecFile);
While Not Eof(OldSecFile) Do Begin
Read (OldSecFile, OldSec);
FillChar (Sec, SizeOf(Sec), #0);
With OldSec Do Begin
Sec.Desc := Desc;
Sec.Time := Time;
Sec.MaxCalls := MaxCalls;
Sec.MaxDLs := MaxDLs;
Sec.MaxDLk := MaxDLk;
Sec.MaxTB := MaxTB;
Sec.DLRatio := DLRatio;
Sec.DLKRatio := DLKRatio;
Sec.AF1 := AF1;
Sec.AF2 := AF2;
Sec.Hard := Hard;
Sec.StartMenu := StartMNU;
Sec.PCRatio := PCRatio;
Write (SecFile, Sec);
Close (SecFile);
Close (OldSecFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'security.old');
Procedure ConvertThemes;
Function ConvertBar (P: OldPercentRec) : RecPercent;
Result.BarLength := P.BarLen;
Result.LoChar := P.LoChar;
Result.LoAttr := P.LoAttr;
Result.HiChar := P.HiChar;
Result.HiAttr := P.HiAttr;
Result.Format := 0;
Result.StartY := 1;
Result.StartX := 79;
Result.Active := True;
Theme : RecTheme;
ThemeFile : File of RecTheme;
OldLang : OldLangRec;
OldLangFile : File of OldLangRec;
TempBar : RecPercent;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating language definitions...');
ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'language.dat', Config.DataPath + 'language.old');
Assign (OldLangFile, Config.DataPath + 'language.old');
Reset (OldLangFile);
Assign (ThemeFile, Config.DataPath + 'theme.dat');
ReWrite (ThemeFile);
While Not Eof(OldLangFile) Do Begin
Read (OldLangFile, OldLang);
FillChar(Theme, SizeOf(Theme), 0);
TempBar.BarLength := 10;
TempBar.LoChar := '<27>';
TempBar.LoAttr := 8;
TempBar.HiChar := '<27>';
TempBar.HiAttr := 25;
TempBar.Format := 0;
TempBar.StartY := 1;
TempBar.StartX := 79;
TempBar.Active := True;
Theme.FileName := OldLang.FileName;
Theme.Desc := OldLang.Desc;
Theme.TextPath := OldLang.TextPath;
Theme.MenuPath := OldLang.MenuPath;
Theme.ScriptPath := Config.ScriptPath;
Theme.TemplatePath := OldLang.TextPath;
Theme.FieldColor1 := OldLang.FieldCol1;
Theme.FieldColor2 := OldLang.FieldCol2;
Theme.FieldChar := OldLang.FieldChar;
Theme.EchoChar := OldLang.EchoCh;
Theme.TagChar := OldLang.TagCh;
Theme.FileDescHi := OldLang.FileHi;
Theme.FileDescLo := OldLang.FileLo;
Theme.NewMsgChar := OldLang.NewMsgChar;
Theme.NewVoteChar := '*';
Theme.VotingBar := ConvertBar(OldLang.VotingBar);
Theme.FileBar := ConvertBar(OldLang.FileBar);
Theme.MsgBar := ConvertBar(OldLang.MsgBar);
Theme.GalleryBar := ConvertBar(OldLang.GalleryBar);
Theme.IndexBar := TempBar;
Theme.FAreaBar := TempBar;
Theme.FGroupBar := TempBar;
Theme.MAreaBar := TempBar;
Theme.MGroupBar := TempBar;
Theme.MAreaList := TempBar;
Theme.HelpBar := TempBar;
Theme.ViewerBar := TempBar;
Theme.UserInputFmt := 0;
Theme.LineChat1 := 9;
Theme.LineChat2 := 11;
Theme.Colors[0] := 1;
Theme.Colors[1] := 9;
Theme.Colors[2] := 11;
Theme.Colors[3] := 8;
Theme.Colors[4] := 7;
Theme.Colors[5] := 15;
Theme.Colors[6] := 8 + 1 * 16;
Theme.Colors[7] := 7 + 1 * 16;
Theme.Colors[8] := 9 + 1 * 16;
Theme.Colors[9] := 15 + 1 * 16;
Theme.Flags := 0;
If OldLang.okASCII Then Theme.Flags := Theme.Flags OR ThmAllowASCII;
If OldLang.okANSI Then Theme.Flags := Theme.Flags OR ThmAllowANSI;
If OldLang.BarYN Then Theme.Flags := Theme.Flags OR ThmLightbarYN;
Theme.Flags := Theme.Flags OR ThmFallback;
Write (ThemeFile, Theme);
Close (ThemeFile);
Close (OldLangFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'language.old');
Procedure ConvertArchives;
Arc : RecArchive;
ArcFile : File of RecArchive;
OldArc : OldArcRec;
OldArcFile : File of OldArcRec;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating archives...');
If Not ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'archive.dat', Config.DataPath + 'archive.old') Then Begin
WriteLn('[!] UNABLE TO FIND: ' + Config.DataPath + 'archive.dat');
Assign (OldArcFile, Config.DataPath + 'archive.old');
Reset (OldArcFile);
Assign (ArcFile, Config.DataPath + 'archive.dat');
ReWrite (ArcFile);
While Not Eof(OldArcFile) Do Begin
Read (OldArcFile, OldArc);
Arc.Desc := OldArc.Name;
Arc.Ext := OldArc.Ext;
Arc.Pack := OldArc.Pack;
Arc.Unpack := OldArc.Unpack;
Arc.View := OldArc.View;
Arc.OSType := OSType;
Arc.Active := True;
Write (ArcFile, Arc);
Close (ArcFile);
Close (OldArcFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'archive.old');
Procedure ConvertGroups;
Group : RecGroup;
GroupFile : File of RecGroup;
OldGroup : OldGroupRec;
OldGroupFile : File of OldGroupRec;
Count : Byte;
FN : String;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating groups...');
For Count := 1 to 2 Do Begin
If Count = 1 Then FN := 'groups_f' Else FN := 'groups_g';
If Not ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + FN + '.dat', Config.DataPath + FN + '.old') Then Begin
WriteLn('[!] UNABLE TO FIND: ' + Config.DataPath + FN + '.dat');
Assign (OldGroupFile, Config.DataPath + FN + '.old');
Reset (OldGroupFile);
Assign (GroupFile, Config.DataPath + FN + '.dat');
ReWrite (GroupFile);
While Not Eof(OldGroupFile) Do Begin
Read (OldGroupFile, OldGroup);
Group.Name := OldGroup.Name;
Group.ACS := OldGroup.ACS;
Group.Hidden := False;
Write (GroupFile, Group);
Close (GroupFile);
Close (OldGroupFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + FN + '.old');
Procedure ConvertFileLists;
DirInfo : SearchRec;
OldList : OlDFDirRec;
OldFile : File of OldFDirRec;
List : RecFileList;
ListFile : File of RecFileList;
FN : String;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating file listings...');
FindFirst (Config.DataPath + '*.dir', AnyFile, DirInfo);
While DosError = 0 Do Begin
FN := Config.DataPath + JustFile(DirInfo.Name) + '.old';
RenameFile (Config.DataPath + DirInfo.Name, FN);
Assign (OldFile, FN);
Reset (OldFile);
Assign (ListFile, Config.DataPath + DirInfo.Name);
ReWrite (ListFile);
While Not Eof(OldFile) Do Begin
Read (OldFile, OldList);
List.FileName := OldList.FileName;
List.Size := OldList.Size;
List.DateTime := OldList.DateTime;
List.Uploader := OldList.Uploader;
List.Flags := OldList.Flags;
List.Downloads := OldList.DLs;
List.Rating := 0;
List.DescPtr := OldList.Pointer;
List.DescLines := OldList.Lines;
Write (ListFile, List);
Close (OldFile);
Close (ListFile);
DeleteFile (FN);
FindNext (DirInfo);
Procedure ConvertFileBases;
FBase : RecFileBase;
FBaseFile : File of RecFileBase;
OldFBase : OldFBaseRec;
OldFBaseFile : File of OldFBaseRec;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating file bases...');
If Not ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'fbases.dat', Config.DataPath + 'fbases.old') Then Begin
WriteLn('[!] UNABLE TO FIND: ' + Config.DataPath + 'fbases.dat');
Assign (OldFBaseFile, Config.DataPath + 'fbases.old');
Reset (OldFBaseFile);
Assign (FBaseFile, Config.DataPath + 'fbases.dat');
ReWrite (FBaseFile);
While Not Eof(OldFBaseFile) Do Begin
Read (OldFBaseFile, OldFBase);
FBase.Name := OldFBase.Name;
FBase.FtpName := OldFBase.FtpName;
FBase.FileName := OldFBase.FileName;
FBase.DispFile := OldFBase.DispFile;
FBase.Template := 'ansiflst';
FBase.ListACS := OldFBase.ListACS;
FBase.FtpACS := OldFBase.FtpACS;
FBase.DLACS := OldFBase.DLACS;
FBase.ULACS := OldFBase.ULACS;
FBase.SysopACS := OldFBase.SysopACS;
FBase.Path := OldFBase.Path;
FBase.DefScan := OldFBase.DefScan;
FBase.CommentACS := 's20';
FBase.Flags := 0;
If OldFBase.ShowUL Then FBase.Flags := FBase.Flags OR FBShowUpload;
If OldFBase.IsCDROM Then FBase.Flags := FBase.Flags OR FBSlowMedia;
If OldFBase.IsFREE Then FBase.Flags := FBase.Flags OR FBFreeFiles;
FBase.Index := 0; // calc this now?
Write (FBaseFile, FBase);
Close (FBaseFile);
Close (OldFBaseFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'fbases.old');
Procedure ConvertHistory;
Hist : RecHistory;
HistFile : File of RecHistory;
OldHist : OldHistoryRec;
OldHistFile : File of OldHistoryRec;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating BBS history...');
If Not ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'history.dat', Config.DataPath + 'history.old') Then Begin
WriteLn('[!] UNABLE TO FIND: ' + Config.DataPath + 'history.dat');
Assign (OldHistFile, Config.DataPath + 'history.old');
Reset (OldHistFile);
Assign (HistFile, Config.DataPath + 'history.dat');
ReWrite (HistFile);
While Not Eof(OldHistFile) Do Begin
Read (OldHistFile, OldHist);
FillChar(Hist, SizeOf(Hist), 0);
Hist.Date := OldHist.Date;
Hist.Emails := OldHist.Emails;
Hist.Posts := OldHist.Posts;
Hist.Downloads := OldHist.Downloads;
Hist.Uploads := OldHist.Uploads;
Hist.DownloadKB := OldHIst.DownloadKB;
Hist.UploadKB := OldHIst.UploadKB;
Hist.Calls := OldHist.Calls;
Hist.NewUsers := OldHist.NewUsers;
Write (HistFile, Hist);
Close (HIstFile);
Close (OldHistFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'history.old');
Procedure ConvertLastOn;
Last : RecLastOn;
LastFile : File of RecLastOn;
OldLast : OldLastOnRec;
OldLastFile : File of OldLastOnRec;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating last callers...');
If Not ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'callers.dat', Config.DataPath + 'callers.old') Then Begin
WriteLn('[!] UNABLE TO FIND: ' + Config.DataPath + 'callers.dat');
Assign (OldLastFile, Config.DataPath + 'callers.old');
Reset (OldLastFile);
Assign (LastFile, Config.DataPath + 'callers.dat');
ReWrite (LastFile);
While Not Eof(OldLastFile) Do Begin
Read (OldLastFile, OldLast);
FillChar(Last, SizeOf(Last), 0);
With OldLast Do Begin
Last.DateTime := DateTime;
Last.Node := Node;
Last.CallNum := CallNum;
Last.Handle := Handle;
Last.City := City;
Last.Address := Address;
Last.Gender := '?';
Last.EmailAddr := EmailAddr;
Last.UserInfo := UserInfo;
Last.OptionData[1] := Option1;
Last.OptionData[2] := Option2;
Last.OptionData[3] := Option3;
Write (LastFile, Last);
Close (LastFile);
Close (OldLastFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'callers.old');
Procedure ConvertMessageBases;
MBase : RecMessageBase;
MBaseFile : File of RecMessageBase;
OldMBase : OldMBaseRec;
OldMBaseFile : File of OldMBaseRec;
WriteLn ('[-] Updating message bases...');
If Not ReNameFile(Config.DataPath + 'mbases.dat', Config.DataPath + 'mbases.old') Then Begin
WriteLn('[!] UNABLE TO FIND: ' + Config.DataPath + 'mbases.dat');
Assign (OldMBaseFile, Config.DataPath + 'mbases.old');
Reset (OldMBaseFile);
Assign (MBaseFile, Config.DataPath + 'mbases.dat');
ReWrite (MBaseFile);
While Not Eof(OldMBaseFile) Do Begin
Read (OldMBaseFile, OldMBase);
MBase.Name := OldMBase.Name;
MBase.QWKName := OldMBase.QwkName;
MBase.NewsName := '';
MBase.FileName := OldMBase.FileName;
MBase.Path := OldMBase.Path;
MBase.BaseType := OldMBase.BaseType;
MBase.NetType := OldMBase.NetType;
MBase.ListACS := OldMBase.ACS;
MBase.ReadACS := OldMBase.ReadACS;
MBase.PostACS := OldMBase.PostACS;
MBase.SysopACS := OldMBase.SysopACS;
MBase.Sponsor := '';
MBase.ColQuote := OldMBase.ColQuote;
MBase.ColText := OldMBase.ColText;
MBase.ColTear := OldMBase.ColTear;
MBase.ColOrigin := OldMBAse.ColOrigin;
MBase.ColKludge := 8;
MBase.NetAddr := OldMBase.NetAddr;
MBase.Origin := OldMBase.Origin;
MBase.DefNScan := OldMBase.DefNScan;
MBase.DefQScan := OldMBase.DefQScan;
MBase.MaxMsgs := OldMBase.MaxMsgs;
MBase.MaxAge := OldMBase.MaxAge;
MBase.Header := OldMBase.Header;
MBase.RTemplate := 'ansimrd';
MBase.ITemplate := 'ansimlst';
MBase.Index := OldMBase.Index;
MBase.Flags := 0;
If OldMBase.UseReal Then MBase.Flags := MBase.Flags or MBRealNames;
If OldMBase.PostType = 1 Then MBase.Flags := MBase.Flags or MBPrivate;
Write (MBaseFile, MBase);
Close (MBaseFile);
Close (OldMBaseFile);
DeleteFile (Config.DataPath + 'mbases.old');
ConfigFile : File of RecConfig;
FileMode := 66;
//COMMENT this out if mystic.dat is being converted:
// Assign (ConfigFile, 'mystic.dat');
// Reset (ConfigFile);
// Read (ConfigFile, Config);
// Close (ConfigFile);
ConvertConfig; //1.10a11
ConvertUsers; //1.10a11
ConvertSecurity; //1.10a11
ConvertFileLists; //1.10a11
ConvertFileBases; //1.10a11
ConvertMessageBases; //1.10a11
ConvertThemes; //1.10a11
ConvertHistory; //1.10a11
ConvertLastOn; //1.10a11
ConvertArchives; //1.10a1
ConvertGroups; //1.10a1
PurgeWildcard(Config.DataPath + '*.lng');
PurgeWildcard(Config.DataPath + 'node*.dat');
PurgeWildcard(Config.DataPath + 'wfcscrn.*');
PurgeWildcard(Config.SystemPath + 'mcfg.*');
PurgeWildcard(Config.SystemPath + 'makelang.*');
PurgeWildcard(Config.ScriptPath + '*.mpe');
TextAttr := 12;
WriteLn ('COMPLETE!');
TextAttr := 7;