{$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} {$M 50000,0,1024} { Declared here suffices for all Units as well! } uses crt,dos, {rcg11172000 No semicolon?} {myio,} myio; const needconv = 'E'; standard_conversion = FALSE; {$I rcc17a.pas} {rcg11172000 hmm...don't have this file...} {I rec17b.pas} {$I brec17a2.pas} {rcg11172000 ...but need this...} {$I recc.pas} var a,b,lastss,mp,gp,sp:astr; h,i,j,k,savx,savy:integer; c:char; aw:boolean; { author working } back:boolean; { converting BACK TO PREVIOUS VERSION ! .. } found:boolean; dirinfo:searchrec; ptsforisrequest,ptsfornotval:integer; wind:windowrec; didit:boolean; needs:longint; artable:astr; { systatf17a4:file of systatrec17a4;} { systat17a4:systatrec17a4;} systatf1:file of systatrec1; systat1:systatrec1; systatf0:file of systatrec; systat0:systatrec; systatf:file of systatrec; systat:systatrec; modemrf17a7:file of modemrec17a7; modemr17a7:modemrec17a7; modemrf:file of modemrec; modemr:modemrec; fstringf:file of fstringrec; fstring:fstringrec; sf1:file of smalrec1; sr1:smalrec1; sf:file of smalrec; sr:smalrec; uf1:file of userrec1; user1:userrec1; {**} uf0:file of userrec; user0:userrec; uf:file of userrec; user:userrec; {**} bf1:file of boardrec1; brd1:boardrec1; { bf17a5:file of boardrec17a5;} { brd17a5:boardrec17a5;} bf:file of boardrec; brd:boardrec; mailfile1:file of mailrec1; mail1:mailrec1; {**} mailfile:file of mailrec; mail:mailrec; {**} ulf1:file of ulrec1; ubrd1:ulrec1; { ulf17a2:file of ulrec17a2;} { ubrd17a2:ulrec17a2;} ulf0:file of ulrec; ubrd0:ulrec; ulf:file of ulrec; ubrd:ulrec; ulff1:file of ulfrec1; uld1:ulfrec1; ulff:file of ulfrec; uld:ulfrec; { slf1:file of slr1; seclev1:array[0..255] of slr1; slf:file of seclevrec; seclev:seclevrec;} gfilef1:file of gft1; {**} gfile1:gft1; {**} gfilef:file of tfilerec;{**} gfile:tfilerec; {**} smf1:file of smr1; sm1:smr1; smf:file of smr; sm:smr; ztf1:file of zlogt1; {**} zt1:zlogt1; {**} ztf:file of zlogrec; {**} zt:zlogrec; {**} vdf1:file of vdatar1; {**} vd1:vdatar1; {**} vdf:file of vdatar; {**} vd:vdatar; {**} macrf:file of macrorec; macr:macrorec; xp1:file of protrec1; xpr1:protrec1; xp0:file of protrec; xpr0:protrec; xp:file of protrec; xpr:protrec; mbasef1:file of messagerec1; mbase1:messagerec1; mbasef:file of messagerec; mbase:messagerec; ff:file; {**} (* NOT defined globally in COMMON.PAS .... *) function value(I:astr):integer; var n,n1:integer; begin val(i,n,n1); if n1<>0 then begin i:=copy(i,1,n1-1); val(i,n,n1) end; value:=n; if i='' then value:=0; end; function cstrl(li:longint):astr; var c:astr; begin str(li,c); cstrl:=c; end; function cstr(i:integer):astr; var c:astr; begin str(i,c); cstr:=c; end; function tch(i:astr):astr; begin if length(i)>2 then i:=copy(i,length(i)-1,2) else if length(i)=1 then i:='0'+i; tch:=i; end; function time:astr; var reg:registers; h,m,s:string[4]; begin reg.ax:=$2c00; intr($21,Dos.Registers(reg)); str(reg.cx shr 8,h); str(reg.cx mod 256,m); str(reg.dx shr 8,s); time:=tch(h)+':'+tch(m)+':'+tch(s); end; function date:astr; var reg:registers; m,d,y:string[4]; begin reg.ax:=$2a00; msdos(Dos.Registers(reg)); str(reg.cx,y); str(reg.dx mod 256,d); str(reg.dx shr 8,m); date:=tch(m)+'/'+tch(d)+'/'+tch(y); end; function leapyear(yr:integer):boolean; begin leapyear:=(yr mod 4=0) and ((yr mod 100<>0) or (yr mod 400=0)); end; function days(mo,yr:integer):integer; var d:integer; begin d:=value(copy('312831303130313130313031',1+(mo-1)*2,2)); if (mo=2) and leapyear(yr) then d:=d+1; days:=d; end; function daycount(mo,yr:integer):integer; var m,t:integer; begin t:=0; for m:=1 to (mo-1) do t:=t+days(m,yr); daycount:=t; end; function daynum(dt:astr):integer; var d,m,y,t,c:integer; begin t:=0; m:=value(copy(dt,1,2)); d:=value(copy(dt,4,2)); {rcg11182000 hahahaha...a Y2K bug. :) } y:=value(copy(dt,7,2))+1900; {rcg11182000 added this conditional. } if (y < 1977) then { Ugh...this is so bad. } y := y + 100; for c:=1985 to y-1 do if leapyear(c) then t:=t+366 else t:=t+365; t:=t+daycount(m,y)+(d-1); daynum:=t; if y<1985 then daynum:=0; end; function freek(d:integer):longint; (* See disk space *) {var r:registers;} begin freek:=diskfree(d) div 1024; { r.ax:=$3600; r.dx:=d; msdos(dos.registers(r)); freek:=trunc(1.0*r.bx*r.ax*r.cx/1024.0);} end; procedure tc(i:integer); begin textcolor(i); end; procedure star(s:astr); begin tc(9); write('ŝ '); tc(11); writeln(s); end; function exdrv(s:astr):byte; begin s:=fexpand(s); exdrv:=ord(s[1])-64; end; procedure movefile(srcname,destpath:string); var buffer:array[1..16384] of byte; dfs,nrec:integer; src,dest:file; dd,dn,de:string; procedure dodate; var r:registers; od,ot,ha:integer; begin srcname:=srcname+#0; destpath:=destpath+#0; with r do begin ax:=$3d00; ds:=seg(srcname[1]); dx:=ofs(srcname[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5700; msdos(dos.registers(r)); od:=dx; ot:=cx; bx:=ha; ax:=$3e00; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3d02; ds:=seg(destpath[1]); dx:=ofs(destpath[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5701; cx:=ot; dx:=od; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3e00; bx:=ha; msdos(dos.registers(r)); end; end; begin fsplit(srcname,dd,dn,de); destpath:=destpath+dn+de; assign(src,srcname); {$I-} reset(src,1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": File not found.'^G^G); { halt(1);} end else begin dfs:=freek(exdrv(destpath)); {rcg11172000 don't have LONGfilesize()...} {if (trunc(longfilesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs) then begin} if (trunc(filesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs) then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": Disk full.'); halt(1); end else begin assign(dest,destpath); rewrite(dest,1); repeat blockread(src,buffer,16384,nrec); blockwrite(dest,buffer,nrec); until (nrec<16384); close(dest); close(src); dodate; erase(src); end; end; end; procedure smovefile(srcname,destpath:string); begin star('Moving "'+srcname+'" to "'+destpath+'"'); movefile(srcname,destpath); end; procedure ffile(fn:astr); begin findfirst(fn,anyfile,dirinfo); found:=(doserror=0); end; procedure nfile; var r:registers; begin findnext(dirinfo); found:=(doserror=0); end; function allcaps(s:astr):astr; (* returns a COMPLETELY capitalized string *) var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do s[i]:=upcase(s[i]); allcaps:=s; end; procedure cursoron; var reg:registers; begin with reg do begin ch:=07; cl:=08; ah:=1; intr($10,reg); end; end; procedure cursoroff; var reg:registers; begin with reg do begin ch:=09; cl:=00; ah:=1; intr($10,reg); end; end; procedure prt(s:string); begin textcolor(9); write(s); end; procedure ttl(s:string); begin writeln; textcolor(9); write('ÄÄ['); textbackground(1); textcolor(15); write(' '+s+' '); textbackground(0); textcolor(9); write(']'); repeat write('Ä') until wherex=80; writeln; end; procedure ee(s:astr); begin clrscr; writeln; tc(4); writeln('ERROR:'); writeln; tc(15); write(' '+s); writeln; writeln; tc(9); write('Hit any key to exit : '); repeat until keypressed; c:=readkey; removewindow(wind); gotoxy(savx,savy); halt(1); end; procedure ss(s:astr); begin lastss:=allcaps(s); star('Searching for "'+lastss+'"'); end; procedure cantopen; begin ee('Unable to open "'+lastss+'"'); end; function needc(c:char):boolean; begin if pos(c,needconv)<>0 then needc:=TRUE else needc:=FALSE; end; procedure fvers; var i:integer; begin needs:=0; writeln; ss('status.dat'); assign(systatf1,'status.dat'); {$I-} reset(systatf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(systatf1,systat1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin close(systatf1); assign(systatf,'status.dat'); reset(systatf); {$I-} read(systatf,systat); {$I+} gp:=systat.gfilepath; mp:=systat.menupath; close(systatf); end else begin gp:=systat1.gfilepath; mp:=systat1.menupath; close(systatf1); end; inc(needs,sizeof(systatrec)); if needc('1') then begin ss('names.lst'); assign(sf1,gp+'names.lst'); {$I-} reset(sf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin assign(systatf,'status.dat'); reset(systatf); {$I-} read(systatf,systat); {$I+} gp:=systat.gfilepath; mp:=systat.menupath; close(systatf); assign(sf1,gp+'names.lst'); {$I-} reset(sf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; end; {$I-} read(sf1,sr1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(smalrec)*filesize(sf1)); close(sf1); end; if needc('2') then begin ss('user.lst'); assign(uf1,gp+'user.lst'); {$I-} reset(uf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(uf1,user1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(userrec)*filesize(uf1)); close(uf1); end; if needc('3') then begin ss('boards.dat'); assign(bf1,gp+'boards.dat'); {$I-} reset(bf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(bf1,brd1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(boardrec)*filesize(bf1)); close(bf1); end; if needc('4') then begin ss('email.dat'); assign(mailfile1,gp+'email.dat'); {$I-} reset(mailfile1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(mailfile1,mail1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(mailrec)*filesize(mailfile1)); close(mailfile1); end; if needc('5') then begin ss('gfiles.dat'); assign(gfilef1,gp+'gfiles.dat'); {$I-} reset(gfilef1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(gfilef1,gfile1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(tfilerec)*filesize(gfilef1)); close(gfilef1); end; if needc('6') then begin ss('protocol.dat'); assign(xp1,gp+'protocol.dat'); {$I-} reset(xp1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; inc(needs,sizeof(protrec)*filesize(xp1)); close(xp1); end; if needc('7') then begin ss('shortmsg.dat'); assign(smf1,gp+'shortmsg.dat'); {$I-} reset(smf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(smf1,sm1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(smalrec)*filesize(smf1)); close(smf1); end; if needc('8') then begin ss('uploads.dat'); assign(ulf1,gp+'uploads.dat'); {$I-} reset(ulf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(ulf1,ubrd1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(ulrec)*filesize(ulf1)); close(ulf1); end; if needc('9') then begin ss('voting.dat'); assign(vdf1,gp+'voting.dat'); {$I-} reset(vdf1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(vdatar)*filesize(vdf1)); if (ioresult=0) then close(vdf1); end; if needc('A') then begin ss('zlog.dat'); assign(ztf1,gp+'zlog.dat'); {$I-} reset(ztf1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then cantopen; {$I-} read(ztf1,zt1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(zlogrec)*filesize(ztf1)); close(ztf1); end; if needc('B') then begin ss('*.dir'); ffile(gp+'*.dir'); while (found) do begin assign(ulff1,fexpand(gp+dirinfo.name)); {$I-} reset(ulff1); {$I+} inc(needs,sizeof(ulfrec)*filesize(ulff1)); close(ulff1); nfile; end; end; end; function barconv(c:char):char; var s:astr; begin if (pos(c,artable)<>0) then s:=copy('ABCDEFG',pos(c,artable),1) else s:='@'; barconv:=s[1]; end; function arconv(c:char):char; begin if (c in ['A'..'G']) then if (length(artable)>=ord(c)-64) and (artable[ord(c)-64] in ['@'..'Z']) then arconv:=artable[ord(c)-64] else arconv:='@' else arconv:='@'; end; function substall(src,old,new:astr):astr; var p:integer; begin p:=1; while (p>0) do begin p:=pos(old,src); if (p>0) then begin insert(new,src,p+length(old)); delete(src,p,length(old)); end; end; substall:=src; end; procedure bconvert(xx:integer); var i,j,k:integer; s:astr; b:boolean; begin end; procedure fconvert(xx:integer); const dcols:clrs=((15,7,7,15,15,15,112,7,143,7),(15,3,1,11,9,14,31,4,140,10)); var i,j,k:integer; b:boolean; s,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15:astr; c:char; mf,mf1:text; sepmsgs,nocopy,bla,b1,b2:boolean; f:file; mary:array[0..200] of messagerec; curdir:astr; newpath:array[1..3] of astr; fff:file; menuline:array[1..13] of string[255]; uu:uflags1; numread:word; procedure make_paths; var s:string; i,j:integer; begin for i:=1 to 3 do begin while copy(newpath[i],length(newpath[i]),1)='\' do newpath[i]:=copy(newpath[i],1,length(newpath[i])-1); case i of 1:s:='AFILES'; 2:s:='TRAP'; 3:s:='TEMP'; end; star(s+' path ("'+fexpand(newpath[i])+'")'); {$I-} mkdir(fexpand(newpath[i])); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin writeln; star('Error creating directory "'+fexpand(newpath[i])+'"'); halt(1); end; if (i=3) then for j:=1 to 3 do begin {$I-} mkdir(fexpand(newpath[i]+'\'+cstr(j))); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin writeln; star('Error creating directory "'+fexpand(newpath[i]+'\'+cstr(j))+'"'); halt(1); end; end; newpath[i]:=newpath[i]+'\'; end; end; function sacs(b:byte):string; begin if (b>0) then sacs:='s'+cstr(b) else sacs:=''; end; begin case xx of 14:begin ttl('Adding records to "MODEM.DAT"'); chdir(copy(gp,1,length(gp)-1)); ffile('modem.dat'); if (not found) then star('MODEM.DAT not found.') else begin assign(modemrf17a7,'modem.old'); rewrite(modemrf17a7); close(modemrf17a7); erase(modemrf17a7); assign(modemrf17a7,'modem.tcp'); rewrite(modemrf17a7); close(modemrf17a7); erase(modemrf17a7); assign(modemrf,'modem.tcp'); rewrite(modemrf); assign(modemrf17a7,'modem.dat'); reset(modemrf17a7); read(modemrf17a7,modemr17a7); with modemr17a7 do begin modemr.waitbaud:=waitbaud; modemr.comport:=comport; modemr.init:=init; modemr.answer:=answer; modemr.hangup:=hangup; modemr.offhook:=offhook; modemr.nocallinittime:=nocallinittime; modemr.arq9600rate:=arq9600rate; modemr.noforcerate:=noforcerate; modemr.nocarrier:=nocarrier; modemr.nodialtone:=nodialtone; modemr.busy:=busy; for i:=1 to 2 do for j:=0 to 4 do modemr.resultcode[i][j]:=resultcode[i][j]; modemr.ctschecking:=TRUE; modemr.dsrchecking:=TRUE; modemr.usexonxoff:=FALSE; modemr.hardwired:=FALSE; end; write(modemrf,modemr); close(modemrf); rename(modemrf17a7,'modem.old'); rename(modemrf,'modem.dat'); star('Done.'); writeln; end; chdir(sp); end; end; end; procedure convert(xx:integer); var s:astr; i,j,k:integer; c:char; begin case xx of 0 :c:='S'; 1..9 :c:=chr(xx+48); 10..20:c:=chr(xx+55); end; if (needc(c)) then if (back) then bconvert(xx) else fconvert(xx); end; begin infield_out_fgrd:=15; infield_out_bkgd:=1; infield_inp_fgrd:=0; infield_inp_bkgd:=7; getdir(0,sp); aw:=FALSE; didit:=FALSE; if paramcount>0 then if allcaps(paramstr(1))='C' then aw:=TRUE; savx:=wherex; savy:=wherey; setwindow(wind,1,1,80,25,7,0,0); clrscr; textbackground(1); textcolor(15); clreol; write(' Telegard Conversion for '+ver1+' ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ '+ver); textbackground(0); window(1,2,80,25); clrscr; tc(14); writeln; writeln('This program is provided to add/modify/create files used by Telegard to'); writeln('make it 100% functional under the '+ver+' environment. This file MUST'); writeln('be ran in the directory in which STATUS.DAT is found, and STATUS.DAT MUST'); writeln('be in '+ver1+' format!!! If STATUS.DAT is not in the current directory,'); writeln('or if you have already ran this program (STATUS.DAT has already been'); writeln('converted), this program will abort.'); writeln; tc(9); write('Hit any key to continue ( to abort NOW) : '); repeat until keypressed; c:=readkey; if (c=#27) then ee('ABORTED CONVERSION'); repeat clrscr; fvers; if (not aw) then begin writeln; star('WARNING! This conversion program needs APPROXIMATELY'); star(cstrl(needs)+' bytes free on your main BBS drive!!!!!!!!'); writeln; star('You currently have '+cstrl(freek(0)*1024)+' bytes left on the current drive.'); writeln; star('If you DO NOT have enough space left, your drive will probably'); star('explode, and your house will burn to the ground. If you are'); star('skeptical of this, feel free to call Garfield, SysOp of Electric'); star('Eye ][ BBS (313/776-8928), who can tell you how bad HIS messed up'); star('when he converted from 1.6d3 --> 1.6e1 with only 500k!'); writeln; if (not l_pynq('Proceed? ')) then ee('Aborted conversion'); end; clrscr; writeln; if aw then begin for i:=0 to 15 do begin if (i>=1) and (i<=9) then c:=chr(i+48) else if (i=0) then c:='S' else if (i>=10) then c:=chr(i+55); if (needc(c)) then begin tc(9); write('['+cstr(i)+'] '); if i<10 then write(' '); tc(11); case i of 0:write('(S)tatus.dat'); 1:write('names.lst'); 2:write('user.lst'); 3:write('boards.dat'); 4:write('email.dat'); 5:write('gfiles.dat'); 6:write('protocol.dat'); 7:write('shortmsg.dat'); 8:write('uploads.dat'); 9:write('voting.dat'); 10:write('zlog.dat'); 11:write(gp+'*.dir'); 12:write(gp+'*.brd'); 13:write(mp+'*.mnu'); 14:write('modem.dat'); 15:write('string.dat'); end; writeln; end; end; writeln; tc(14); write('Enter # to convert, (A)ll or (Q)uit :'); tc(9); readln(a); a:=allcaps(a); j:=value(a); end else a:='A'; if (j=0) then if (copy(a,1,1)='S') then j:=0 else j:=-1; if (copy(a,1,1)<>'Q') or ((j>=0) and (j<=13)) then begin writeln; if aw then begin tc(14); write('[1]Convert to '+ver+' - [2]Convert back to '+ver1+' : '); tc(9); readln(b); b:=allcaps(b); h:=value(b); end else h:=1; if (h in [1,2]) then begin clrscr; tc(15); back:=FALSE; if h=2 then back:=TRUE; if back then begin tc(31); writeln('Convert '+ver+' ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ '+ver1); end else writeln('Convert '+ver1+' ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ '+ver); writeln; tc(4); write('WARNING: '); tc(12); if back then writeln('If files are not in version '+ver+' format,') else writeln('If files are NOT in version '+ver1+' format,'); writeln('the data will be COMPLETELY LOST *FOREVER*!!'); writeln; writeln; tc(14); writeln('ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE?'); writeln('(Enter "YES" in ALL CAPS, without quotes, if you are...)'); write(':'); readln(b); if b='YES' then begin clrscr; if copy(a,1,1)<>'A' then convert(j) else begin for i:=0 to 20 do convert(i); { ttl('Moving new files into their directories'); smovefile('protocol.dat',systat.gfilepath); smovefile('sysfunc.ans',systat.afilepath);} end; didit:=TRUE; end; end; end; if (not aw) then a:='Q'; until copy(a,1,1)='Q'; writeln; star('Press any key...'); c:=readkey; clrscr; removewindow(wind); if didit then begin setwindow(wind,20,11,59,17,9,1,1); clrscr; tc(15); gotoxy(4,3); write('Thank you for choosing Telegard!'); CursorOff; delay(1500); CursorOn; removewindow(wind); end; gotoxy(savx,savy); chdir(sp); end.