(*****************************************************************************) (*> <*) (*> NEWUSERS.PAS - Written by Eric Oman <*) (*> <*) (*> Logon functions -- New users. <*) (*> <*) (*> <*) (*****************************************************************************) {$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit newusers; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} mail0, mail1, mail2, mail3, misc2, misc3, misc4, miscx, cuser, doors, archive1, menus, common; procedure newuser; procedure newuserinit(nam:astr); implementation var newusername:astr; procedure p1; var c:char; tries,i,ii,t:integer; s,s1,s2:astr; atype,pw:astr; done,abort,next,choseansi,chosecolor:boolean; procedure showstuff; begin nl; nl; printf('system'); nl; nl; printf('newuser'); if (systat.newuserpw<>'') then begin tries:=0; pw:=''; while ((pw<>systat.newuserpw) and (triespw) and (pw<>'')) then begin sl1(#3#8+'>>'+#3#1+' Illegal newuser password: "'+pw+'"'); inc(tries); end; end; if (tries>=systat.maxlogontries) then begin printf('nonewusr'); hangup:=TRUE; end; end; end; procedure doitall; type neworderrec=array[1..17] of integer; const neworder:neworderrec=(7,10,23,1,4,14,8,12,2,5,6,13,3,11,24,9,-1); var i:integer; c:char; begin showstuff; if (newusername<>'') then begin thisuser.name:=newusername; newusername:=''; i:=2; end else i:=1; repeat cstuff(neworder[i],1,thisuser); inc(i); until ((neworder[i]=-1) or (hangup)); end; procedure dc(var abort:boolean; c:char; n,v:astr); begin printacr(#3#1+'['+#3#3+c+#3#1+'] '+ #3#4+mln(n,11)+#3#2+' - '+#3#5+v,abort,next); end; begin t:=0; doitall; if (not hangup) then repeat done:=FALSE; cls; abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; printacr(#3#5+'User Information Change',abort,next); nl; if (ansi in thisuser.ac) then begin atype:='Enabled'; if (color in thisuser.ac) then atype:=atype+' w/ color' else atype:=atype+' w/o color'; end else atype:='Disabled'; with thisuser do begin dc(abort,'A','System name',name); dc(abort,'B','Real name', realname); dc(abort,'C','Phone #', ph); dc(abort,'D','Computer', computer); dc(abort,'E','Sex', sex); dc(abort,'F','Birthdate', bday+' ('+cstr(ageuser(bday))+' years old)'); dc(abort,'G','City, State',citystate); dc(abort,'H','Address', street); dc(abort,'I','Zip code', zipcode); dc(abort,'J','Occupation', occupation); dc(abort,'K','Heard from', wherebbs); dc(abort,'L','ANSI', atype); dc(abort,'M','Screen size',cstr(linelen)+'x'+cstr(pagelen)); dc(abort,'N','Password', pw); end; nl; prt('Selection (A-N) to change, Y when finished :'); onek(c,'YABCDEFGHIJKLMN'); if (c<>'Y') then cstuff(pos(c,'HFLGDJACNBMEKI'),1,thisuser) else done:=TRUE; until ((done) or (hangup)); end; procedure p2; var user:userrec; pw:string; tries,i,j:integer; c:char; begin if (not hangup) then begin nl; prompt('Please wait while I save your record ... '); reset(uf); j:=0; for i:=1 to filesize(uf)-1 do begin seek(uf,i); read(uf,user); if ((user.deleted) and (j=0)) then j:=i; end; if (j<>0) then usernum:=j else usernum:=filesize(uf); with thisuser do begin deleted:=FALSE; waiting:=0; firston:=date; laston:=date; loggedon:=0; msgpost:=0; emailsent:=0; feedback:=0; ontoday:=0; illegal:=0; forusr:=0; downloads:=0; uploads:=0; dk:=0; uk:=0; linelen:=80; pagelen:=25; ttimeon:=0; note:=''; for i:=1 to 5 do boardsysop[i]:=255; lastmsg:=1; lastfil:=1; credit:=0; timebank:=0; for i:=1 to 70 do res[i]:=0; for i:=1 to 20 do vote[i]:=0; readinzscan; { load old / create new zscan.dat record } with zscanr do begin for i:=1 to maxboards do for j:=1 to 6 do mhiread[i][j]:=0; mzscan:=[]; fzscan:=[]; for i:=1 to maxboards do mzscan:=mzscan+[i]; for i:=0 to maxuboards do fzscan:=fzscan+[i]; end; savezscanr; trapactivity:=FALSE; trapseperate:=FALSE; timebankadd:=0; mpointer:=-1; chatauto:=FALSE; chatseperate:=FALSE; slogseperate:=FALSE; flistopt:=1; avadjust:=0; reset(uf); seek(uf,0); read(uf,user); close(uf); cols:=user.cols; sl:=systat.newsl; dsl:=systat.newdsl; realsl:=sl; realdsl:=dsl; filepoints:=systat.newfp; ar:=systat.newar; tltoday:=systat.timeallow[sl]; end; reset(uf); seek(uf,usernum); write(uf,thisuser); close(uf); isr(thisuser.name,usernum); sprint(#3#3+'Saved.'); repeat nl; nl; sprint('Your user name is "'+#3#3+allcaps(thisuser.name)+#3#1+ '", and your user number is '+#3#3+cstr(usernum)+#3#1+'.'); sprint('Your password is "'+#3#3+thisuser.pw+#3#1+'".'); nl; print('Please remember these. You will need your password to log on'); print('again in the future, and your user number helps to log on faster.'); nl; print('Re-enter your password now for verification.'); prompt('Password: '); echo:=FALSE; input(pw,20); echo:=TRUE; if (pw<>thisuser.pw) then print(^G'WRONG!!'^G); until ((pw=thisuser.pw) or (hangup)); nl; nl; nl; useron:=TRUE; window(1,1,80,25); clrscr; schangewindow(not cwindowon,systat.curwindow); cls; if ((exist(systat.afilepath+'newuser.inf')) or (exist(systat.gfilepath+'newuser.inf'))) then readq('newuser',0); topscr; if (systat.newapp<>-1) then begin printf('newapp'); irt:='New User Application'; end; nl; end; end; procedure newuser; var i:integer; begin sl1(#3#8+' ***'+#3#3+' NewUser'+#3#8+' ***'); if (systat.numusers>=9999) then begin sl1(#3#7+' [*] Maximum user count has been reached.'); printf('maximum'); hangup:=TRUE; end else begin p1; p2; if (systat.newapp<>-1) then begin reset(uf); i:=forwardm(systat.newapp); close(uf); if (i=0) then i:=systat.newapp; email1(i,'\NewUser Application'); end; inc(systat.todayzlog.newusers); wasnewuser:=TRUE; end; useron:=TRUE; end; procedure newuserinit(nam:astr); var s:astr; begin newusername:=nam; clrscr; window(1,1,80,25); gotoxy(1,1); tc(14); textbackground(1); clreol; if (spd<>'KB') then s:=' New user on at '+spd+' baud ' else s:=' New user on locally '; gotoxy(40-length(s) div 2,1); textbackground(4); write(s); tc(3); textbackground(0); window(1,2,80,25); gotoxy(1,1); if (systat.closedsystem) then begin printf('system'); printf('nonewusr'); hangup:=TRUE; end else begin with thisuser do begin name:='NEW USER'; trapactivity:=FALSE; trapseperate:=FALSE; end; inittrapfile; end; end; end.