{$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit file8; interface uses crt,dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} myio, file0, file6, file7, execbat, common; procedure ymbadd(fname:astr); procedure send1(fn:astr; var dok,kabort:boolean); procedure receive1(fn:astr; resumefile:boolean; var dok,kabort,addbatch:boolean); implementation procedure abeep; var a,b,c,i,j:integer; begin for j:=1 to 3 do begin for i:=1 to 3 do begin a:=i*500; b:=a; while (b>a-300) do begin sound(b); dec(b,50); c:=a+1000; while (c>a+700) do begin sound(c); dec(c,50); delay(2); end; end; end; delay(50); nosound; end; end; function checkfileratio:integer; var i,r,t:real; j:integer; badratio:boolean; begin t:=thisuser.dk; if (numbatchfiles<>0) then for j:=1 to numbatchfiles do begin loaduboard(batch[j].section); if (not (fbnoratio in memuboard.fbstat)) then t:=t+(batch[j].blks div 8); end; badratio:=FALSE; r:=(t+0.001)/(thisuser.uk+0.001); if (r>systat.dlkratio[thisuser.sl]) then badratio:=TRUE; i:=(thisuser.downloads+numbatchfiles+0.001)/(thisuser.uploads+0.001); if (i>systat.dlratio[thisuser.sl]) then badratio:=TRUE; if ((aacs(systat.nodlratio)) or (fnodlratio in thisuser.ac)) then badratio:=FALSE; if (not systat.uldlratio) then badratio:=FALSE; checkfileratio:=0; if (badratio) then if (numbatchfiles=0) then checkfileratio:=1 else checkfileratio:=2; loaduboard(fileboard); if (fbnoratio in memuboard.fbstat) then checkfileratio:=0; end; procedure ymbadd(fname:astr); var t1,t2:real; f:file of byte; ff:ulfrec; dt:datetimerec; sof:longint; ior:word; slrn,rn,pl,fblks:integer; slfn:astr; ffo:boolean; begin ffo:=(filerec(ulff).mode<>fmclosed); nl; fname:=sqoutsp(fname); if (exist(fname)) then begin assign(f,fname); reset(f); sof:=filesize(f); fblks:=trunc((sof+127.0)/128.0); t1:=rte*fblks; close(f); t2:=batchtime+t1; if (t2>nsl) then print('Not enough time left in queue.') else if (numbatchfiles=20) then print('Batch queue full.') else begin inc(numbatchfiles); with batch[numbatchfiles] do begin if (fileboard<>-1) then begin slrn:=lrn; slfn:=lfn; if ffo then close(ulff); recno(stripname(fname),pl,rn); seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,ff); close(ulff); if ffo then fiscan(pl); lrn:=slrn; lfn:=slfn; pts:=ff.filepoints; blks:=ff.blocks; end else begin pts:=unlisted_filepoints; blks:=fblks; end; fn:=sqoutsp(fname); tt:=t1; section:=fileboard; batchtime:=t2; sysoplog('Added '+stripname(fn)+' to batch queue.'); sprint(fstring.batchadd); r2dt(batchtime,dt); print('Batch - Files: '+cstr(numbatchfiles)+' Time: '+longtim(dt)); end; end; end else print('File doesn''t exist'); end; procedure addtologupdown; var s:astr; begin s:=' ULs: '+cstr(trunc(thisuser.uk))+'k in '+cstr(thisuser.uploads)+' file'; if thisuser.uploads<>1 then s:=s+'s'; s:=s+' - DLs: '+cstr(trunc(thisuser.dk))+'k in '+cstr(thisuser.downloads)+' file'; if thisuser.downloads<>1 then s:=s+'s'; sysoplog(s); end; procedure send1(fn:astr; var dok,kabort:boolean); var f:text; ff:file; f1:ulfrec; nfn,cp,slfn,s:astr; st:real; filsize:longint; dcode:word; { dos exit code } p,i,sx,sy,t,pl,rn,slrn,errlevel:integer; g,c:char; b,done1,foundit:boolean; begin done1:=FALSE; reset(xf); repeat nl; sprompt('^4Protocol (^0?^4=^0list^4) : ^3'); mpkey(s); if (s='?') then begin nl; showprots(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); end else begin p:=findprot(s,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); if (p=-99) then print('Invalid entry.') else done1:=TRUE; end; until (done1) or (hangup); dok:=TRUE; kabort:=FALSE; if (-p in [1,2,3,4,12]) or (p in [1..200]) then case checkfileratio of 1:begin nl; sprint(fstring.unbalance); nl; prompt('You have DLed: '+cstr(trunc(thisuser.dk))+'k in '+cstr(thisuser.downloads)+' file'); if thisuser.downloads<>1 then print('s') else nl; prompt('You have ULed: '+cstr(trunc(thisuser.uk))+'k in '+cstr(thisuser.uploads)+' file'); if thisuser.uploads<>1 then print('s') else nl; nl; print(' 1 upload for every '+cstr(systat.dlratio[thisuser.sl])+' downloads must be maintained.'); print(' 1k must be uploaded for every '+cstr(systat.dlkratio[thisuser.sl])+'k downloaded.'); sysoplog('Tried to download while ratio out of balance:'); addtologupdown; p:=-11; end; 2:begin nl; sprint(fstring.unbalance); nl; print('Assuming you download the files already in the batch queue,'); print('your upload/download ratio would be out of balance.'); sysoplog('Tried to add to batch queue while ratio out of balance:'); addtologupdown; p:=-11; end; end; if (p>=0) then begin seek(xf,p); read(xf,protocol); end; close(xf); lastprot:=p; case p of -12:ymbadd(fn); -11:; -10:begin dok:=FALSE; kabort:=TRUE; end; (* -4:if (incom) then send(TRUE,TRUE,fn,dok,kabort,FALSE,rte); -3:if (incom) then send(FALSE,TRUE,fn,dok,kabort,FALSE,rte); -2:if (incom) then send(FALSE,FALSE,fn,dok,kabort,FALSE,rte);*) -1:if (not trm) then sendascii(fn); (* -2:if (not trm) then begin assign(f,fn); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('File not found.') else begin kabort:=FALSE; clrscr; sx:=wherex; sy:=wherey; window(1,25,80,25); textcolor(11); textbackground(1); gotoxy(1,1); for t:=1 to 80 do write(' '); gotoxy(1,1); write('Sending ASCII File '+fn+' -- Please Wait'); textcolor(7); textbackground(0); window(1,1,80,24); gotoxy(sx,sy); repeat read(f,g); o(g); write(g); until (eof(f)) or (kabort); close(f); end; end;*) else if (incom) then begin cp:=bproline1(protocol.dlcmd); bproline(cp,sqoutsp(fn)); if (useron) then star('Send ready.'); if (useron) then shel(caps(thisuser.name)+' is downloading!') else shel('Sending file(s)...'); b:=systat.swapshell; systat.swapshell:=FALSE; pexecbatch(FALSE,'tgtemp2.bat','tgtest2.$$$',start_dir,cp,errlevel); systat.swapshell:=b; shel2; foundit:=FALSE; i:=0; while ((i<6) and (not foundit)) do begin inc(i); if (value(protocol.dlcode[i])=errlevel) then foundit:=TRUE; end; dok:=TRUE; if ((foundit) and (not (xbxferokcode in protocol.xbstat))) then dok:=FALSE; if ((not foundit) and (xbxferokcode in protocol.xbstat)) then dok:=FALSE; end; end; if (trm) then begin incom:=FALSE; outcom:=FALSE; end; if (not useron) and (not kabort) then begin cursoron(FALSE); setwindow(wind,36,8,80,12,4,0,1); gotoxy(3,2); tc(14); if dok then write('Transfer successful.') else write('Transfer unsuccessful.'); st:=timer; while (not keypressed) and (tcheck(st,5)) do abeep; if keypressed then c:=readkey; removewindow(wind); cursoron(TRUE); incom:=FALSE; outcom:=FALSE; end; end; procedure receive1(fn:astr; resumefile:boolean; var dok,kabort,addbatch:boolean); var cp,nfn,s:astr; st:real; filsize:longint; p,i,t,fno,sx,sy,nof,errlevel:integer; c:char; b,done1,foundit:boolean; begin done1:=FALSE; reset(xf); repeat nl; sprompt('^4Protocol (^0?^4=^0list^4) : ^3'); mpkey(s); if (s='?') then begin nl; showprots(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,resumefile); end else begin p:=findprot(s,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,resumefile); if (p=-99) then print('Invalid entry.') else done1:=TRUE; end; until (done1) or (hangup); if (not useron) then begin incom:=TRUE; outcom:=TRUE; end; dok:=TRUE; kabort:=FALSE; if (p>=0) then begin seek(xf,p); read(xf,protocol); end; close(xf); case p of -12:addbatch:=TRUE; -11,-10:begin dok:=FALSE; kabort:=TRUE; end; -1:if (not trm) then recvascii(fn,dok,rte); else if (incom) then begin cp:=bproline1(protocol.ulcmd); bproline(cp,sqoutsp(fn)); if (useron) then star('Receive ready.'); if (useron) then shel(caps(thisuser.name)+' is uploading!') else shel('Receiving file(s)...'); b:=systat.swapshell; systat.swapshell:=FALSE; pexecbatch(FALSE,'tgtemp2.bat','tgtest2.$$$',start_dir,cp,errlevel); systat.swapshell:=b; shel2; foundit:=FALSE; i:=0; while ((i<6) and (not foundit)) do begin inc(i); if (value(protocol.ulcode[i])=errlevel) then foundit:=TRUE; end; dok:=TRUE; if ((foundit) and (not (xbxferokcode in protocol.xbstat))) then dok:=FALSE; if ((not foundit) and (xbxferokcode in protocol.xbstat)) then dok:=FALSE; end; end; if (not useron) and (not kabort) then begin cursoron(FALSE); setwindow(wind,36,8,80,12,4,0,1); gotoxy(3,2); tc(14); if (dok) then write('Transfer successful.') else write('Transfer unsuccessful.'); st:=timer; while (not keypressed) and (tcheck(st,5)) do abeep; if (keypressed) then c:=readkey; removewindow(wind); cursoron(TRUE); incom:=FALSE; outcom:=FALSE; end; end; end.