
727 lines
35 KiB

V20_verdate='Jan 01 1990';
V20_maxboards=100; { 1 - x }
V20_maxuboards=143; { 0 - x }
V20_maxprotocols=120; { 0 - x }
V20_maxevents=10; { 0 - x } { #0 is Nightly Events (if active) }
V20_maxarcs=8; { 1 - x }
V20_astr = string[160];
V20_acstring=string[20]; { Access Condition String }
V20_acrq ='@'..'Z'; { AR flags }
V20_uflags =
(V20_rlogon, { L - Restricted to one call a day }
V20_rchat, { C - Can't page the SysOp }
V20_rvalidate, { - Posts marked unvalidated }
V20_rbackspace, { - Can't do ^B/^N/etc in messages }
V20_ramsg, { - Can't change the AutoMessage }
V20_rpostan, { * - Can't post anonymously }
V20_rpost, { P - Can't post at all }
V20_remail, { E - Can't send any e-mail }
V20_rvoting, { K - Can't vote }
V20_onekey, { onekey input mode }
V20_wordwrap, { UNUSED }
V20_pause, { pause }
V20_novice, { user is at novice help level }
V20_ansi, { user has ANSI }
V20_color, { user has color }
V20_alert, {}
V20_smw, { short-message waiting for user }
V20_nomail, { user mail-box is closed }
V20_fnodlratio, { 1 - No UL/DL ratio }
V20_fnopostratio, { 2 - No post/call ratio }
V20_fnofilepts, { 3 - No file points checking }
V20_fnodeletion); { 4 - Protection from deletion }
V20_anontyp =
(V20_atno, { No anonymous posts allowed }
V20_atyes, { Anonymous posts are allowed }
V20_atforced, { ALL posts are forced anonymous }
V20_atdearabby, { "Dear Abby" message base }
V20_atanyname); { User's can post as ANY name they want }
V20_clrs = array[FALSE..TRUE,0..9] of byte; { color records }
V20_secrange= array[0..255] of integer; { security tables }
cpackdatetime=array[1..6] of byte;
V20_mzscanr = set of 1..V20_maxboards;
V20_fzscanr = set of 0..V20_maxuboards;
V20_mhireadr= array[1..V20_maxboards] of cpackdatetime;
V20_dlnscan =set of 0..96;
V20_messages= { message file name records }
ltr:char; { ("A") letter }
number:integer; { ("-32767") number }
ext:byte; { (".1") extension }
V20_smalrec= { NAMES.LST : Sorted names listing }
name:string[36]; { user name }
number:integer; { user number }
V20_userrec= { USER.LST : User account records }
name:string[36]; { user name }
realname:string[36]; { real name }
pw:string[20]; { user password }
ph:string[12]; { user phone # }
bday:string[8]; { user birthdate }
firston:string[8]; { firston date }
x1xs :array[1..2] of byte;
laston:string[8]; { laston date }
x2xs :array[1..2] of byte;
street:string[30]; { mailing address }
citystate:string[30]; { city, state }
zipcode:string[10]; { zipcode }
computer:string[30]; { type of computer }
occupation:string[40]; { occupation }
wherebbs:string[40]; { BBS reference }
note:string[39]; { SysOp note }
lockedout:boolean; { if locked out }
deleted:boolean; { if deleted }
lockedfile:string[8]; { lockout msg to print }
ac:set of V20_uflags; { user flags }
ar:set of V20_acrq; { AR flags }
zzqscan:array[1..64] of word; { last read msg pointers }
xqxxx:array[1..64] of word;
zzqscn:array[1..64] of boolean; { scan boards flags }
zzdlnscn:V20_dlnscan; { scan uboards flags }
vote:array[1..20] of byte; { voting data }
sex:char; { user sex }
ttimeon:longint; { total mins spent on }
uk:longint; { UL k }
dk:longint; { DL k }
uploads,downloads, { # of ULs / # of DLs }
loggedon, { # times logged on }
tltoday, { # min left today }
msgpost, { # public posts }
emailsent, { # email sent }
feedback, { # feedback sent }
forusr, { forward mail to user # }
filepoints:integer; { # of file points }
waiting, { mail waiting }
linelen, { line length (# cols) }
pagelen, { page length (# rows) }
ontoday, { # times on today }
illegal, { # illegal logon attempts }
sl,dsl:byte; { SL / DSL }
cols:V20_clrs; { user colors }
lastmsg,lastfil:byte; { last msg/file areas }
credit:longint; { $$$ credit in dollars }
timebank:integer; { # mins in Time Bank }
boardsysop:array[1..5] of byte; { msg board SysOp }
trapactivity, { if trapping users activity }
trapseperate:boolean; { if trap to seperate TRAP file }
timebankadd:integer; { time added to timebank TODAY }
mpointer:longint; { pointer to entry in MACRO.LST }
chatauto, { if auto chat trapping }
chatseperate:boolean; { if seperate chat file to trap to }
userstartmenu:string[8]; { menu to start user out on }
slogseperate:boolean; { seperate SysOp log? }
clsmsg:byte; { 1 if clear-screen msg, 2 if not }
flistopt:byte; { type of file list type to use }
msgorder:byte; { 0:Chrono, 1:ReplyTree }
res:array[1..55] of byte; { RESERVED }
V20_zscanrec= { ZSCAN.DAT : NewScan recs (file/msg) }
record { ** b0..b3 }
mhiread:V20_mhireadr; { NewScan high message pointers }
mzscan:V20_mzscanr; { NewScan message bases }
fzscan:V20_fzscanr; { NewScan file bases }
(V20_miexist, { does message actually exist? }
V20_miencrypted, { is it encrypted? }
V20_miunvalidated, { is message unvalidated? }
V20_mipermanent, { is the message permanent? }
V20_miallowmci, { DID owner have access to MCI? }
V20_mithreads, { is message referenced? (threaded) }
V20_mimassmail); { is it private, mass mail? }
V20_msgindexrec= { *.MIX : Message index records }
messagenum:word; { message number, tonum in EMAIL.MIX }
hdrptr:longint; { pointer to message header }
msgindexstat:set of V20_msgindexstatr; { status flags }
msgid:word; { id: permanent random -- 0..65535 }
msgdate:array[1..6] of byte; { id: original date/time }
msgdowk:byte; { id: original day-of-week (0=Sun ...) }
lastdate:array[1..6] of byte; { update: date/time }
lastdowk:byte; { update: day-of-week }
isreplyto, { reply this message is to (-1=None) }
numreplys:word; { number of replys to THIS message }
V20_fromtoinfo= { from/to information for mheaderrec }
anon:byte; { anonymous type }
usernum:word; { user number }
as:string[60]; { given name for this case }
real, { user real name }
alias:string[36]; { user alias }
V20_mheaderrec= { *.BRD : Message header records }
signature, { header signature - $ABCD0123 }
msgptr:longint; { pointer to actual message text }
isreplyto_iddate:array[1..6] of byte; { isreplyto id date - for NetMail }
isreplyto_idrand:word; { isreplyto id randomid }
title:string[60]; { title of message }
fromi, { from information }
toi:V20_fromtoinfo; { to information }
originsite:string[60]; { site of *original* origin }
V20_mtreerec= { *.TRE : Message reply-tree records }
messagerunning, { message number, running }
messagenum:word; { actual message number in *.MIX }
ilevel:byte; { indent level - for replys }
isreplyto, { reply this message is to (-1=None) }
numreplys:word; { number of replys to THIS message }
msgdate:array[1..6] of byte; { message id date }
msgdowk:byte; { message day-of-week }
(V20_validated, { validated }
V20_unvalidated, { unvalidated }
V20_deleted, { deleted }
V20_permanentpost, { post is permanent }
V20_mciallowed, { owner of post has access to MCI }
V20_anonymouspost, { post is anonymous (any type) }
V20_sysopanonymous); { anonymous post made by SysOp }
V20_messagerec= { *.BRD : Public message records }
title:string[50]; { title of message }
messagestat:set of V20_msgstat; { message status }
message:V20_messages; { message filename }
owner, { from user # }
date, { date of message }
nacc:integer; { number of times read }
V20_mailrec= { EMAIL.DAT : Private mail records }
title:string[30]; { title of e-mail }
from, { from user # }
destin:integer; { to user # }
msg:V20_messages; { message filename }
date:integer; { date of message }
mage:byte; { max days message can exist }
V20_zlogrec= { ZLOG.DAT : System log }
userbaud:array[0..4] of integer;
V20_filearcinforec= { Archive configuration records }
active:boolean; { whether this archive format is active }
ext:string[3]; { 3-chr file extension }
listline, { /x for internal;
x: 1=ZIP, 2=ARC/PAK, 3=ZOO, 4=LZH }
arcline, { compression cmdline }
unarcline, { de-compression cmdline }
testline, { integrity test cmdline, '' for *None* }
cmtline:string[25]; { comment cmdline, '' for *None* }
succlevel:integer; { success ERRORLEVEL, -1=ignore results }
waitbaud:word; { wait baud }
comport:byte; { comport number }
init:string[80]; { initialization string }
answer:string[40]; { answer string }
hangup:string[40]; { hangup string }
offhook:string[40]; { phone off-hook string }
nocallinittime:integer; { reinit modem after x mins of inactivity }
arq9600rate:word; { baud rate to USE when 9600 ARQ result code }
noforcerate:boolean; { whether to force baud rate}
nocarrier:integer; { no carrier result code }
nodialtone:integer; { no dialtone result code }
busy:integer; { busy result code }
resultcode:array[1..2,0..4] of integer; {**-Result codes-** }
ansiq:string[80]; { "Do you want ANSI? " string }
note:array[1..2] of string[80]; { Logon notes (L #1-2) }
lprompt:string[80]; { Logon prompt (L #3) }
echoc:char; { Echo char for PWs }
sysopin, { "SysOp In" (inside SysOp hours)}
sysopout, { "SysOp Out" }
engage, { "Engage Chat" }
endchat, { "End Chat" }
wait, { "SysOp Working" }
pause, { "Pause" }
entermsg1, { "Enter Message" line #1 }
entermsg2, { "Enter Message" line #2 }
newscan1, { "NewScan begin" }
newscan2, { "NewScan done" }
scanmessage, { Message scanning prompt }
automsgt:string[80]; { Auto-Message title }
autom:char; { Auto-Message border characters }
shelldos1, { " >> SysOp shelling to DOS ..." }
shelldos2, { " ... thank you for waiting." }
chatcall1, { "Paging SysOp, please wait..." }
chatcall2, { ">>><*><<<" }
guestline, { "To be a guest ... " }
namenotfound, { "Name NOT found in user list." }
bulletinline, { Bulletin line }
thanxvote, { "Thanks for voting" }
listline, { "List files - P to pause" }
newline, { "Search for new files -" }
searchline, { "Search all dirs for file mask" }
findline1, { "Search for descriptions... " }
findline2, { "Enter the string to search for.." }
downloadline, { "Download - " }
uploadline, { "Upload - " }
viewline, { "View interior files - " }
nofilepts, { "Insufficient file points." }
unbalance, { "Your UL/DL ratio is unbalanced" }
pninfo, { "P to Pause, N for next dir" }
gfnline1, { "[Enter]=All files" }
gfnline2, { "File mask: " }
batchadd:string[80]; { "File added to batch queue." }
gfilepath:string[79]; { GFILES path }
afilepath:string[79]; { AFILES path (text files path) }
menupath:string[79]; { MENUS path }
trappath:string[79]; { LOG path (traps, chats, SysOp logs) }
msgpath:string[79]; { MSG path (priv/pub mail path) }
tfilepath:string[79]; { TFILES path }
temppath:string[79]; { TEMP path - "temp" directory }
bbsname:string[80]; { BBS name }
bbsphone:string[12]; { BBS phone number }
sysopname:string[30]; { SysOp's full name or alias }
maxusers, { max number of users system can have }
lowtime, { SysOp begin minute (in minutes) }
hitime, { SysOp end time }
dllowtime, { normal downloading hours begin.. }
dlhitime:integer; { ..and end }
shuttlelog, { is Shuttle Logon active? }
lock300:boolean; { lock out 300 baud? }
sysoppw, { SysOp PW }
newuserpw, { newuser PW (or NULL if none) }
shuttlepw:string[20]; { Shuttle PW (if Shuttle active) }
b300lowtime, { 300 baud calling hours begin.. }
b300hitime, { ..and end }
b300dllowtime, { 300 baud downloading hours begin.. }
b300dlhitime:integer; { ..and end }
closedsystem:boolean; { DON'T allow new users? }
snowchecking:boolean; { is snow checking on? }
eventwarningtime:integer; { time before event warning }
tfiledate:string[8]; { last date text-files were inserted }
hmsg:V20_messages; { highest message pointer }
res1:array[1..20] of byte; { RESERVED SPACE #1 }
sop, { SysOp }
csop, { Co-SysOp }
msop, { Message SysOp }
fsop, { File SysOp }
spw, { SysOp PW at logon }
seepw, { see SysOp PWs remotely }
normpubpost, { make normal public posts }
normprivpost, { send normal e-mail }
anonpubread, { see who posted public anon }
anonprivread, { see who sent anon e-mail }
anonpubpost, { make anon posts }
anonprivpost, { send anon e-mail }
seeunval, { see unvalidated files }
dlunval, { DL unvalidated files }
nodlratio, { no UL/DL ratio }
nopostratio, { no post/call ratio }
nofilepts, { no file points checking }
ulvalreq:V20_acstring; { uploads require validation by SysOp }
res2:array[1..100] of byte; { RESERVED SPACE #2 }
maxprivpost, { max e-mail can send per call }
maxfback, { max feedback per call }
maxpubpost, { max posts per call }
maxchat, { max chat-pages per call }
maxwaiting, { max mail in mail-box }
csmaxwaiting, { max mail in mail-box for Co-SysOp + }
maxlines, { max lines in message }
csmaxlines, { max lines in message for Co-SysOp + }
maxlogontries, { tries allowed for PW's at logon }
bsdelay, { backspacing delay }
sysopcolor, { SysOp color in chat mode }
usercolor:byte; { user color in chat mode }
minspaceforpost, { minimum K drive space left to post }
minspaceforupload:integer; { minimum K drive space left to upload }
backsysoplogs, { days to keep SYSOP##.LOG }
wfcblanktime:byte; { minutes after which to blank WFC menu }
res3:array[1..20] of byte; { RESERVED SPACE #3 }
specialfx, { WFC menu "special effects" }
fossil, { make use of FOSSIL comm driver }
allowalias, { allow alias's? (handles) }
phonepw, { use phone number password in logon? }
localsec, { is local security ON? }
localscreensec, { is local screen-security ON? }
globaltrap, { trap ALL USER'S activity? }
autochatopen, { does chat buffer auto-open? }
autominlogon, { Auto-Message in logon? }
bullinlogon, { bulletins in logon? }
lcallinlogon, { "Last Few Callers" list in logon? }
yourinfoinlogon, { "Your Info" in logon? }
multitask, { is BBS multitasking? }
offhooklocallogon, { take phone off-hook for local logons? }
forcevoting, { is manditory logon voting active? }
compressbases, { "compress" file/message base numbers? }
searchdup:boolean; { search for dup. filenames when UL? }
slogtype:byte; { SysOp log type: File/Printer/Both }
stripclog:boolean; { strip colors from SysOp log output? }
newapp, { user# to send new user application to }
guestuser, { user# of guest user account }
timeoutbell, { minutes before time-out bell }
timeout:integer; { minutes before timeout (logoff) }
usewfclogo:boolean; { whether to use WFC menu logo }
res4:array[1..19] of byte; { RESERVED SPACE #4 }
filearcinfo:array[1..V20_maxarcs] of V20_filearcinforec; { archive specs }
filearccomment:array[1..3] of string[80]; { BBS comments for archives }
uldlratio, { are UL/DL ratios active? }
fileptratio:boolean; { is auto file-pt compensation active? }
fileptcomp, { file point compensation ratio }
fileptcompbasesize, { file point "base compensation size" }
ulrefund, { percent time refund for ULs }
tosysopdir:byte; { "To SysOp" file base }
validateallfiles:boolean; { validate ALL FILES automatically? }
remdevice:string[10]; { remote output device (GATEx,COMx,etc) }
maxintemp, { max K allowed in TEMP\3\ }
minresume:integer; { min K to allow resume-later }
maxdbatch, { max files in DL batch queue }
maxubatch:byte; { max files in UL batch queue }
res5:array[1..30] of byte; { RESERVED SPACE #5 }
newsl, { newuser SL }
newdsl:byte; { newuser DSL }
newar:set of V20_acrq; { newuser AR }
newac:set of V20_uflags; { newuser AC }
newfp:integer; { newuser file points }
autosl, { auto-validation SL }
autodsl:byte; { auto-validation DSL }
autoar:set of V20_acrq; { auto-validation AR }
autoac:set of V20_uflags; { auto-validation AC }
allstartmenu:string[8]; { logon menu to start ALL users on }
chatcfilter1, { SysOp chat color-filter }
chatcfilter2:string[12]; { user chat color-filter }
bulletprefix:string[8]; { default bulletins filename prefix }
res6:array[1..15] of byte; { RESERVED SPACE #6 }
timeallow, { time allowance }
callallow, { call allowance }
dlratio, { # ULs/# DLs ratios }
dlkratio, { DLk/ULk ratios }
postratio:V20_secrange; { post/call ratios }
lastdate:string[8]; { last system date }
curwindow:byte; { type of SysOp window currently in use }
istopwindow:boolean; { is SysOp window on top of screen? }
callernum:longint; { total number of callers }
numusers:integer; { number of users }
todayzlog:V20_zlogrec; { TODAY's ZLOG record }
postcredits:integer; {file points/upload credit compensation for posts}
rebootforevent:boolean; { reboot before events? }
watchdogdoor:boolean; { Telegard WatchDog active in doors? }
res:array[1..199] of byte; {((((((>>> RESERVED <<<))))))}
(V20_tbunhidden, { whether *VISIBLE* to users w/o access }
V20_tbnetlink, { whether Net-Linked to other Telegards }
V20_tbisdir); { if a text-file base directory }
V20_tfilerec= { GFILES.DAT : Text-file records }
title:string[40]; { title }
filen:string[12]; { filename }
gdate:string[8]; { date of Tfile / Tfile base }
gdaten:integer; { numeric date for fast calculation }
acs, { access requirement }
ulacs:V20_acstring; { upload to base access requirement }
tbstat:set of V20_tbflags; { text-file base status vars }
permindx:longint; { permanent index # }
tbdepth:integer; { tfile base dir depth }
res:array[1..4] of byte; { RESERVED }
V20_vdatar= { VOTING.DAT : Voting records }
question:string[79]; { voting question }
numa:integer; { number of user's who have answered }
answ:array[0..V20_numvoteas] of
ans:string[40]; { answer description }
numres:integer; { # user's who picked this answer }
(V20_mbunhidden, { whether *VISIBLE* to users w/o access }
V20_mbrealname, { whether real names are forced }
V20_mbisdir, { if a message base directory }
V20_mbmsgpath); { if *.BRD file stored in MSGPATH }
V20_boardrec= { MBASES.DAT : Message base records }
record { ** b133..135 (assumes b132=$FC) }
name:string[40]; { message base description }
filename:string[12]; { filename of data files }
acs, { access requirement }
postacs, { post access requirement }
mciacs:V20_acstring; { MCI usage requirement }
maxmsgs:word; { max message count }
anonymous:V20_anontyp; { anonymous type }
password:string[20]; { base password }
mbstat:set of V20_mbflags; { message base status vars }
permindx:longint; { permanent index # }
echoname:string[8]; { message base echo name }
{ dirs, { base-directory "sibling" }}
{ dirp:longint; { base-directory "parent" }}
dataver:array[1..3] of byte; { version of data file }
V20_boardrec= { BOARDS.DAT : Message base records }
name:string[40]; { message base description }
filename:string[12]; { BRD/MIX/TRE data filename }
msgpath:string[40]; { messages pathname }
acs, { access requirement }
postacs, { post access requirement }
mciacs:V20_acstring; { MCI usage requirement }
maxmsgs:word; { max message count }
anonymous:V20_anontyp; { anonymous type }
password:string[20]; { base password }
mbstat:set of V20_mbflags; { message base status vars }
permindx:longint; { permanent index # }
mbtype:integer; { base type (0=Local, 1=FidoNet) }
res:array[1..4] of byte; { RESERVED }
(V20_fbnoratio, { if <No Ratio> active }
V20_fbunhidden, { whether *VISIBLE* to users w/o access }
V20_fbdirdlpath, { if *.DIR file stored in DLPATH }
V20_fbisdir, { if a file base directory }
V20_fbusegifspecs, { whether to use GifSpecs }
V20_fbnetlink); { whether Net-Linked to other Telegards }
V20_ulrec= { UPLOADS.DAT : File base records }
name:string[40]; { area description }
filename:string[12]; { filename + ".DIR" }
dlpath, { download path }
ulpath:string[40]; { upload path }
maxfiles:integer; { max files allowed }
password:string[20]; { password required }
arctype, { wanted archive type (1..maxarcs,0=inactive) }
cmttype:byte; { wanted comment type (1..3,0=inactive) }
fbdepth:integer; { file base dir depth }
fbstat:set of V20_fbflags; { file base status vars }
acs, { access requirements }
ulacs, { upload requirements }
nameacs:V20_acstring; { see-names requirements }
permindx:longint; { permanent index # }
res:array[1..6] of byte; { RESERVED }
(V20_notval, { if file is NOT validated }
V20_isrequest, { if file is REQUEST }
V20_resumelater); { if file is RESUME-LATER }
V20_ulfrec= { *.DIR : File records }
filename:string[12]; { Filename }
description:string[60]; { File description }
filepoints:integer; { File points }
nacc:integer; { Number DLs }
ft:byte; { File type (useless?) }
blocks:integer; { # 128 byte blks }
owner:integer; { ULer of file }
stowner:string[36]; { ULer's name }
date:string[8]; { Date ULed }
daten:integer; { Numeric date ULed }
vpointer:longint; { Pointer to verbose descr, -1 if none }
filestat:set of V20_filstat; { File status }
res:array[1..10] of byte; { RESERVED }
V20_verbrec= { VERBOSE.DAT : Verbose descriptions }
descr:array[1..4] of string[50];
V20_lcallers= { LASTON.DAT : Last few callers records }
callernum:integer; { system caller number }
name:string[36]; { user name of caller }
number:integer; { user number of caller }
citystate:string[30]; { city/state of caller }
V20_eventrec= { EVENTS.DAT : Event records }
active:boolean; { whether active }
description:string[30]; { event description (for logs) }
etype:char; { A:CS, C:hat, D:os call, E:xternal }
execdata:string[20]; { errorlevel if "E", commandline if "D" }
busytime:integer; { off-hook time before; 0 if none }
exectime:integer; { time of execution }
busyduring:boolean; { busy phone DURING event? }
duration:integer; { length of time event takes }
execdays:byte; { bitwise execution days or day of month if monthly }
monthly:boolean; { monthly event? }
V20_macrorec= { MACROS.LST : Macro records }
macro:array[1..4] of string[240];
(V20_clrscrbefore, { C: clear screen before menu display }
V20_dontcenter, { D: don't center the menu titles! }
V20_nomenuprompt, { N: no menu prompt whatsoever? }
V20_forcepause, { P: force a pause before menu display? }
V20_autotime); { T: is time displayed automatically? }
V20_menurec= { *.MNU : Menu records }
menuname:array[1..3] of string[100]; { menu name }
directive, { help file displayed }
tutorial:string[12]; { tutorial help file }
menuprompt:string[120]; { menu prompt }
acs:V20_acstring; { access requirements }
password:string[15]; { password required }
fallback:string[8]; { fallback menu }
forcehelplevel:byte; { forced help level for menu }
gencols:byte; { generic menus: # of columns }
gcol:array[1..3] of byte; { generic menus: colors }
menuflags:set of V20_mnuflags; { menu status variables }
(V20_hidden, { H: is command ALWAYS hidden? }
V20_unhidden); { U: is command ALWAYS visible? }
V20_commandrec= { *.MNU : Command records }
ldesc:string[70]; { long command description }
sdesc:string[35]; { short command description }
ckeys:string[14]; { command-execution keys }
acs:V20_acstring; { access requirements }
cmdkeys:string[2]; { command keys: type of command }
mstring:string[50]; { MString: command data }
commandflags:set of V20_cmdflags; { command status variables }
xbstat:set of V20_xbflags; { protocol flags }
ckeys:string[14]; { command keys }
descr:string[40]; { description }
acs:V20_acstring; { access string }
templog:string[25]; { temp. log file }
uloadlog,dloadlog:string[25]; { permanent log files }
ulcmd,dlcmd:string[78]; { UL/DL commandlines }
ulcode,dlcode:array [1..6] of string[6]; { UL/DL codes }
envcmd:string[60]; {B}{ environment setup cmd }
dlflist:string[25]; {B}{ DL file lists }
maxchrs:integer; { max chrs in cmdline }
logpf,logps:integer; {B}{ pos in log file for data }
permindx:longint; { permanent index # }
res:array[1..11] of byte; { RESERVED }
V20_cfilterrec=array[0..255] of byte; { color filter record }