(*****************************************************************************) (*> <*) (*> SYSOP2B .PAS - Written by Eric Oman <*) (*> <*) (*> SysOp functions: System Configuration Editor -- "B" command. <*) (*> <*) (*> <*) (*****************************************************************************) {$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit sysop2b; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} sysop3, common; procedure pofile; implementation const aresure='Are you sure this is what you want? '; function wantit:boolean; begin nl; wantit:=pynq(aresure); end; procedure noch; begin print('No change.'); end; function phours(s:astr; lotime,hitime:integer):astr; begin if (lotime<>hitime) then phours:=tch(cstr(lotime div 60))+':'+tch(cstr(lotime mod 60))+'...'+ tch(cstr(hitime div 60))+':'+tch(cstr(hitime mod 60)) else phours:=s; end; procedure gettimerange(s:astr; var st1,st2:integer); var t1,t2,t1h,t1m,t2h,t2m:integer; begin if pynq(s) then begin nl; nl; print('All entries in 24 hour time. Hour: (0-23), Minute: (0-59)'); nl; prompt('Starting time:'); prt(' Hour : '); mpl(5); inu(t1h); if (t1h<0) or (t1h>23) then t1h:=0; prt(' Minute : '); mpl(5); inu(t1m); if (t1m<0) or (t1m>59) then t1m:=0; nl; prompt('Ending time: '); prt(' Hour : '); mpl(5); inu(t2h); if (t2h<0) or (t2h>23) then t2h:=0; prt(' Minute : '); mpl(5); inu(t2m); if (t2m<0) or (t2m>59) then t2m:=0; t1:=t1h*60+t1m; t2:=t2h*60+t2m; end else begin t1:=0; t2:=0; end; nl; prompt('Hours: '+phours('Undeclared',t1,t2)); if (wantit) then begin st1:=t1; st2:=t2; end; end; procedure pofile; var s:string[80]; i:integer; c:char; abort,next,done:boolean; begin done:=FALSE; repeat with systat do begin cls; sprint(#3#5+'BBS configuration and file paths'); nl; abort:=FALSE; printacr('A. BBS name & number :'+bbsname+#3#3+' ('+bbsphone+')',abort,next); printacr('B. SysOp''s name/alias :<'+sysopname+'>',abort,next); printacr('C. SysOp chat hours :'+mln(phours('*None*',lowtime,hitime),16)+ 'G. 300 baud hours :'+phours('Always allowed',b300lowtime,b300hitime),abort,next); printacr('D. Regular DL hours :'+mln(phours('Always allowed',dllowtime,dlhitime),16)+ 'H. 300 baud DL hours :'+phours('Always allowed',b300dllowtime,b300dlhitime),abort,next); printacr('E. Shuttle Logon is :'+mln(aonoff(shuttlelog,'Active','In-active'),16)+ 'I. New users are :'+aonoff(closedsystem,'Rejected','Accepted'),abort,next); printacr('!. LOCKOUT 300 BAUD :'+syn(lock300)+' '+ 'J. Swap shell function:'+aonoff(swapshell,'Active','In-active'),abort,next); printacr('F. BBS Passwords '+ 'K. Pre-event warning :'+cstr(eventwarningtime)+' seconds',abort,next); nl; printacr(' 0. Swap shell directory :"'+swappath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 1. Main data files dir. :"'+gfilepath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 2. Alternate text file dir.:"'+afilepath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 3. Priv/pub msgs directory :"'+msgpath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 4. Menu file directory :"'+menupath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 5. Text-file section dir. :"'+tfilepath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 6. Trap/log/chat directory :"'+trappath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 7. Temporary directory :"'+temppath+'"',abort,next); printacr(' 8. Last text-file edit date:'+tfiledate,abort,next); (* printacr(' 9. High message pointer: (A):'+hmsg.ltr+' (B):'+cstr(hmsg.number)+' (C):'+cstr(hmsg.ext),abort,next);*) nl; prt('Enter selection (A-J,!,1-8) [Q]uit : '); onek(c,'QABCDEFGHIJK!012345678'); nl; case c of 'Q':done:=TRUE; 'A':begin print('New BBS name:'); prt(':'); inputwc(s,80); if (s<>'') then bbsname:=s else noch; nl; print('New BBS phone number, entered in the following format:'); print(' ###-###-####'); prt(':'); mpl(12); input(s,12); if (s<>'') then bbsphone:=s else noch; end; 'B':begin prt('New SysOp name: '); mpl(30); inputl(s,30); if (s<>'') then sysopname:=s else noch; end; 'C':if (incom) then sprint(#3#7+'This can only be changed locally.') else gettimerange('Do you want to declare sysop hours? ', lowtime,hitime); 'D':gettimerange('Do you want to declare download hours? ', dllowtime,dlhitime); 'E':shuttlelog:=pynq('Should Shuttle Logon be activated? '); '!':begin sprint(#3#5+'If 300 baud callers are locked out, "NO300.MSG"'); sprint(#3#5+'will be printed each time a 300 baud caller connects,'); sprint(#3#5+'and the user will be hung up.'); nl; lock300:=pynq('Should 300 baud callers be LOCKED OUT? '); end; 'F':begin print('System Passwords:'); print(' A. SysOp password :'+sysoppw); print(' B. New user password :'+newuserpw); print(' C. Shuttle Logon password:'+shuttlepw); nl; prt('Change (A-C) : '); onek(c,'QABC'^M); if (c in ['A'..'C']) then begin case c of 'A':prt('New SysOp password: '); 'B':prt('New new-user password: '); 'C':prt('New Shuttle Logon password: '); end; mpl(20); input(s,20); nl; print('New password: "'+s+'"'); if (wantit) then case c of 'A':sysoppw:=s; 'B':newuserpw:=s; 'C':shuttlepw:=s; end; end; end; 'G':gettimerange('Do you want to declare 300 baud hours? ', b300lowtime,b300hitime); 'H':gettimerange('Do you want to declare 300 baud download hours? ', b300dllowtime,b300dlhitime); 'I':closedsystem:=pynq('Should new users be REJECTED? '); 'J':swapshell:=pynq('Should the swap shell function be used? '); 'K':begin prt('New pre-event warning time ['+cstr(eventwarningtime)+'] : '); inu(i); if (not badini) then eventwarningtime:=i; end; '0'..'7':begin prt('Enter new '); case c of '1':prt('GFILES'); '2':prt('AFILES'); '3':prt('EMAIL'); '4':prt('MENUS'); '5':prt('TFILES'); '6':prt('TRAP'); '7':prt('TEMP'); '0':prt('SWAP'); end; prt(' path:'); nl; mpl(79); input(s,79); if (s<>'') then begin {rcg11242000 DOSism.} {if (copy(s,length(s),1)<>'\') then s:=s+'\';} if (copy(s,length(s),1)<>'\') then s:=s+'/'; if (wantit) then case c of '1':gfilepath:=s; '2':afilepath:=s; '3':msgpath:=s; '4':menupath:=s; '5':tfilepath:=s; '6':trappath:=s; '7':temppath:=s; '0':swappath:=s; end; end else noch; end; '8':begin prt('Enter new date in the form "MM/DD/YY":'); nl; mpl(10); input(s,10); if (s='') or (copy(s,3,1)<>'/') or (copy(s,6,1)<>'/') then noch else tfiledate:=s; end; (* '9':begin sprint(#3#7+'!!!WARNING!!!'+#3#1); sprint(#3#5+'Do NOT use this command unless you know EXACTLY '+ 'what you''re doing!!!'); nl; prt('Change (A-C) [Q]uit :'); onek(c,'QABC'^M); case c of 'A':begin prt('New letter (A-Z) :'); getkey(c); c:=upcase(c); if (c in ['A'..'Z']) then hmsg.ltr:=c else noch; end; 'B':begin prt('New number (-32767-32768) :'); input(s,6); i:=value(s); if ((i>=-32767) and (i<=32768)) then hmsg.number:=i else noch; end; 'C':begin prt('New extension (1-128) :'); inu(i); if ((i>=1) and (i<=128)) then hmsg.ext:=i else noch; end; end; end;*) end; end; until (done) or (hangup); end; end.