uses crt,dos; {$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} {$M 50000,0,90000} { Declared here suffices for all Units as well! } {$I rec16e1.pas} var systatf:file of systatrec; systat:systatrec; bf:file of boardrec; brd:boardrec; sp:string; i:integer; c:char; abort:boolean; procedure tc(i:integer); begin textcolor(i); end; procedure star(s:astr); begin tc(9); write('þ '); tc(11); writeln(s); end; procedure ttl(s:string); begin writeln; textcolor(9); write('ÄÄ['); textbackground(1); textcolor(15); write(' '+s+' '); textbackground(0); textcolor(9); write(']'); repeat write('Ä') until wherex=80; writeln; end; function cstr(i:integer):astr; var c:astr; begin str(i,c); cstr:=c; end; function freek(d:integer):longint; (* See disk space *) {var r:registers;} begin freek:=diskfree(d) div 1024; {$3600; r.dx:=d; msdos(dos.registers(r)); freek:=trunc(1.0*r.bx**;} end; function exdrv(s:astr):byte; begin {rcg11242000 point at root drive always. Ugh.} { s:=fexpand(s); exdrv:=ord(s[1])-64; } exdrv:=3; end; procedure movefile(srcname,destpath:string); var buffer:array[1..16384] of byte; dfs,nrec:integer; src,dest:file; dd:dirstr; dn:namestr; de:extstr; procedure dodate; var r:registers; od,ot,ha:integer; begin srcname:=srcname+#0; destpath:=destpath+#0; with r do begin ax:=$3d00; ds:=seg(srcname[1]); dx:=ofs(srcname[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5700; msdos(dos.registers(r)); od:=dx; ot:=cx; bx:=ha; ax:=$3e00; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3d02; ds:=seg(destpath[1]); dx:=ofs(destpath[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5701; cx:=ot; dx:=od; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3e00; bx:=ha; msdos(dos.registers(r)); end; end; begin fsplit(srcname,dd,dn,de); destpath:=destpath+dn+de; assign(src,srcname); {$I-} reset(src,1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": File not found.'^G^G); halt(1); end else begin dfs:=freek(exdrv(destpath)); {rcg11172000 don't have LONGfilesize()...} {if (trunc(longfilesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs) then begin} if (trunc(filesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs) then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": Disk full.'); halt(1); end else begin assign(dest,destpath); rewrite(dest,1); repeat blockread(src,buffer,16384,nrec); blockwrite(dest,buffer,nrec); until (nrec<16384); close(dest); close(src); dodate; erase(src); end; end; end; procedure moveprivmail(npath:astr); var j,k:integer; s,s1,odir:astr; mailfile:file of mailrec; mr:mailrec; f:file; lastm,thism:messages; {* keep track of mass-mail duplicates *} begin {rcg11242000 DOSism.} {while copy(npath,length(npath),1)='\' do} while copy(npath,length(npath),1)='/' do npath:=copy(npath,1,length(npath)-1); getdir(0,odir); {$I-} chdir(npath); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin chdir(odir); star('Using existing subdirectory ("'+npath+'")'); end else begin star('Creating new subdirectory ("'+npath+'")'); {$I-} mkdir(npath); {$I+} end; if (ioresult=0) then begin assign(mailfile,systat.gfilepath+'email.dat'); {$I-} reset(mailfile); {$I+} if (ioresult=0) then begin k:=0; writeln; for j:=filesize(mailfile)-1 downto 0 do begin {* will sort messages in * the order of * newest-->oldest *} seek(mailfile,j); read(mailfile,mr); with mr.msg do begin s:=ltr+cstr(number)+'.'+cstr(ext); s1:=systat.pmsgpath+s; thism:=mr.msg; gotoxy(wherex,wherey-1); clreol; inc(k); {rcg11242000 DOSism.} { star('Message file #'+cstr(k)+' of '+ cstr(filesize(mailfile))+': '+npath+'\'+s); } star('Message file #'+cstr(k)+' of '+ cstr(filesize(mailfile))+': '+npath+'/'+s); if ((thism.ltr<>lastm.ltr) or (thism.number<>lastm.number) or (thism.ext<>lastm.ext)) then begin assign(f,s1); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin close(f); {rcg11242000 DOSism.} {movefile(s1,npath+'\');} movefile(s1,npath+'/'); lastm:=thism; end else star('File does not exist: '+s1); lastm:=thism; end; end; end; close(mailfile); end else star('Unable to open file: '+systat.gfilepath+'EMAIL.DAT'); end else star('Unable to create subdirectory: '+npath); end; procedure movemsgbase(brd:boardrec; npath:astr; i:integer); var j,k:integer; s,s1,odir:astr; f:file; mary:array[0..200] of messagerec; begin {rcg11242000 DOSism.} {while copy(npath,length(npath),1)='\' do} while copy(npath,length(npath),1)='/' do npath:=copy(npath,1,length(npath)-1); with brd do begin getdir(0,odir); {$I-} chdir(npath); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin chdir(odir); star('Using existing subdirectory ("'+npath+'")'); end else begin star('Creating new subdirectory ("'+npath+'")'); {$I-} mkdir(npath); {$I+} end; if ioresult=0 then begin assign(f,systat.gfilepath+brd.filename+'.BRD'); {$I-} reset(f,sizeof(messagerec)); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin writeln; blockread(f,mary[0],1); blockread(f,mary[1],mary[0].message.number); close(f); k:=0; for j:=mary[0].message.number downto 1 do {* will sort messages in * the order of * newest-->oldest *} with mary[j].message do begin s:=ltr+cstr(number)+'.'+cstr(ext); s1:=systat.pmsgpath+s; assign(f,s1); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin close(f); gotoxy(wherex,wherey-1); clreol; inc(k); {rcg11242000 DOSisms.} { star('Message file #'+cstr(k)+' of '+ cstr(mary[0].message.number)+': '+npath+'\'+s); movefile(s1,npath+'\'); } star('Message file #'+cstr(k)+' of '+ cstr(mary[0].message.number)+': '+npath+'/'+s); movefile(s1,npath+'/'); end else star('File does not exist: '+s1); end; end else star('Unable to open file: '+systat.gfilepath+brd.filename+'.BRD'); end else star('Unable to create subdirectory: '+npath); end; end; begin getdir(0,sp); assign(systatf,'status.dat'); reset(systatf); read(systatf,systat); close(systatf); star('Each message base in Telegard can now occupy its own, seperate directory'); star('path on your drive. Seperating the messages into seperate directorys'); star('will speed up seek-time for messages considerably.'); writeln; star('This program can do all the work of seperating all the messages'); star('in each base into their own directories.'); writeln; star('Message directories will be created off of your current Telegard MSGS/'); star('directory according to the *.BRD FILENAMEs of each message base.'); writeln; star('Example:'); star('"'+systat.pmsgpath+'EMAIL/" for private mail'); star('"'+systat.pmsgpath+'GENERAL/" for message base #1'); star(' (if msg base #1 filename is "GENERAL")'); star('"'+systat.pmsgpath+'MISC/" for message base #2'); star(' (if msg base #2 filename is "MISC")'); star('And so on.'); writeln; write('Continue and do this? [Yes] : '); repeat c:=upcase(readkey) until c in ['Y','N',^M]; abort:=(c='N'); writeln(c); if (abort) then halt; writeln; writeln; ttl('Moving public message bases into seperate directory paths'); assign(bf,systat.gfilepath+'boards.dat'); reset(bf); for i:=0 to filesize(bf)-1 do begin seek(bf,i); read(bf,brd); {rcg11242000 DOSism.} {brd.msgpath:=brd.msgpath+brd.filename+'\';} brd.msgpath:=brd.msgpath+brd.filename+'/'; seek(bf,i); write(bf,brd); star('Moving messages in '+brd.filename+'.BRD ('') to "'+brd.msgpath+'"'); movemsgbase(brd,brd.msgpath,i+1); end; close(bf); chdir(sp); {rcg11242000 DOSisms.} { ttl('Moving private mail into "'+systat.pmsgpath+'EMAIL\"'); moveprivmail(systat.pmsgpath+'EMAIL\'); systat.pmsgpath:=systat.pmsgpath+'EMAIL\'; } ttl('Moving private mail into "'+systat.pmsgpath+'EMAIL/"'); moveprivmail(systat.pmsgpath+'EMAIL/'); systat.pmsgpath:=systat.pmsgpath+'EMAIL/'; rewrite(systatf); write(systatf,systat); close(systatf); end.