(*****************************************************************************) (*> <*) (*> MISC4 .PAS - InfoForm questionairre system. <*) (*> <*) (*****************************************************************************) {$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit misc4; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} doors, misc3, common; procedure readq(filen:astr; infolevel:integer); procedure readasw(usern:integer; fn:astr); procedure readasw1(fn:astr); implementation procedure readq(filen:astr; infolevel:integer); const level0name:string=''; var infile,outfile,outfile1:text; outp,lin,s,mult,got,lastinp,ps,ns,es,infilename,outfilename:astr; i:integer; abort,next,plin:boolean; c:char; procedure gotolabel(got:astr); var s:astr; begin got:=':'+allcaps(got); reset(infile); repeat readln(infile,s); until (eof(infile)) or (allcaps(s)=got); end; procedure dumptofile; begin { output answers to *.ASW file, and delete temporary file } reset(outfile1); {$I-} append(outfile); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then rewrite(outfile); while (not eof(outfile1)) do begin readln(outfile1,s); writeln(outfile,s); end; close(outfile1); close(outfile); erase(outfile1); end; begin infilename:=filen; if (not exist(infilename)) then begin fsplit(infilename,ps,ns,es); infilename:=ps+ns+'.INF'; if (not exist(infilename)) then begin infilename:=systat.afilepath+ns+'.INF'; if (not exist(infilename)) then begin sysoplog('** InfoForm not found: "'+filen); print('** InfoForm not found: "'+filen); exit; end; end; end; assign(infile,infilename); {$I-} reset(infile); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin sysoplog('** InfoForm not found: "'+filen+'"'); print('** InfoForm not found: "'+filen+'"'); exit; end; fsplit(infilename,ps,ns,es); outfilename:=systat.afilepath+ns+'.ASW'; assign(outfile1,systat.afilepath+'TEMP$'+cstr(infolevel)+'.ASW'); if (infolevel=0) then begin level0name:=outfilename; assign(outfile,outfilename); sysoplog('** Answered InfoForm "'+filen+'"'); rewrite(outfile1); writeln(outfile1,'User: '+nam); writeln(outfile1,'Date: '+dat); writeln(outfile1); end else begin sysoplog('**>> Answered InfoForm "'+filen+'"'); rewrite(outfile1); assign(outfile,level0name); end; nl; printingfile:=TRUE; repeat abort:=FALSE; readln(infile,outp); if (pos('*',outp)<>0) and (copy(outp,1,1)<>';') then outp:=';A'+outp; if (length(outp)=0) then nl else case outp[1] of ';':begin if (pos('*',outp)<>0) then if (outp[2]<>'D') then outp:=copy(outp,1,pos('*',outp)-1); lin:=copy(outp,3,length(outp)-2); i:=80-length(lin); s:=copy(outp,1,2); if (s[1]=';') then case s[2] of 'C','D','G','I','K','L','Q','T',';':i:=1; { do nothing } else sprompt(lin); end; s:=#1#1#1; case outp[2] of 'A':inputl(s,i); 'B':input(s,i); 'C':begin mult:=''; i:=1; s:=copy(outp,pos('"',outp),length(outp)-pos('"',outp)); repeat mult:=mult+s[i]; inc(i); until (s[i]='"') or (i>length(s)); lin:=copy(outp,i+3,length(s)-(i-1)); sprompt(lin); onek(c,mult); s:=c; end; 'D':begin dodoorfunc(outp[3],copy(outp,4,length(outp)-3)); s:=#0#0#0; end; 'G':begin got:=copy(outp,3,length(outp)-2); gotolabel(got); s:=#0#0#0; end; 'H':hangup:=TRUE; 'I':begin mult:=copy(outp,3,length(outp)-2); i:=pos(',',mult); if i<>0 then begin got:=copy(mult,i+1,length(mult)-i); mult:=copy(mult,1,i-1); if allcaps(lastinp)=allcaps(mult) then gotolabel(got); end; s:=#0#0#0; end; 'K':begin close(infile); close(outfile1); erase(outfile1); if (infolevel<>0) then begin {$I-} append(outfile); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then rewrite(outfile); writeln(outfile,'** Aborted InfoForm: "'+filen+'"'); close(outfile); end; sysoplog('** Aborted InfoForm. Answers not saved.'); printingfile:=FALSE; cfilteron:=FALSE; exit; end; 'L':begin writeln(outfile1,copy(outp,3,length(outp)-2)); s:=#0#0#0; end; 'Q':begin close(outfile1); dumptofile; readq(copy(outp,3,length(outp)-2),infolevel+1); rewrite(outfile1); s:=#0#0#0; end; 'T':begin s:=copy(outp,3,length(outp)-2); printf(s); s:=#0#0#0; end; 'Y':if yn then s:='YES' else s:='NO'; ';':s:=#0#0#0; end; if (s<>#1#1#1) then begin outp:=lin+s; lastinp:=s; end; if (s=#0#0#0) then outp:=#0#0#0; end; ':':outp:=#0#0#0; else printacr(outp,abort,next); end; if (outp<>#0#0#0) then begin if (pos('@7',outp)<>0) then delete(outp,pos('@7',outp),2); writeln(outfile1,outp); end; until ((eof(infile)) or (hangup)); if (hangup) then begin writeln(outfile1); writeln(outfile1,'** HUNG UP **'); end; close(outfile1); dumptofile; close(infile); printingfile:=FALSE; cfilteron:=FALSE; end; procedure readasw(usern:integer; fn:astr); var qf:text; user:userrec; qs,ps,ns,es:astr; i,userntimes:integer; abort,next,userfound,usernfound,ufo:boolean; procedure exactmatch; begin reset(qf); repeat readln(qf,qs); if (copy(qs,1,6)='User: ') then begin i:=value(copy(qs,pos('#',qs)+1,length(qs)-pos('#',qs))); if (i=usern) then begin inc(userntimes); usernfound:=TRUE; if (allcaps(qs)=allcaps('User: '+user.name+' #'+cstr(usern))) then userfound:=TRUE; end; end; if (not empty) then wkey(abort,next); until (eof(qf)) or (userfound) or (abort); end; procedure usernmatch; begin sprompt(#3#7+'No exact user name matches; user number was found '); if (userntimes=1) then sprompt('once') else sprompt(cstr(userntimes)+' times'); sprint('.'); nl; reset(qf); repeat readln(qf,qs); if (copy(qs,1,6)='User: ') then begin i:=value(copy(qs,pos('#',qs)+1,length(qs)-pos('#',qs))); if (i=usern) then if (userntimes=1) then userfound:=TRUE else begin sprompt(#3#4+'User: '+#3#3+copy(qs,7,length(qs)-6)); userfound:=pynq(' -- Is this right? '); end; end; if (not empty) then wkey(abort,next); until (eof(qf)) or (userfound) or (abort); nl; end; begin ufo:=(filerec(uf).mode<>fmclosed); if (not ufo) then reset(uf); if ((usern>=1) and (usern<=filesize(uf)-1)) then begin seek(uf,usern); read(uf,user); end else begin print('Invalid user number: '+cstr(usern)); exit; end; if (not ufo) then close(uf); nl; abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; fn:=allcaps(fn); fsplit(fn,ps,ns,es); fn:=allcaps(systat.afilepath+ns+'.ASW'); if (not exist(fn)) then begin fn:=allcaps(systat.gfilepath+ns+'.ASW'); if (not exist(fn)) then begin print('InfoForm answer file not found: "'+fn+'"'); exit; end; end; assign(qf,fn); {$I-} reset(qf); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('"'+fn+'": unable to open.') else begin userfound:=FALSE; usernfound:=FALSE; userntimes:=0; exactmatch; if (not userfound) and (usernfound) and (not abort) then usernmatch; if (not userfound) and (not abort) then print('Questionairre answers not found.') else begin sprint(qs); (*(#3#4+'User: '+#3#3+caps(user.name)+' #'+cstr(usern));*) repeat readln(qf,qs); if (copy(qs,1,6)<>'User: ') then printacr(qs,abort,next) else userfound:=FALSE; until eof(qf) or (not userfound) or (abort); end; close(qf); end; end; procedure readasw1(fn:astr); var ps,ns,es:astr; usern:integer; begin nl; print('Read InfoForm answers -'); nl; if (fn='') then begin prt('Enter filename: '); mpl(8); input(fn,8); nl; if (fn='') then exit; end; fsplit(fn,ps,ns,es); fn:=allcaps(systat.gfilepath+ns+'.ASW'); if (not exist(fn)) then begin fn:=allcaps(systat.afilepath+ns+'.ASW'); if (not exist(fn)) then begin print('InfoForm answer file not found: "'+fn+'"'); exit; end; end; print('Enter user number, user name, or partial search string:'); prt(':'); finduserws(usern); if (usern<>0) then readasw(usern,fn) else begin nl; if pynq('List entire answer file? ') then begin nl; printf(ns+'.ASW'); end; end; end; end.