
142 lines
7.2 KiB

** **
** **
** These are specific to IBM PCs and close compatibles. **
** **
UART_THR = $00; { offset from base of UART Registers for IBM PC }
UART_RBR = $00;
UART_IER = $01;
UART_IIR = $02;
UART_LCR = $03;
UART_MCR = $04;
UART_LSR = $05;
UART_MSR = $06;
I8088_IMR = $21; { port address of the Interrupt Mask Register }
COM1_Base = $03F8; { port addresses for the UART }
COM2_Base = $02F8;
COM3_Base = $03E8;
COM4_Base = $02E8;
COM1_Irq = 4; { Interrupt line for the UART }
COM2_Irq = 3;
COM3_Irq = 4;
COM4_Irq = 3;
RS232_Base = $0400; { Address of RS 232 com port pointer }
MaxComPorts = 4; { Four ports allowed by this code }
{ Port addresses of each com port }
default_com_base:array[1..maxcomports] of word =
( COM1_Base, COM2_Base, COM3_Base, COM4_Base );
{ IRQ line for each port }
default_com_irq:array[1..maxcomports] of integer =
( COM1_Irq, COM2_Irq, COM3_Irq, COM4_Irq );
{ }
{ }
{ The communications buffers are implemented as circular (ring) }
{ buffers, or double-ended queues. The asynchronous I/O routines }
{ enter characters in the receive buffer as they arrive at the }
{ serial port. Higher-level routines may extract characters from }
{ the receive buffer at leisure. Higher-level routines insert }
{ characters into the send buffer. The asynchronous I/O routines }
{ then send characters out the serial port when possible. }
{ }
timeout = 256; { TimeOut value }
async_xon = ^Q; { XON character }
async_xoff = ^S; { XOFF character }
async_overrun_error = 2; { overrun }
async_parity_error = 4; { parity error }
async_framing_error = 8; { framing error }
async_break_found = 16; { break interrupt }
async_cts = $10; { Clear to send }
async_dsr = $20; { Data set ready }
async_buffer_type = array[0..1] of char; { I/O buffer type for serial port }
async_ptr = ^async_buffer_type;
com_base:array[1..maxcomports] of word; { Port addresses for serial ports }
com_irq:array[1..maxcomports] of integer; { IRQ line for each serial port }
const async_buffer_max=5120;
async_buffer:array[0..async_buffer_max] of char;
async_buffer_ptr : async_ptr; { Input buffer address }
async_obuffer_ptr : async_ptr; { Output buffer address }
async_open_flag : boolean; { true if port opened }
async_port, { current open port number (1 -- 4) }
async_base, { base for current open port }
async_irq, { IRQ for current open port }
async_rs232 : integer; { RS232 address for current port }
async_buffer_overflow : boolean; { True if buffer overflow has happened }
async_buffer_used, { Amount of input buffer used so far }
async_maxbufferused : integer; { Maximum amount of input buffer used }
{ Async_Buffer empty if Head = Tail }
async_buffer_head, { Loc in Async_Buffer to put next char }
async_buffer_tail, { Loc in Async_Buffer to get next char }
async_buffer_newtail : integer; { For updating tail value }
async_obuffer_overflow : boolean; { True if buffer overflow has happened }
async_obuffer_used, { Amount of output buffer used }
async_maxobufferused : integer; { Max amount of output buffer used }
{ Async_OBuffer empty if Head = Tail }
async_obuffer_head, { Loc in Async_OBuffer to put next char }
async_obuffer_tail, { Loc in Async_OBuffer to get next char }
async_obuffer_newtail : integer; { For updating tail value }
async_buffer_low, { Low point in receive buffer for XON }
async_buffer_high, { High point in receive buffer for XOFF}
async_buffer_high_2 : integer; { Emergency point for XOFF }
async_xoff_sent, { If XOFF sent }
async_send_xoff, { TRUE to send XOFF ASAP }
async_xoff_received, { If XOFF received }
async_xoff_rec_display, { If XOFF received }
async_xon_rec_display : boolean; { If XOFF received }
async_baud_rate : word; { Current baud rate }
async_save_iaddr : pointer; { Save previous serial interrupt status}
async_do_cts, { TRUE to do clear-to-send checking }
async_do_dsr, { TRUE to do data-set-ready checking }
async_do_xonxoff, { TRUE to do XON/XOFF flow checking }
async_hard_wired_on : boolean; { TRUE if hard-wired connection }
async_break_length : integer; { Length of break in 1/10 seconds }
async_line_status, { Line Status Reg at interrupt }
async_modem_status, { Modem Status Reg at interrupt }
async_line_error_flags : byte; { Line status bits accumulated }
async_buffer_size, { Stores input buffer size }
async_obuffer_size, { Stores output buffer size }
async_uart_IER, { Interrupt enable register address }
async_uart_IIR, { Interrupt ID register address }
async_uart_MSR, { Modem status register address }
async_uart_LSR, { Line status register address }
async_output_delay, { Delay in ms when output buffer full }
async_onemsdelay : integer; { Loop count value to effect 1 ms delay}
async_send_addr : async_ptr; { pointer to Async_Send routine }