{$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit mail2; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} common, timejunk, mail0, mail1; procedure ssmail(mstr:astr); procedure smail(massmail:boolean); procedure email1(x:integer; ftit:string); procedure email(x:integer); procedure imail(x:integer); function maxage(x:integer):integer; implementation uses misc3, miscx; procedure ssmail(mstr:astr); begin if (mstr='') then smail(FALSE) else begin if (pos(';',mstr)=0) then irt:='Feedback' else irt:=copy(mstr,pos(';',mstr)+1,length(mstr)); imail(value(mstr)); end; end; procedure smail(massmail:boolean); var u,u2:userrec; mheader:mheaderrec; mixr:msgindexrec; na:array[1..20] of word; massacs,s:string; i,nac,x:integer; stype:byte; abort,next,ok:boolean; procedure checkitout(var x:integer; showit:boolean); var i,ox:integer; b:boolean; procedure unote(s:string); begin if (showit) then print('[> '+caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(x)+': '+s); end; begin {x:=value(s);} ox:=x; if ((x<1) or (x>filesize(uf)-1)) then begin x:=0; exit; end; seek(uf,x); read(uf,u); i:=0; b:=TRUE; while ((i<4) and (b)) do begin inc(i); b:=moremail(u,x,i); if (not b) then case i of 1:unote('Mailbox is full.'); 2:unote('Mailbox is closed.'); 3:x:=0; 4:unote('Can''t send mail to yourself!'); end; end; if (not b) then begin x:=0; exit; end; i:=u.forusr; if ((i<1) or (i>filesize(uf)-1)) then i:=0; if (i<>0) then begin seek(uf,i); read(uf,u2); unote('Mail forwarded to '+caps(u2.name)+' #'+cstr(i)+'.'); x:=i; end; if (showit) then for i:=1 to 20 do if (na[i]=x) then begin unote('Can''t send more than once.'); x:=0; exit; end; if (ox<>x) then if ((ox>=1) and (ox<=filesize(uf)-1)) then begin seek(uf,ox); read(uf,u); end; end; procedure sendit(x:integer); begin checkitout(x,FALSE); if (x=0) then exit; if ((x>=1) and (x<=filesize(uf)-1)) then begin seek(uf,x); read(uf,u); if (x=1) then begin inc(thisuser.feedback); inc(ftoday); end else begin inc(thisuser.emailsent); inc(etoday); end; inc(u.waiting); seek(uf,x); write(uf,u); if (x=usernum) then inc(thisuser.waiting); end; with mheader.toi do begin anon:=0; usernum:=x; as:=allcaps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(x); real:=allcaps(u.realname); alias:=allcaps(u.name); end; with mixr do begin messagenum:=x; msgid:=0; hdrptr:=filesize(brdf); msgindexstat:=msgindexstat+[mimassmail]; end; seek(brdf,mixr.hdrptr); savemhead(mheader); newmix(mixr); end; procedure doit; var s:string; i,x:integer; begin initbrd(-1); if (not inmsg(FALSE,FALSE,'',mixr,mheader)) then exit; case stype of 0:begin nl; print('Sending mass-mail to:'); sysoplog('Mass-mail sent to:'); for i:=1 to nac do begin sendit(na[i]); s:=' '+caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(na[i]); sysoplog(s); print(s); end; end; 1:begin nl; print('Sending mass-mail to:'); sysoplog('Mass-mail sent to: (by ACS "'+massacs+'")'); seek(uf,1); for i:=1 to filesize(uf)-1 do begin read(uf,u); if (aacs1(u,i,massacs)) then begin sendit(i); s:=' '+caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(i); sysoplog(s); print(s); end; end; end; 2:begin print('Sending mass-mail to ALL USERS.'); sysoplog('Mass-mail sent to ALL USERS.'); for i:=1 to filesize(uf)-1 do sendit(i); end; end; end; begin nl; if ((remail in thisuser.ac) or (not (aacs(systat.normprivpost)))) then begin print('Your access privledges do not include sending mail.'); exit; end else if ((etoday>=systat.maxprivpost) and (not mso)) then begin print('Too much mail send today already.'); exit; end; if (not massmail) then begin print('Enter user number, user name, or partial search string:'); prt(':'); finduserws(x); if (x>0) then imail(x); end else begin print('Mass mail: send mail to more than one user.'); print('Enter a max of 20 user NUMBERS, seperated by commas.'); if (cso) then begin print('CoSysOps:'); print(' ALL: Send to every user.'); print(' ACS: Send to an ACS group of users.'); end; prt(':'); input(s,78); if (s='') then exit; reset(uf); ok:=FALSE; nac:=0; stype:=0; for i:=1 to 20 do na[i]:=0; nl; if (cso) then if (s='ACS') then begin ok:=TRUE; stype:=1; prt('Enter ACS: '); inputl(massacs,160); if (massacs='') then begin close(uf); exit; end; seek(uf,1); i:=1; nl; print('Users marked by ACS "'+massacs+'":'); abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; while ((i<=filesize(uf)-1) and (not abort)) do begin read(uf,u); if (aacs1(u,i,massacs)) then print(' '+caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(i)); inc(i); wkey(abort,next); end; end else if (s='ALL') then begin ok:=FALSE; print('ALL USERS marked for mass-mail.'); stype:=2; end; if (not ok) then begin print('Users marked:'); while ((s<>'') and (nac<20)) do begin x:=value(s); checkitout(x,TRUE); if (x<>0) then begin inc(nac); na[nac]:=x; print(' '+caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(x)); end; i:=pos(',',s); if (i=0) then s:=''; if (s<>'') then s:=copy(s,i+1,length(s)-i); end; end; nl; if pynq('Is this OK? ') then begin doit; closebrd; end; close(uf); end; end; procedure email1(x:integer; ftit:string); var u:userrec; pinfo:pinforec; mheader:mheaderrec; mixr:msgindexrec; fto:string; i,t,e,cp:integer; a:anontyp; s,tousers:astr; us:userrec; bb:byte; b,ok,wasanon:boolean; procedure nope(s:astr); begin if ok then begin nl; print(s); end; ok:=FALSE; end; begin ok:=TRUE; reset(uf); if ((x<0) or (x>filesize(uf)-1)) then begin close(uf); exit; end; if (copy(ftit,1,1)<>'\') then begin seek(uf,x); read(uf,u); close(uf); nl; if ((remail in thisuser.ac) or (not aacs(systat.normprivpost))) and (not mso) then nope('Your access privledges do not include sending mail.'); if (etoday>=systat.maxprivpost) and (not mso) then nope('Too much mail sent today.'); if ((x=1) and (ftoday>=systat.maxfback) and (not mso)) then nope('Too much feedback sent today.'); i:=0; b:=TRUE; while ((i<4) and (b)) do begin inc(i); b:=moremail(u,x,i); if (not b) then case i of 1:nope('That user''s mailbox is full.'); 2:nope('That user''s mailbox is closed.'); 3:nope('That user has been deleted.'); 4:nope('Why do you want to send mail to yourself!??!'); end; end; if ((cso) and (not b) and (i<>3)) then ok:=TRUE; if (not ok) then exit; end; savepinfo(pinfo); initbrd(-1); if (inmsg(FALSE,FALSE,ftit,mixr,mheader)) then begin reset(uf); if ((x>=1) and (x<=filesize(uf)-1)) then begin seek(uf,x); read(uf,u); if (x=1) then begin inc(thisuser.feedback); inc(ftoday); end else begin inc(thisuser.emailsent); inc(etoday); end; inc(u.waiting); seek(uf,x); write(uf,u); if (x=usernum) then inc(thisuser.waiting); end; close(uf); with mheader.toi do begin anon:=0; usernum:=x; as:=allcaps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(x); real:=allcaps(u.realname); alias:=allcaps(u.name); end; mixr.msgid:=0; mixr.messagenum:=x; seek(brdf,mixr.hdrptr); savemhead(mheader); newmix(mixr); s:=caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(x); if (useron) then sysoplog('Mail sent to '+s); print('Mail sent to '+s); topscr; end; loadpinfo(pinfo); end; procedure email(x:integer); begin email1(x,''); end; procedure imail(x:integer); var u:userrec; i:integer; b,xx:boolean; procedure nope(s:string); begin if (not xx) then begin print(s); xx:=TRUE; end; end; begin xx:=FALSE; reset(uf); if ((x<1) or (x>filesize(uf)-1)) then begin close(uf); exit; end; seek(uf,x); read(uf,u); nl; i:=0; b:=TRUE; while ((i<4) and (b)) do begin inc(i); b:=moremail(u,x,i); if (not b) then case i of 1:nope('That user''s mailbox is full.'); 2:nope('That user''s mailbox is closed.'); 3:nope('That user has been deleted.'); 4:nope('Why do you want to send mail to yourself!??!'); end; end; if (xx) then begin close(uf); exit; end; if (u.forusr<>0) then begin x:=forwardm(x); if ((x<1) or (x>filesize(uf)-1)) then x:=0; if (x>0) then begin seek(uf,x); read(uf,u); close(uf); print('That user is forwarding his mail to '+caps(u.name)+'.'); if pynq('Send mail to ['+caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(x)+'] ? ') then email(x); end else begin print('Can''t send mail to that user.'); close(uf); end; end else begin close(uf); if pynq('Send mail to ['+caps(u.name)+' #'+cstr(x)+']? ') then email(x); end; end; function maxage(x:integer):integer; begin case x of 0..19:maxage:=5; 20..29:maxage:=14; 30..39:maxage:=90; 40..59:maxage:=120; else maxage:=255; end; end; end. end.